Of course, Kisame also understands the difference between idealism and reality.

Before the ideal can be realized, those fantasies must be overthrown.



Gui Jiao moved, raised the knife in his hand, and chopped off the head of "Nohara Lin".

To be precise, biting is more appropriate.

The saber shark muscle, like a brutal shark, tore apart the human body abruptly.

Let the wound become very miserable.

The epee has no front.

It's the big sword shark muscle.

There is no sharp knife, but it can "shave off" matter.

It proved the strength of Kisame.

It also proves the absorption of chakra by the sword shark muscle.

"Hee hee, Madara-san, don't be dazed..."

Kisame Kisame showed a cruel smile towards Obito Uchiha.

1027. Half-tailed animalization, the terrible power of eight tails


The detached body of the fake Nohara Lin is like some kind of reminder.

Uchiha Obito took a step and moved.


A tail with a fur coat stretched out and pounced on the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Suddenly, it turned into a sharp claw, pinching Guixier's neck.


The sharp claws lifted Kisame from the ground, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"It's so easy to use...the Chakra of the Tailed Beast..."

Ghost Shark said dryly, with a smile on his face.

The opponent drew out the other tail, and slapped Guixier hard in the abdomen.

The pounding of the tail resounded.

Although there was pain, it did not cause any harm to Kisame's strong body.

It's just that if it continues and is slaughtered like a sandbag, it will always receive a fatal blow.

"Hee hee hee~."

Kisame raised his arm and brought the big sword shark muscle in front of him.

wave -


The two tails disappeared.

Then, the restraining force was released, and the ghost shark landed easily.


The other party looked at this scene in disbelief.

Why? what happened?

"This kid is saying, your chakra is very good..."

Kisame waved his big sword shark muscles, and his ninja sword devoured the opponent's chakra.


The other party yelled violently, and another tail struck.

And this time, there were several more people, and they surrounded Kisame heavily.

Each of them seems to have no difficulty using the tailed beast suit and transforming it into the claws of the tailed beast.


Kisame wielded the big sword shark muscle, spun around, and tore all the tails that came at the scene to shreds.


"Hee hee hee......"

Kisame smiled, and the counterattack began.

Cut down with a knife.

Like puncturing a bubble, the tailed beast suit was punctured, and the chakra and human beings were cut out in a bloody storm.

The other party screamed, was severely injured, and fell to the ground.

Although the enemy who fell to the ground did not die, the tailed beast clothes on his body completely disappeared.

"It seems that after losing consciousness, it will stop exerting force, which is exactly the same as Jinzhu force. And..."

Kisame put the big sword shark muscles on his shoulders, turned around and stared at his opponents.

"The duration of the drug's effect is also limited."

After a few confrontations, Kisame discovered the essence of the enemy's strength.


And this, Uchiha Obito also discovered.

For some root ninjas who have not lost consciousness, the lavender-tailed beast suits on their bodies gradually weakened.


These people immediately swallowed the new Tailed Beast Capsule, and the Tailed Beast Chakra on their body was instantly revived.

"Because there are no side effects, the duration is short. Because the duration is short, it is necessary to swallow the second and third drugs..."

Obito Uchiha narrowed his eyes.


This is simply the perfect medicine.

It is more advanced than Jinchuriki's tailed beast suit.


Asked Kido, a building block that turned into a dark purple monster and waved its eight tails.

"Are you satisfied with the Tailed Beast Capsule we studied?"

"It seems normal...hehe..."

Ghost shark laughed.

His big sword shark muscles are specially used to restrain the tailed beast clothes.

Maybe for someone else.

These fake Renzhuli are terrifying.

But for Kisame...

It's just a bunch of meals.


Jimu Guihu's tone turned cold.

next moment.

The whole person rushed over.

"So fast!"

Kisame only had time to raise the big sword shark muscle, and the whole person was blown away.

boom! !

The distance of tens of meters is spanned in an instant.

Kisame broke a big tree and finally flew into the mountains.


The rising frost, gravel, and smoke enveloped the ghost shark.


Jimu Guihu took a look at himself.

His body is in the state of "half-tailed animalization" like a dark purple hard shell.

It has already returned to the state of the bubble-shaped "tailed beast suit".

"It is said that the seven ninja swords of the Kirigakure Seven have different abilities. I saw them today, and they deserve their reputation..."

Said the noble household who had absorbed a large amount of tailed beast chakra by the sword shark muscle.

Staring at his own state, Guihu raised his head and looked at the ghost shark tens of meters away.

Ghost shark sat on the ground.

The whole person fell into the rock.

Because of Kisame's coughing movement, pebbles and frost fell down.


Obito Uchiha narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Kisame's chest, skin, and muscles all disappeared.

Most of the ribs were missing too.

Even the internal organs are blurred.

"This power..."

Even with the big sword shark muscle resisting.

Kisame was still severely injured in an instant.

But the other party just slammed into it with all its strength.

One hit...horrible.

"It's almost the same as the real Tailed Orc Churiki..."

Click, click.

Jimu Guihu moved his neck.



Kisame sat on the ground with the mountains behind him.

It was difficult to even move a finger.


It is the slight movement of the fingers that determines whether Kisame can survive.

clap... clap...

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