Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1299

Images from memory came flooding back.

That was when she was still him...

"That's him! Don't come near him! Get away!"

The unspoken subtext of the villagers is... the demon fox.

The rumors about the demon fox were spread by Danzo Shimura.

It was like deliberately spreading bad words about Uchiha.

There is also the rendering of Hatake Sakumo when he failed in his mission.

After the Sandaime Hokage found out about this, it was too late.

He could only issue a gag order, and no one was allowed to mention words like demon fox in front of Naruko.


It can block people's mouths, but it can't block the hatred and disgust in people's eyes, as well as the pointing fingers behind their backs.

Then, the scene changed.

It's Obito Uchiha.

Dad's disciple.

He is a companion with White-haired Kakashi and Sister Lin.

But he did not become a Konoha ninja with the will of fire.

Instead, he became the villain.

He even committed the murder of his master, his master and his wife, and attacked the village.

The screen changes again.

It is the figure of the elder brother, as well as his voice, appearance, and smile.


There are also senior Kabuto and Uncle Shennong...

Sister Lin, Sister II... many, many beautiful sisters and aunts.

"Uncle Octopus gained everyone's trust, Gaara reconciled with his father, and Uncle Yagura Shota became the Mizukage..."

Naruko raised her head and looked towards the sky.

"Me too...I also have many companions, people I like, and people I like..."

Naruko showed a big smile.

"Painful... warm... happy... all kinds of things, but..."

Naruko lowered her head, her eyes dim.

"I really...don't have the confidence to let everyone in the village believe me..."

This is Naruko's knot in her heart.

She changed from Uzumaki Naruto to Uzumaki Naruko.

So something is gained, but those things may not last long, what if...


A scream suddenly sounded in her ears, interrupting Naruko's thoughts.


What's wrong, what happened?

Naruko immediately stood up.

She saw a huge 18 meter tall shadow.

"Uncle Motoi!!"

Motoi didn't know why, but he was entangled in the tentacles coming out of the coast.

"Uncle Octopus!!! Stop it!!"

Naruko closed her eyes and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Uncle Motoyi really trusts you!"

So...even though he has assassinated you before, you can't kill him.

"Idiot! Naruko! This is Hanazhi! It's Hanazhi!!"

Yamato ran out and complained loudly.

"It's not an octopus! It's a flower branch!"


Naruko twitched in embarrassment.

No way, this is stupid.

1049. Hinata Xiao’s peek, Naruko’s true heart

"I thought it was because of Uncle Motoi that I told the truth, but it made Uncle Octopus angry..."

Naruko rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

"Mr. Motoi was worried about you, so he came to find you, but he was attacked by Huazhi!"

Yamato explained.


Poor Motoi continues to scream...

"Naruko, we'll talk later, let's do it!"

Yamato seal.

"no problem!"

Naruko crossed her arms, preparing to cast multiple shadow clones.

However, the next moment——

"I, the Eight-Tails, appear again, go to hell with the crazy Huazhi!"

Boom! !

A huge eight-tailed ox-ghost emerged from the bottom of the sea.

The huge horns pierced Huazhi's body fiercely.

This time... Huazhi is really giving up.


Motoyi, who was bleeding from the mouth, stared at the huge figure.


After a while...

on the coast.

"Why save me... than..."

Kirabi: "?"

"Bi... you should have discovered it by now. At that time... I wanted to kill you! But... you..."


Everyone was silent.

Regardless, the occasion and the heavy atmosphere...

"Is there such a thing?"

Kirabi showed a cheerful smile and stretched out his fist.


Motoi's eyes widened suddenly, and then...tears fell.

"Better than... you..."


Motoi and Kirabi's fists finally collided.


Motoyi was not the only one to reconcile with Chilabi unilaterally.


Motoi's reconciliation with himself.


On the way back...

"I decided to think about you again~?! You are a great guy~?!"

Kirabi said to Naruko in enka.

"Uncle Octopus's rap song is really good~?, it's so nice to meet you~! I'm so lucky~?~!"

Naruko also improvised.

"Go to Real Falls, now you...have no problem."

Kirabi said pointing at Naruko.

Because... Naruko already has the sun in her heart.


Real waterfall...


A huge waterfall roars.

Naruko sat on the stone in the pond and closed her eyes.


"You're here again... You really can't learn well. No matter how many times, it's the same, you can't defeat me..."

What emerges from the real waterfall is Naruko's inner darkness!

He is none other than...

It's Uzumaki Naruto!


"I know you best..."

Dark Naruto said.

"The guy without balls!"

Naruko: "!"

Years ago.

Before Naruko entered the ninja school, she once played with a group of children.

Among them was a small child.

Naruko was upset with him, just like she was upset with Sasuke.

Naruko dug a hole.

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