Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1291

1041. The death of Ri Xiangxiao?

On the opposite side, Hinata Xiao remained standing still.

Like towering mountains, standing proudly.


Yumu Ren, who transformed into a half-tailed beast, roared angrily, his body like lightning.

The speed is so fast that it is beyond the reach of others.

Sharp scarlet claws.

Stab straight towards Ri Xiangxiao's chest.

Everything happens in a flash of lightning.

Half-tailed beast·cat claw!

Everything happens only in the blink of an eye.

But for the two people within the distance of the confrontation, that short moment seemed as long as a lifetime.


Sure enough, it still doesn’t work?

Yukito thought desperately.

The timing and angle of Ri Xiangxiao's counterattack were all extremely precise.

Her attack trajectory has been clearly seen.

At top speed, she couldn't dodge.

This is the gap.

Compared to Hinata Xiao who has been making progress.

Yumu Ren's strength improvement in the past few years has been based on his increasingly profound hatred.

Hate does increase her power.

But it doesn't make her a perfect jinchūriki.


Even knowing it.

Yumu Ren still thrust out his claws fiercely and stabbed Ri Xiangxiao's body.

It's like hitting him on his own initiative.

The air he stared at was knocked away by scarlet chakra.

It made a roaring sound that broke through the sky.

The fist close at hand was like a giant hammer.

The despair in the eyes of the half-tailed beast Yumu Ren, even without pupils, was clearly captured by Ri Xiangxiao.

The next moment, the frozen time between the two flowed again.


The sharp claws penetrated the chest.

The fist actually deflected at the last moment and passed through the side of Yumu Ren's head.

But Yumu Ren's sharp claw penetrated Ri Xiangxiao's chest from the front.

Under the influence of huge inertia.

Yukito's entire tailed beast-turned-arm was not included in it until it came out from the back and even his shoulders were not included in Ri Xiangxiao's chest.

——She finally got her wish.

Yukiren's entire body had crashed into Ri Xiangxiao's arms.

From a distance, it looked like the two were hugging each other.


The scarlet claw spreading from Ri Xiangxiao's back looked particularly dazzling...

Yukito finally realized what was happening...


She stared at Ri Xiangxiao.

Ri Xiangxiao was also staring at her.


The voice of the half-tailed beast made Yukito's voice seem extremely weird.


Ri Xiangxiao tried to speak, but before she could answer, her body went limp.


Yumu Ren came back to his senses and immediately lost his half-tailed beast form.

With her true appearance revealed, she wanted to pull her arm out.

However, this action was stopped by Ri Xiangxiao.

Ri Xiangxiao held her arm tightly.

Ri Xiangxiao's hands were warm.

But... Yukito felt a burning sting.

"Because...only by doing this will you be willing to open your heart again..."

Ri Xiangxiao said with difficulty.

"Death and destruction may not be able to make up for the sad past, but... doing this will definitely help you get out of the shadow of memory. If it is Yukito... there will be no problem."

When Ri Xiangxiao said this...

The wound on his chest was bleeding like a fountain.

But his expression remained calm.

After all, ninjas are creatures that can endure pain.


But Yumu Ren can understand it clearly.

There was sadness passing through those white eyes.

"I am a sinful person who will do anything for personal goals. It was your appearance that made me wake up. Without your example, perhaps I would still be wandering in confusion and pain... "

Ri Xiangxiao's words were interrupted by coughing.

"Please don't blame the alliance between Konoha and Kumogakure... This is all my fault... People like me are not qualified to intervene in your life... But I am I want to approach you knowingly that I will betray you...I'm sorry..."

"What are you talking about! If this continues..."

Shock, shock, disbelief.

This expression doesn't just appear on Yukito's face.

Naruko and the others also stood there blankly, at a loss.

"The era of war between countries is over... Iwagakure Village has also agreed to become an ally of Konoha... The five major countries will move forward hand in hand... to defeat the Akatsuki organization. Leader, you can definitely do it...unprecedented peace...has come again since the Shodaime-sama..."

Ri Xiangxiao smiled.

"And you should live well and live in the future peaceful era..."

The moment Ri Xiangxiao's arm drooped.

Orochimaru ran over and pulled Hinata Xiao away.

"He's not dead yet... Hehe, but he needs to be rescued immediately. Now, he has to be sent back to Konoha..."

Orochimaru's expression was serious.

"However, even so, there is only less than 1% chance of survival... the art of channeling!"

Orochimaru summoned a coffin.

It's the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

"Use the fastest speed...relying on the extreme speed of the fastest ninja in the ninja world to send him back to Konoha and hand him over to the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade-sama, for treatment...This is my only choice. It can be done..."


Orochimaru said as he watched Senju Tobirama carrying Hinata Xiao on his back and passing by the scene at high speed.

Senju Tobirama who performs the teleportation technique.

Only slightly slower than Namikaze Minato.

It's a's so old.

All the Flying Thunder God markers made by Senju Tobirama must have been damaged.

Otherwise, you can use the "Flying Thunder God" which is faster than the teleportation technique to return to Konoha.

"Hyugao Xiao?! Rixiang Xiao...!"

Yukito followed closely behind.

Flashing in the wind.

Only a trace of the back is left for everyone to pursue.

The white devil... no, is Rixiang Xiao going to die?

Yumu felt that his mind was completely blank.

And tears overflowed uncontrollably...

She just stared at that figure.

Finally... I couldn't stop crying.

Why was his reason swallowed up by hatred, and why couldn't he realize his decision earlier?

It turns out that this time is when everything is truly lost.


"Big, big brother, he..."

Naruko said dryly.

I still haven't realized what happened.

"W-Why on earth is this~!!"

Naruko became emotional.

Accompanying this emotion was the overflowing Nine-Tails chakra.

Emotionally unstable, Naruko's tail began to grow behind her.

Two, three, four... fifth.

Scarlet chakra spread throughout Naruko's body, about to plunge her into uncontrollable rage.

1042. Ri Xiangxiao’s methods, Yu Muren’s love


Naruko's change made everyone present start to sweat on their foreheads.

"This kid..."

Yagura was the first to act.

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