Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1416

How could Five Shadows not be shocked by this!

"After Kakashi and Darui woke up, we immediately questioned the two of them... and got the information about Shuibo Liangshan..."

Tsunade paused.

Tell everything about what happened to Kakashi.

When the sentient ninjas are sent to investigate Shuibo Liangshan...

It was discovered that Song Jiang had disappeared.

Just like Zhang Jiao, he comes and goes without a trace.

The thieves who were brainwashed by Song Jiang were actually just ordinary people in Shiyin Village.

One hundred and eight ninjas from the Hidden Stone Village were killed.

The ninjas of Stone Hidden Village became history...

This news cannot be suppressed.

After Shuangyin Village and Guyin Village were attacked continuously.

The Battle of Shuibo Liangshan in Shiyin Village will soon be widely known to the ninja world.

Such an unimaginable storm is bound to make the entire ninja world tremble, everyone is in danger, and everything is in danger.

Especially those small ninja villages, I'm afraid they are scared to death now.

Dongli, fantasy...

The names of these two continents and forces have become people’s nightmares...


When the five shadows urgently discussed the next response strategy.

Hinata Xiao's sparring continues.

Dongli, Three Kingdoms, Water Margin... all kinds of memories are intertwined in Ri Xiangxiao's mind.

If these things can be suppressed by Ri Xiangxiao's strong will.


The changes in false memory personality itself are very difficult to ignore.

In particular, Ri Xiangxiao's desires in all aspects were greatly enhanced.

boom! boom! boom!

As the battle with Bai unfolded, Ri Xiangxiao discovered.

Just relying on a ninja weapon to offset the negative effects is not enough.

The most important aspect is that Shiro's strength is only that of a chuunin.

Due to her physical condition, she was unable to withstand high-intensity sparring.

at this point......

It has been reflected before.


There are currently two ways.

1. Enhance Bai's strength and improve her physical fitness.

2. Add new ninja weapons for sparring.

boom! boom! boom!

While fighting Bai, Ri Xiangxiao used the magic of magic while thinking about the next action.

The simplest way to improve Bai's strength is to transplant various cells.

But those things are not convenient now.


Is there any quick fix?

Think about it.

Ri Xiangxiao decided to go the old way.

The combination of Caged Bird Seal + Dark Chakra.


Ri Xiangxiao's five fingers on his right hand were ignited with flames.

With a sudden wave of his arm——

laugh! !

The blue smoke rose, and the pattern of the caged bird's seal was imprinted on Bai's lower abdomen.


Because of the pain of the branding, blood spurted out.

A large amount of blood poured out from Bai's body.

at the same time.

The extreme pain made Bai's eyes roll up and tears flowed.

Her throat was squeezed out with irregular continuous vibrato.

But to Ri Xiangxiao's ears, it was extremely pleasant.

boom! boom! boom!

Hinata Xiao made moves one after another.

At the same time, grab it.


Bai's blood spurted even more crazily.

Water escape!

Ri Xiangxiao used water escape.

Multiple blows are delivered in an instant.

The extreme pain caused Bai to faint without saying a word.


Bai was knocked out by Water Escape.

Face down, he fell to the ground.

And until he was defeated by Ri Xiangxiao.

Shiro's body was still shaking unconsciously, indicating the pain she was feeling.

But at the same time......

The Caged Bird Curse Seal shone brightly, and a large amount of dark chakra was added to it by Ri Xiangxiao.

This allowed the chakra in Minazuki Shiro's body to be mixed with dark chakra.

Achieve the purpose of rapid filling and stronger strength.

As everyone knows.

Dark chakra provides a false body.

That is to say...

Even if Shiro's body is damaged, it can be repaired quickly under the influence of dark chakra.

Just like Shen Nong.

The more injured a muscle is, the tougher the new muscle becomes.

Although it is a false body.

But this falsehood is also reflected in reality.


The dark chakra began to take effect.

Bai's body recovered quickly from the damage he suffered in previous sparring sessions.

But Hinata Xiao didn't fix Haku's appearance like she fixed Nohara Rin.

But do the opposite.

Shape the white appearance.

After so many years, he has mastered the control of dark chakra, refined the corpse veins, and achieved the art of erasing facial expressions.

Ri Xiangxiao's skills on the human body's muscles, bones and epidermis have reached a miraculous level.


Ri Xiangxiao makes a seal with one hand.

Manually control the movement trajectory of the Caged Bird Seal.

Wait until it reaches a similar situation.

Minazuki Bai's body was greatly strengthened.

In this way, she perfectly serves as a punching bag.

As long as it is not extremely violent, no amount of sparring will cause it to be completely damaged.

The next moment, Ri Xiangxiao fine-tuned Bai's body.

Make her body lines more symmetrical.

Especially the muscle part.

For example, the muscles of the upper body were well strengthened by Ri Xiangxiao.

Visible to the naked eye.

The muscles below Bai's neck became stronger.

"very good......"

Hinata Xiao nodded with satisfaction and stared at his ninja weapon with burning eyes.

The moment Bai Weiwei woke up, Ri Xiangxiao pressed forward and started a new round of sparring.

boom! boom! boom......

1155. Gaara and Shukaku

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Under Ri Xiangxiao's whipping, the world's technology and ninjutsu have ushered in rapid development.

Like a car with a full tank of gas, the five great ninja villages got on the highway and started running non-stop.

Although Ri Xiangxiao still hasn't figured out what the purpose of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu is.

But there is no doubt about it.

As long as the level of technology and ninjutsu in this world reaches an extremely high level.

It can effectively deal with various emergencies when they occur.

That is...the power that hinders Black Zetsu's plan.

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