1026. Tailed Beast Capsule, from Naruko

Received Danzo's order.

Dozens of his subordinates took off Gen's cloak in unison, revealing Anbu's attire.


They took off their masks at the same time, revealing their true faces, and swallowed the purple capsule.

"Now let you see how strong the copycats you are talking about are!"

Jimu Guihu said.

and his lieutenant, Maguire, swallowed the capsule at the end.

Of all the people present, only Shimura Danzo stood there quietly without taking the capsule.


With the first roar that was not human-like, it sounded.

All of them were covered with a lavender chakra coat, and each had a beast-tailed tail.

The number of tails also varies.

There is at least one.

The most... there are eight.

"The number of tails is different..."

Kisame took off the big sword shark muscle.

"Judging from the strength of Chakra, these two guys seem to be the strongest..."

He was referring to Jimu Guihu and Maguire.

Magier has seven tails.

Building blocks expensive household has eight! !

"I probably understand what's going on with the "Tail Beast Capsule"...hehehe..."

Kisame immediately saw the essence of the Tailed Beast Capsule.

"Is it from Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

In the past, Akatsuki gave orders to Itachi.

It is to capture Nine Tails Jinchuriki.

Then something happened to Itachi.

The task is handed over to Ghost Shark.

At the right time, they slap Kisame to take away Nine Tails Jinchuriki.


This plan has also been temporarily put on hold.

Probably... Kyuubi will be captured by Nagato himself.

"That's right, we collected Uzumaki Naruko's Chakra..."

Jimu Guihu grinned.

He doesn't look like the others.

Others are covered in lavender, similar to the "tailed beast suit", which is the posture of chakra in the bubble state.

And building blocks are expensive.

Then it completely turned into a dark purple weirdo.

It looks like a "half-tailed beast".

"Hair, blood...skin debris...anything can become the base point for chakra extraction."

"Basic points... that is, only a small part of the chakra can be extracted..."

Kisame was puzzled.

So how did a small part of Chakra become a scale that can be used by dozens of people and is stronger than Uzumaki Naruko?

"Haha...Sorry, the rest are business secrets."

Jimu Guihu said.

"How, is the Akatsuki organization interested in our technology? If possible, you pay for it and we ship it."

Jimu Guihu asked proudly.

This started to recommend their products on the spot.

it seems...

What he said, to involve the whole ninja world in the flames of war, is not false.

There is such a guy who is afraid of chaos in the world.

I'm afraid... Shimura Danzo can really achieve something...

The current Shimura Danzo.

I can't go back to Konoha anymore.

So...presumably, he's planning to mess up the world.

When the time comes, you will be able to find opportunities out of chaos.

Maybe, the fourth ninja world war will be launched.

"It's not impossible to buy..."

Kisame said with a playful expression.

"But we know that we have to inspect the goods, don't we?"

"Get rid of them!"

With a cry from your household.

Dozens of people rushed towards Kisame and Uchiha Obito.


"Damn it... Jimu Guihu and Majiye... actually researched such a dangerous thing!"

Gui hid aside, staring at the ninja at the root in disbelief.

The little ghosts who were originally very inconspicuous have grown to the point where even she has to look up to them.

The fluctuations from the building block expensive household.

Just like a real tailed orc Churiki.

Gui has no doubt that building block nobles can use methods such as tail beast jade.

"No...it's too dangerous to stay here, even I will be affected and die..."

Immediately understood that this battle is not something he can intervene in.

Gui began to retreat.

At the same time, she also had fear in her heart about Magier and your research...

This tail beast capsule can obviously be mass-produced.

Everyone can have power.

If so...

The balance of the Nine Tailed Beasts will be completely disrupted.

after all.

It takes so much effort to control a tailed beast.

However, the Tailed Beast Capsule seems to have no side effects and can be used as much as you like.

The price required is probably just some nutrients.

——Like a clone of Orochimaru and Uchiha Shin!

Gui couldn't help but think of Shin's 20 kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes all over his body.

When science begins to subvert ninja.

The world... where will it go?

The only hope...

"It's probably on the adults..."

The invincible figure of Hinata Xiao flashed in Gui's mind.

"The only ones who can control this world are adults..."



With the inhuman roar, the battle started.

It is the duo of Obito Uchiha and Kisame Kisame.

Although it is a temporary combination, it is not at all stretched.

The number of people is small, and there is a way of playing with a small number of people.

Moreover, the amount of chakra of Kisame is not necessarily inferior to those root ninjas who ate the tailed beast capsules.

Enemies attack in a variety of ways.

Has a powerful melee attacker.

There are also enemies in the distance who keep throwing enchanted chakra and shurikens to this side.

There is also a long-range turret that uses Tailed Beast Chakra to enhance the power of ninjutsu.

More than 20 bodies of water stood in front of Guixier.

Test their attack types one by one.

Uchiha Obito stood quietly on the battlefield.

While letting the attack pass through his body, he observed the enemy's attack method just like Kisame's body.

in addition.

The root ninja who was disguised as Nohara Lin before.

At this moment, three tails appeared on his body.

She stood there as if she had transformed into a three-tailed Jinchuriki.

This scene made the corners of the dried persimmon ghost shark's mouth grow deeper.

This world is false.

Kisame Kisame realized this very early on.

And what Uchiha Obito pursues is also the falsehood of Infinite Tsukiyomi.

Pursue the false Uchiha Obito, and meet the false Nohara Rin.

Is this a kind of irony? ? ?

Ghost shark doesn't know.

But he understands.

Only Hinata Xiao can make this world real.

The stars and the sea are the things that human beings should pursue.

Instead of falling into mutual infighting.

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