Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1263: Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

Uchiha Obito was kicked away.

To be precise.

It was the rib Susan, who was kicked away together.

"Jiraiya, it's almost time for you to learn how to transform into a fairy by yourself."

An old female voice came.

"Didn't you say... don't you like it like this? Because there will be a lack of female popularity."

Another old male voice came.

"Compared to the two of you, I'm still a junior."

Zilai also explained.

"And... the enemy in front of me, using Uchiha Madara's name to bluff and deceive, and even shot at Minato's children, I can't forgive him..."

"Whether it's Orochimaru...or Jiraiya, Sannin, they all have special powers. '

Obito Uchiha, who was kicked away, rubbed a cloud of smoke and dust on the soles of his feet, and stopped his feet.

Jiraiya who has transformed into a sage mode... Appears!

Two frogs stood on either side of his shoulders.

These two frogs are male and female.

It is Shima Senjin and Fukasaku Senjin from Mt. Myogi!


Uchiha Obito saw the fusion of Jiraiya and the two toads very clearly through the insight mode of Sharingan.

While the chakras of the three formed one, it also made Jiraiya's chakra huge.


Jilai also belonged to the Chadora player.

After adding the two great immortals, it was close to Cha Tonla!

Immortal Law · Two Lives Art.

This is the secret of Jiraiya's fusion with the two great immortals!

The current Jiraiya is equivalent to having three Chakra sources!

The 800-year-old two celestial beings can not only advise Zilai, but also make suggestions.

It can also help him extract natural energy and achieve ultra-long and ultra-scale battery life!

At the same time, the immortal mode of Mount Miaomu also increased the damage of all ninjutsu, turning it into an immortal technique.

"I'm sorry to trouble you... little brother."

Jiraiya also said to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's appearance looks like he is in his 20s, facing Jiraiya, who is almost 50 years old, it is true...

"Next, leave it to me!"

Jiraiya said in a confident tone.

His transformation caused a burst of exclamation.

The ninjas in Longyin Village stared at this scene in astonishment, each and every one of them was extremely surprised.

"Two, be careful with this guy, he has the ability to blur himself, allowing any ninjutsu to penetrate his body..."

Zilai also explained.

"Virtualization? Wouldn't that be very troublesome..."

"Try it..."

The two immortals exchanged glances.

"Tongue binding!"


Immortal Shima opened his mouth, and a long tongue suddenly stretched out towards Obito Uchiha.


The tongue was so big that it was on Susanoo, making a terrible muffled sound.

next moment.

She wrapped her tongue around Susanoo.

Chi Chi Chi! !

A large amount of biological acid was secreted from the tongue, quickly eroding Uchiha Obito's Susanoo.


The tongue sticks out.

"Isn't this a hit? And... this guy's Susano is very hard. Although he is not Uchiha Madara, he is also a Uchiha?"

The well-informed Immortal Shima recognized Susanoo's pupil art at a glance.

"Hey... two immortals, "Madara" can freely virtualize himself, of course he can also choose to become a real body... In addition, he can virtualize himself, not necessarily even Susano Almost blur together..."

Orochimaru turned his head and consulted.

"And...this kind of virtualization may have a duration, but it may not last forever..."

"It makes sense..."

Immortal Zhima nodded and looked at Ziraiya.

"Boy, you have a smart companion..."

Orochimaru analyzed Uchiha Obito's ability in one round.

This made Immortal Zhima look at him with admiration.

"Use that trick!"

Immortal Zhima's face tensed, and said.

That move?

"Wind escape..."

Immortal Zhima stretched out two frog arms and formed a mudra.


Fukasaku Immortal gathered toad oil in his mouth.

"Understood... Huo Dun!"

Jiraiya puffed out his chest and spewed out flames.

laugh! !

Wind, fire, oil...the moment when the three are mixed...

The boiling oil at 1000~1200 degrees is produced.

And the name of the technique...

"Senfa Goemon!!"

The boiling oil like a sea wave rushed towards Obito Uchiha like a tsunami.

laugh! !

Almost instantly, half of Susanoo, which had been corroded by the biological acid bound by the tongue, melted away.

The boiling oil seeped in through the cracks in Susano's feet, melting Susano's legs at the same time as Uchiha Obito? ?


Obito Uchiha stood in the boiling oil at more than 1,000 degrees, majestic and motionless.

Let the boiling oil pour back and forth, but he just stood there like a normal person, unaffected at all.

"Is this... blurring?"

The two immortals looked at Obito Uchiha.

"It seems that... the only person who can be blurred is me, Susano can't be blurred."

1016. Magical Toad Sings!

"Knowing this, it's much easier to handle."

Shen Zuo said.

"Honey, he seems to be able to hear voices, maybe physical attacks can't affect him, but we can use illusion..."

"No! Don't even kill me!"

Immortal Zhima immediately objected fiercely.

"What do you mean?" Zilai didn't understand.


Sensei Fukasaku sighed.

"Honey, this battle involves world peace...don't be so self-willed. The Akatsuki organization wants to capture the tailed beast, you should also listen to the old master [Big Toad Immortal], in case the tailed beast Assemble, something terrible will happen...don't be so capricious."

"Shut up! I won't care about the sleepy talk of that demented old man!"

Immortal Zhima never believed in the prophecy of Immortal Toad.

Of course, it may also be that the mouth dislikes the integrity of the body.

"Sister, what are you hating..."

I still don't understand.

"It's already too old...I don't want to sing a duet with dead ghosts..."

Immortal Zhima's cheeks turned red in a rare way.

"It's so embarrassing!"

They are both 800-year-old old couples, and they are still singing duets...

Jiraiya: "What? A duet?"

"Our strongest illusion is an illusion that uses singing to attack the enemy's hearing..."

Immortal Shen Zuo explained.

"Hearing...that's how it is." Jilai also nodded.

"Although this kind of illusion is strong, it has the weakness of being recognized by the enemy's voice...and it takes a little time to combine the two voices..."

"I understand......"

Jilai also immediately bent down and cast the immortal spell.

"Immortal Law: A Thousand Hair Needles!!"

Chi Chi Chi! !

The dense hair flew out from Jiraiya's hair, turning into sharp needles that killed people one by one.

Uchiha Obito stepped out of the boiling oil, ignoring the sharp needles.

"It's now! Quack~~!!"


Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku opened their mouths, and began the prelude to the illusion of frog cry.


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