Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1298


Motoi stared at the name, memories flashing through his mind.

"I don't like to talk about other people's affairs everywhere...but...Naruko, you are the power of sacrifice like Bi. It can calm down the Nine-Tails and help the peace of the ninja world... ....”

Motoi decided.

Tell Naruko about Kirabi's life.

"I told you before, if you are also the power of sacrifice, you can probably imagine that Kirabi, Yumu, including Fu, Gaara, Han... they have gone through the way......"


The jinchūriki present all fell into deep thought.

The so-called resonance.

In fact, every Jinchuuriki's childhood experiences are similar.

Although...some of them are very miserable, and some are less miserable.

"Yes, great power creates fear and divides."

In Motoi's mind, Kirabi looked like a child.

"Mr. Bi has always been rejected and hated by the people in the village...but he did not feel depressed or complain about it. Instead, he maintained a cheerful attitude and often relaxed the atmosphere around him..."

"That's a very difficult thing."

The Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han commented.

"I think Mr. Bi is showing himself with pride..." Motoi thought for a moment.

"Why can he be proud of himself as a sacrifice?" Fu asked.

"'s for his brother, the Yondaime Raikage-sama!"

Motoi said in a positive tone.

Naruko: "!"

"In order to prevent betrayal by the power of sacrifices, from the past, I would choose from those who are closer to me by blood, such as the brothers or wives of the Five Shadows... because the power of sacrifices is to protect the village. The power of leaders is also the presence that shows the power of leaders..."


Naruko thought of her mother.

The last jinchuriki was Kushina Uzumaki.

She is the fourth generation Hokage...that is, the wife of her father Namikaze Minato.

"Mr. Bi worked hard for his brother... Raikage-sama, making himself a great sacrifice!"

Naruko: "!"

"It is said that he also completed the practice of the True Waterfall very quickly. I respect Mr. Bei from the bottom of my heart...and regard him as Kumogakure's hero..."

"The Jinchūriki who is admired so much... Mr. Hi is really an amazing person. Isn't that right, Kakashi-senpai."

Yamato looked at Kakashi with a stern look.

Kakashi: "..."

"Motoi-san, you also know Mr. Hi as a jinchuriki very well, so you were chosen to be the one responsible for taking care of him here..."

Yamato said firmly.

No one noticed that Motoyi's expression darkened for a moment.

"The sun in Mr. Bee's heart is his adopted brother Raikage. Maybe... the sun in your heart can also be the white demon Hinata Xiao."

Motoi said to Naruko.

"The...sun in my heart..." Naruko murmured.

"By the way, Uncle Motoi, since you have such a good relationship with Uncle Octopus... Why don't you go find Uncle Octopus for us."

Fu had an idea.

"Ask him to teach us the secret of spiritual practice!"

"This can't happen!"

Motoi sternly refused.

"Why?" Fu was confused.

"I don't have that qualification..."

Motoi lowered his eyelids.

"Because... I am the person who once tried to kill Mr. Bee..."

Everyone: "!"

"Why...Uncle Motoi, just...didn't you say that you respect Uncle Octopus?"

"Just think of it as my confession... For those of you who are also Jinchuuriki, maybe I can tell you this..."

After a long silence, Motoi spoke.

"That happened nearly 20 years ago..."

As Motoi tells it.

History is restored before everyone's eyes.

1048. Watching the sea in the wind, Naruko’s heart knot

Back then, the power of the Jinchuriki was unable to perfectly control the power of the Eight-Tails.

Elite ninjas such as the Sandaime Raikage would step in to stop the Eight-Tails every time it went out of control.

Although Cloud Hidden Village can always stop the Eight-Tails from going berserk and suck it into the sealing pot.

But each time it resulted in many casualties.

But although there is such a risk.

However, in order to maintain a favorable position in the balance of power with other countries, it is still necessary to control the power of the Eight-Tails.

So I continued to experiment with jinchuriki.

Motoi: "One of the my father!"

Everyone: "!"

Yamato frowned, not expecting that there was such a past: "Your father, Mr."


Motoi shook his head.

"Mr. Bee and I are friends. When my father passed away, we were just two 5-year-old children...the Jinchuuriki who killed my father..."

It's Burubi.

That is, the cousin of the fourth generation Raikage.

"He... died when the Eight-Tails was extracted... Not long after, Mr. Bi became the next sacrifice of the Eight-Tails..."

Yamato was puzzled: "Then want to kill Mr. Bee?"

"It is impossible to control the Eight-Tails. I think many people will continue to sacrifice... In addition, my mother shed tears all day long because of my father's death, and the family is gradually ruined, so I hate the Eight-Tails more and more. .....Although I was just a child at the time, I was always thinking of ways to take revenge..."

Motoi shook his head.

"Mr. Bee kept laughing, and I gradually fell into a whirlpool of hatred. I began to hate Mr. Bee, who didn't know anything and kept laughing. I transferred my hatred...that is...I felt towards the Eight-Tails His hatred was finally transferred to Mr. Bi who was the power of the sacrifice..."

Naruko: "..."

Naruko felt the same way as Motoi said.

The night of the Kyuubi Rebellion.

Many people died.

The anger, sadness, and pain they couldn't vent... ended up being transferred to themselves.

In essence, it is hatred for Kyuubi.

Because of his binding to Kyuubi, it eventually led to people's hatred.

"I thought that as long as I killed Mr. Bee, the Eight-Tails would die... I attacked Mr. Bee from behind, but failed..."

Kirabi possesses extraordinary fighting talents and reflexes.

Just like Namikaze Minato attacked Kirabi from behind many times.

But it was still noticed.

Motoi's attack... also had no effect.

Even though Kirabi was just a kid at the time.

"I was scared... so I ran away. Although I was covering my face at the time,... I thought Mr. Bee had already realized it was me... and then I stopped taking the initiative. I spoke to Mr. Bee..."

"If that happened, why do you still respect him now?"

Yamato's tone has turned into a sigh.

"Because the hatred didn't disappear immediately, I followed and monitored him all the time."


Motoyi gradually discovered something.

"It's not just me. Mr. Bee has always been ostracized...hated by the people in the village...even though he was chosen to be a Jinchuuriki by others for political reasons and was responsible for protecting the village. His Life is unbearable for ordinary people. I found... He may be suffering more than me."


Motoyi, who experienced Kirabi's pain, gradually realized how stupid he was.

"This guy is so selfish!"

Naruko: "!"

Evil words flashed through Naruko's mind.

who? !

Who is speaking? !

Yes, it's the evil self.

Naruko's eyes widened slightly and she turned around and left.

The impact of the real waterfall is far more terrifying than anyone expected...

Even though Naruko is no longer practicing on the rocks in the pool in front of the real waterfall...

The darkness in my heart still appeared.

Kakashi: "Naruko?! Where are you going?!"

"I want to be alone for a while..."

Naruko walked away alone.

From the real waterfall in the center of Koh Tao to the edge... near the sea.

Naruko sat on a large sharp rock.

Stare in front of you.

Many sharp and huge spikes can be seen here. Over the years, these spikes eventually grew like stones on the back of the giant turtle.

Wow... Wow...

The sound of ocean waves echoed.

Blue sky, white clouds and clear water.

Naruko sat cross-legged on the ground.

The twin ponytails were blown back by the refreshing sea breeze.

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