Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1417

Black Zetsu doesn't reveal his plans for a day.

Ri Xiangxiao didn't reveal her true face for the same day.

According to Ri Xiangxiao's plan.

While he becomes stronger, he takes the entire ninja world to ascend.

Finally... turn the entire planet into a base point and set off towards the sea of ​​stars!


Ri Xiangxiao beat Shuiwu Yuebai away.

After this month, Song Jiang's power was digested.

Ri Xiangxiao's strength has taken a further step.

Although it is only a small part, it is also very gratifying.

Shiro fell heavily and lay on Momochi Zabuza's coffin prison.

"Mr. Zabuza..."

Over and over again, the seal of the caged bird was strengthened for 30 days.

Bai's body tolerance has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before.

Hinata Xiao was very kind and moved Mochi Zabuza's coffin prison so that Shiro could see Zabuza's appearance frozen in it.

Bai's expression was reflected on the ice coffin.

The sad expression is simply heartbreaking.

The effect of the magic spell is obviously very useful.

The bond between Haku and Zabuza has thus become even more unbreakable.

Whispering Zabuza's name, Haku slowly lost consciousness.

Hinata Xiao mentioned Haku, and then took care of hiding Zabuza's coffin prison...

Then he picked up Bai and set off towards another place.


same day.

Monsters transformed from sand and soil appeared in the Kingdom of Wind.

Wreaked havoc.


The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind was secretly imprisoned.

Ri Xiangxiao's split personality, Matt Hagen relied on his disguise ability to disguise himself as a famous figure in the Kingdom of Wind, and enjoyed a life of spending money like water.


His extravagant life can continue.


Clayface sets his sights on the Sunagakure Village's greatest treasure...the One-Tail Jinchūriki Gaara.

According to Clayface's plan.

He planned to devour a Shukaku One-Tail to increase his power to control the sand.

Thereby ruling the entire world and becoming the king of the entire world.

There's nothing wrong with Clayface's plan.

But the problem is...

He picked the wrong opponent.

Gaara's ability to control stronger than him!


Dark night.

Sand Hidden Village.

Gaara sat on the roof, staring at the moonlight, as he had done in the past.

The desert days are extremely hot.

And at night...

But very cold.


Gaara, who was possessed by the Sand Armor, had sand to keep him warm, so he didn't have to worry about the temperature.

After a moment, Gaara closed his eyes.

When he closed his eyes.

The scream in his mind became clearer.

Gaara's companion monster.

Suna Shukaku entered into his body before he was born.

As strength grows.

and stability of character.

Gaara gradually had a question.

Was his ability to control sand really given to him by Shukaku?

It was in the real waterfall on Turtle Island in the Land of Thunder.

Gaara saw his true self.

Gaara, who had been corrected by Hinata Xiao and had graduated from the second grade of junior high school, easily overcame the training of the real waterfall.

Gaara's next difficulty is...

How to become the perfect Jinchuuriki.

To become a perfect Jinchuuriki, one must reach an agreement with Shukaku.

And the practice in that white room.

Gaara saw the figure of a certain woman.

That was the figure of my mother...Garuru.

Although the mother never spoke and had no active consciousness.

But Gaara still recognized the woman's figure at a glance.


Under the protection of mother.

Gaara captured part of Shukaku's chakra.

Just like Naruko can use "Kyuubi Chakra Mode".

Gaara can also use Shukaku Chakra Mode.


Because Shukaku was sealed into Gaara's body using a possession technique.

Gaara didn't appear in Naruko's cool golden chakra coat.

By comparing Shukaku chakra patterns.

and the ability to control sand.

The doubts in Gaara's heart... expanded even more.

Assuming that Shukaku's chakra has not been captured before, enter Shukaku's chakra mode.

So where does your ability to control sand come from?

An idea becomes clearer.

And it became more apparent when Gaara was alone.


Gaara was surrounded by sand.

These sands that automatically protect him are just like the woman in the White Room who helped him seize Shukaku's chakra.


But warm.


"It's mother's strength..."

Gaara guessed.

Since he was born, he has automatically protected his sand, which was done by his mother, Garura.

Instead of hating Shukaku who hates humans to the extreme.

"That's right, it's that stupid woman's power."

Shukaku's shrill voice sounded in Gaara's mind.

In a dark space.

Shukaku stared at the projection of Gaara's consciousness.

"But you always let me take the blame! Damn humans!"

All the time.

The power to hurt others comes from the remaining consciousness of his mother Garura - her love for her son.

Instead of Ichibi Shukaku, the monster in the desert.

Confirmed by Shukaku.

Gaara understood this.

Shukaku is feared by people.

Sealed in the jinchuriki's body, under normal circumstances, he has never done anything to harm humans.

Only when Shukaku is released and completely transforms into a tailed beast and goes on a rampage is Shukaku's murderous entertainment show.

"That is to say...we have been wrong about you all along...Shukaku."

"Nonsense! It's all your fault!"

Shukaku shouted forcefully.

Gaara was silent.

Shukaku cursed, as if he was bored.

For a long time...

Until Shukaku was silent.

Gaara said slowly: "Shukaku, I'm sorry."

"Hmph...don't think that I will forgive you humans if you apologize."

Shukaku didn't care about Gaara's apology.

Because humans are cunning.

They can use words.

Shukaku fights, Shukaku kills.

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