Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1302

Ri Xiangxiao stared at them with a cold face.

His eyes circled around these howling guys, and he said coldly: "I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time."

The next moment.

Ri Xiangxiao uses power transmission.

With one punch, the impact filled the sky.

In one second... 100 punches, both fists punched at the same time, that's... 200 punches!

200 fists cover all the enemies that rush up.

Explosions filled the sky.

Soon, all the enemies were blasted into pieces.


Ri Xiangxiao snorted coldly and looked at the blood stains on the ground.

Soon, the blood turned into a stream of blue light and merged into Ri Xiangxiao's body.

Spiritual energy...grow!


It sounds like a beating heart.

Ri Xiangxiao's spiritual energy began to increase dramatically.

As everyone knows.

Chakra is composed of spiritual energy plus physical energy.

Basically, all ninjas emphasize the issue of "physical energy".

And no one emphasizes "spiritual energy".

In other words, a person's chakra.

From 1 card, to 100 cards, to 1,000 cards, or even to 1 million cards.

Ninjas have always defaulted to "enough spiritual energy."

The focus of everyone's attention is on the physical energy.

No one thinks so.

My physical energy has improved, and I also want to increase my mental energy.


What is the significance of the existence of spiritual energy?

Ri Xiangxiao stopped and thought.

Can an increase in spiritual energy significantly improve a person's illusion resistance?

not necessarily.

Naruko brought her own 100-card Nine-Tails power bank out of thin air.

He is still an illusion idiot and easily falls into illusions.

Whether you can be caught in an illusion or not has something to do with your IQ and illusion level, and has nothing to do with your mental energy.


It is impossible for the Sharingan to control millions of calories of tailed beasts at a glance.


The key to the problem is "how to use it".

Humans with only a few, dozens, or hundreds of calories can seal tailed beasts with millions of calories.

It depends on "skill".

"So, how should we use this surge of spiritual energy?"

While Ri Xiangxiao was thinking, he took a big step forward.


Something is wrong.

Because Ri Xiangxiao didn't control her body to move just now.

Freed from his thoughts, Ri Xiangxiao began to examine himself.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

In Byakugan's vision.

Every muscle and bone in my body is in order and functioning normally.

The damage caused by Hidan has long since healed.

It can be said that I am in very good condition.

Even the spiritual energy gained is slowly being fused... fused?

Hinata Xiao realized.

It is this part of the spiritual energy that is obtained that agitates.

And there is a tendency to become increasingly noisy.

They shouted wildly.

Next to Ri Xiangxiao, it transformed into a ferocious face that no one could see.

Hinata Xiao even saw Uchiha Shisui who had just been beaten to death inside.

Uchiha Shisui?

Hinata Xiao felt it.

Uchiha Shisui's soul lay peacefully in the coffin.

That is, in the body of the filthy earth reincarnated.

can prove.

Uchiha Shisui's soul is not here.

So here comes the question...

Since Uchiha Shisui's soul is in the outside world.

Then who is this phantom of Uchiha Shisui in front of him?

All kinds of thoughts of unwillingness and hatred were mixed with screams.

But in fact, Ri Xiangxiao never minded whether there was evil energy in her body.

In his opinion.

Power is power and has nothing to do with anything.

But then again...

The veteran driver added a hard drive, only to find that it was full of gourd babies, which is another story.


Ri Xiangxiao thought again.

These arrogant shadows cannot bring any substantial harm to Ri Xiangxiao.


He didn't take these guys to heart for the time being.

Ri Xiangxiao has never been a weak-willed person.

So...these phantoms now should be just the illusion of the spiritual energy left by the deceased?

Hinata Xiao remembers.

The sealing style of the Uzumaki clan, which is also Naruko's sealing style, is composed of two four-image seals.

After 1+1, an effect greater than 3 is obtained.

The Bagua seal can also seal human chakra while sealing the Nine Tails.

Ri Xiangxiao guessed.

Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki may have sealed their chakra into Naruko's body.

We can meet up or something later.


Even if chakra is sealed, he can talk to Naruko.

But it's just chakra.

More like a message, a fragment.

The real Namikaze Minato and Kushina's souls have gone wherever they should have gone.

"So...I can regard these guys as something similar to the by-products of the Gossip Seal..."

Chakra messages, consciousness, phantoms of the past.

Name it whatever you want.

Anyway, they are not real living people.

The Reality Falls activates the loser's spiritual energy.

They were devoured by Ri Xiangxiao in the past.

Dead, but not completely dead.

However, this situation is as full of black connotations as if a person ate animal meat and turned into an animal.

"To get a certain kind of power, you have to pay a certain price?"

Ri Xiangxiao can accept this speculation.

The ability to rob others out of thin air is indeed inferior to those who have worked hard for decades to practice.

This is like a martial arts novel.

The villain's magic power is advancing rapidly, but it will become more difficult and even backlash will occur.

The right way of martial arts lasts a long time. It is difficult at the beginning, but it may become easy in the future. Even if it is not easy, it will not break your muscles or anything.

The evolution chart is like a magic power.

The benefits of practicing it have come, but now the price has come to your doorstep.

" this my premonition of danger before..."

Before this, Ri Xiangxiao had never entered the real waterfall, because his intuition was at work, telling him that he could not enter it.

After a while.

Ri Xiangxiao noticed something really troublesome.

Although these guys can't harm themselves directly.

But they are trying hard to control their bodies and want to turn against the guests.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing..."

Ri Xiangxiao has always understood the truth of a blessing in disguise...

1052. Spiritual Time Room Crossed out, Naruko and Hinata Xiao’s practice

The current situation.

These negative mental energies seem to have become one with themselves.

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