Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1301

What you see in a real waterfall, you can take outside.

This is very interesting.

With the increase of Taoism.

Ri Xiangxiao slowly realized something...

"Human beings have limits."

In other words... there is a limit to a person's power.

Although Rixiangxiao has mastered the seven attributes and created a move like "Soul Life·Power Transmission".

But he was unable to acquire the power of Shinra's Heavenly Sign and Senra's All-Seeing Power.

This made Ri Xiangxiao start to think again...

Your own way to become stronger.

There are several ways to become a Six Path Level.

Just like a video game, there are thousands of ways to change careers.

But...not every path is suitable for you.

Not every path can lead to a powerful existence.

There is also a difference between the Six Paths Level and the Six Paths Level.

From the description of the White Snake Immortal, Ri Xiangxiao decided to take... the most difficult path.

That practice and enlighten yourself.

Daohuadu can only help Ri Xiangxiao break through the realm.

But it couldn't help him obtain the Jade of Seeking Dao.

Divine Soul Life·Evolution Chart, number one in killing.

This number one kill is not just a literal meaning.

It’s not just the number one kill after training.

But in the process of cultivation, it is accompanied by endless blood and killing.

This is the essence of Divine Soul Life.

Compared to other evolution diagrams, fewer star points and a simpler path...

no doubt.

Soul life is also the most difficult.

Because many times, it won't directly tell you what to do.

Instead, let yourself think.

In this situation.

It is the use of evolutionary diagrams by humans.

Instead of people becoming puppets of the evolutionary diagram.

Shenhunming told Ri Xiangxiao that the evolution chart is just a tool.

And tools are always silent.

The one who can take the lead can only be the host himself.

in other words......

When you become stronger, you become stronger.

The weak cannot become strong.

To put it simply, the soul life is also called the weak identification device.

The weak cannot overcome each threshold and eventually become the Sixth Path level.


Ri Xiangxiao fell into deep thought.

Soon, an idea came to mind.

As the sun moves towards the night, it moves silently.

The whole person came to the stone of the real waterfall pool.

And the warning signs in his heart were ringing louder and louder.

The closer it gets, the more dangerous it signals.


Ri Xiangxiao's breakthrough was not a narrow escape, but decisive.

Ri Xiangxiao has survived countless dangers, let alone this time?


Hinata Xiao sat down cross-legged.

Close your eyes.

Listen attentively.

next moment.

Mirror heaven and earth turn.

A strange feeling came over me.

Even if the surrounding scenery did not change, Ri Xiangxiao knew that he had entered a mysterious space.


The shrill cry brought forth the image of the dead.


Ri Xiangxiao opened her eyes and frowned.

The will is as firm as the sun and the night, so naturally there can be no bullshit darkness in the heart.

The reason why Rixiang Xiao frowned... was because what ran out of the waterfall was a familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

Inuzuka... Maple Leaf!

His appearance is exactly the same as before.

He has the unique paint and vertical pupils of the Inuzuka clan.

About... 10 years old?

Hinata Xiao rubbed her temples.

This kind of miscellaneous fish has not yet impressed him in his mind.

"I didn't expect it...I have always been in your heart. Even if I die, I will take revenge! finally the chance!"

Inuzuka Maple Leaf roared and rushed over.


Ri Xiangxiao raised his hand, and his head was blown open from the air.


Hinata Xiao punched Inuzuka Maple's body one after another.

One second...100 punches!

The supersonic punch, like a gunshot, was unleashed on Inuzuka Maple Leaf from a distance.

For a moment...

Inuzuka Maple's body and limbs exploded.

"If you die... don't come out again!"

Hinata Xiao said coldly.


It seemed like it was raining blood.

Inuzuka Maple... was beaten to death.

The death of the miscellaneous fish NPC did not make Ri Xiangxiao feel any mood swings at all.

Even if she saw her past enemies "resurrected from the dead", Ri Xiangxiao was not surprised at all.


To die is to die.

Even if the soul is still there.

Inuzuka Maple should also be in the underworld at this moment.

Rather than in your own mental space.

in other words......

He is fake.

It is an illusion created by the real waterfall with the help of its own memory.


After defeating Inuzuka Maple Leaf.

His body turned into a ray of blue light and penetrated directly into Ri Xiangxiao's body.

"Psychic energy...has increased significantly??"

1051. The phantom of the former enemy is infected with a virus!

red stone.


Kumogakure ninja.


Mizunazuki Yuri, Mizunazuki Mari.




Ghost Pill.




Bai Jue.

Black Hoe Thunder Fang.




One by one, their figures, former enemies, appeared in front of Ri Xiangxiao.

"That's enough... Do we have to do this to everyone?"

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