Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1290

1040. Hinata Xiao vs Cat Girl

Except Motoyi and Kirabi.

No one at the scene knew about the grudge between Ri Xiangxiao and the two Yumu people.

What's more, I didn't know that Hinata Xiao relied on planting the Zero-Tail Technique in the body of the two Yuki people, so that her own chakra could exceed 1,000 calories.

The words just fell.

The two wooden figures formed seals and spit out a blue rat-shaped fireball like lightning.

Fire rat jade!

It is different from ordinary fire escape.

Fire rat jade does not rely on kinetic energy to follow a predetermined trajectory.

Instead, it follows the owner's consciousness and tracks and attacks at will.

Even if you use a weapon like a kunai to block, it will have no effect at all.

Because Fire Rat Jade can bypass blocking.

Instantly twist and turn flexibly like a real mouse.

There is no time to breathe at all.


The power from Erwei could not stop Ri Xiangxiao.

Rixiang Xiao walked straight forward, like a peregrine falcon flying among the lightning and flint.

Even if he bumped into Fire Rat Jade head-on.

It is only absorbed into the body and the calories are completely digested.

In just the blink of an eye, the black figure was in front of Yumu Ren.

20 years old real age.

Because of the mark of the caged bird, he was locked into a 16-year-old appearance...

Yumu Ren's cheeks clearly appeared in front of Ri Xiangxiao.

A blond and fair-skinned foreign-style girl with exotic characteristics, completely different from Konoha.

Hinata Xiao punched Yumu Ren in the abdomen.

The latter quickly dodged the blow.

But the fist that was hammered out changed its direction before the end.

From a straight fist, it became a swing fist.

Ri Xiangxiao's skills are as tricky and terrifying as before.

It was exactly the same as the attack that night in the "Oni no Kuni Shrine".

Only this time, the speed and power of the attack had increased dramatically.

And Yumu Ren was already prepared.

The extended long claws successfully sealed the fist.

But even if he is mentally prepared and uses biological weapons as a buffer, Ri Xiangxiao's domineering attack cannot be underestimated.

Under the strong momentum, Yumu Ren's exquisite body was immediately bounced several meters away.

But the moment she landed on the ground, the girl had regained her balance.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and your strength is almost at the same level..."

Ri Xiangxiao's tone still contained no emotion at all.

"Do you want to defeat me just to this extent?"

"You don't need to talk nonsense here!" The girl gritted her teeth, turned her wrist suddenly, and interrupted the other person's words with action.

The long sharp claws danced towards Ri Xiangxiao with cold light.

Like a devastating hurricane, the prey is tightly enveloped in the light of swords and shadows.

However, no matter how tricky the angle of Yumu Ren's attack was and how frequently her speed changed, her attack still could not hurt Ri Xiangxiao at all.

Ri Xiangxiao's fists were like airtight iron arms, deflecting every attack from Yumu Ren.

After a few rounds, Ri Xiangxiao suddenly accelerated.

Spot the opportunity.

Many punches were thrown in one second.

On a sudden impulse, every fist Hinata Xiao hammered out was a chakra fist.

It looked like many blue fists appeared around him without moving his fist.

This move.

It is a comprehensive application of Baguazhang series, Luohanquan series, Explosive Palm, form changes, and other methods.

Of course, the main thing.

Or an addition to power transmission.

And Ri Xiangxiao named this move...


A blue fist hammered at Yuki Ren.

There is no room for maneuver.

Yukito had to cross his hands and use his claws to block him.

However, the tough attack did not cause any lag.

boom! !

There was a muffled sound.

Dozens of punches had landed.

Every fist is an enchanted attack.

At the same time, the physical attack of Ri Xiangxiao's physical fist was shared.

Because of the power transmission.

These enchantment attacks also have real physical kinetic energy impact.

Yumu Ren's steps suddenly became chaotic.

She flew backwards, her arms aching.

Ri Xiangxiao saw it in his eyes, but did not pursue it.

"How does pain feel?"

Ri Xiangxiao's white eyes stared at her.

"You know you are no match for me, but you still fight at all costs? This level of "ending" will only destroy yourself in the end. "

"Shut up, what qualifications do you have to preach here!?"

Yukito's words trembled.

The girl tried her best to suppress the fluctuating emotions and retorted loudly.

"You are not only an enemy! You are also a shameful betrayer! Are you just pretending to talk about truth now because you think you can confuse me? Or is it just to numb your own conscience?"

"I see……"

Ri Xiangxiao answered slowly.

"In that case, let me give you a chance."

Ri Xiangxiao took a stance and stayed put.

If you continue to wander.

The result will be very obvious, but Ri Xiangxiao is willing to give up his advantage, stand where he is, and let Yumu Ren do whatever he wants.

"That's right... You can only get true satisfaction by defeating me from the front, right? White Devil... Hinata Xiao! Is that what you think?"

The two Youmu people stopped talking.

She pursed her red lips.

The body leans forward.


With a cat's meow.

Yukito's eyes turned white.


He is talking about Yumu Ren’s current appearance.

The teeth become longer and the claws become sharper.


Scarlet chakra enveloped her body.

The wooden man was dyed into a humanoid monster with two tails...

The second-tailed Nekomata is also a small one.

"She too...?"

Naruko stared at this scene blankly.

Obviously, this big sister who suddenly ran out was a Jinchūriki just like him.

And judging by the number of tails she has, she is a two-tailed Jinchuuriki...

"The second-tailed jinchūriki..."

Because of age, Goju Yagura has never met Yukito.

Because Yumu is much younger than Kirabi, and even a few years younger than Hinata Xiao.

Brush it.

The figure of Yuki disappeared.

"So fast!"

Yagura's pupils shrank.

Each tailed beast has its own characteristics.

The speed of the second tail... is the fastest among the nine tailed beasts.

Obviously, Yukito planned to use his super speed and the attack of the half-tailed beast to decide the outcome.

Destroy the enemy in the rapid sweep of the gap.

The icy speed was like a bolt of lightning.

Of all the people present, no one was confident that they could avoid Yukito's speed.


That is beyond ordinary people.

No...that's no longer human action.

Because humans simply cannot achieve that kind of movement trajectory and pace.

This is something that only two tails belonging to the cat family can do.

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