Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1425

So Uchiha Izumi was directly excluded.

Since Jiraiya and others cannot defeat Hinata Xiao, they are also excluded.

Three times five divided by two.

Subtract the weak ones, and then subtract the related households.

It seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen is the only one left in Konoha who can fight.

As for why...

The reason is simple.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knows the S-level forbidden technique "Ghoul Seal".

If it doesn't work, seal the soul and let everyone die together...

But here's the thing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is already the Hokage.

This problem becomes very embarrassing.

"If that doesn't work... just use the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth to reincarnate the first and second generation Hokages."

Jiraiya crossed his arms over his chest and said something treacherous.

If it is normal times.

Some people say this.

Jiraiya was the first to go up and crush his face with the Rasengan.

But these are special times and special treatment.

According to Jiraiya's imagination.

The entire ninja world can subdue Ri Xiangxiao.

There are only two gods, Senju Hashirama, the God of Ninja, and Tobirama, the most powerful Senju in the ninja world.


It is a complete body.

Rather than a weakened body.

"If those two adults are in charge, Konoha will be safe..."

"Jiraiya, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya in disbelief.

It was like meeting him for the first time.

"Tsunade, these are special times..."

Jiraiya said kindly.

For Konoha.

Even a dead person can still be pulled up and used.

As long as it's for Konoha...

"Is it just for Konoha? Then what's the difference between us and Danzo Shimura?!"

Tsunade said angrily.

If everything is called "for Konoha", can there be no lower limit?

"This creates deeper darkness!"

Tsunade scolded.

"Tsunade is right..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his pipe with a guilty expression on his face.

"When the Second-generation Hokage entrusted the village to me, I failed to inherit the Second-generation Hokage's will properly, so Danzo was burdened with darkness..."

Senju Tobirama has a bright and upright side as well as a dark side.

Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants to be a White Lotus.

Therefore, someone will inevitably bear the darkness.

And that Shimura Danzo.


If it remains the same as before.


New darkness will breed in the village, and some people will never see the sun...

Tsunade's rise to power.

The darkness had been eliminated.

No one needs to be the villain.

If we go back now... isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

Likewise, the darkness and distortion of Will of Fire.

It also happened between Jiraiya and Nagato.

As long as it was for Konoha, Jiraiya would kill Nagato without hesitation.

This darkness.

It also happened between the top brass of Konoha and Uchiha.

As long as it's for Konoha.

You can threaten Uchiha Itachi.

Let Itachi Uchiha massacre the Uchiha clan.

And so on.

Konoha will only become more dilapidated and weaker.


There is no need for the twisted will of fire!

This is what Tsunade thinks.

"When Grandpa founded the village, it was so that the children would not have to go to the battlefield and the ninja clan could work together, but at some point, the so-called Will of Fire changed!"

Tsunade's younger brother, Senju Nawaki, went to war as a child.

Not to mention.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru became ninjas at the age of 6.

As well as Hinata Xiao and others behind.

"If Ri Xiangxiao really becomes a villain, we can only say that it is our own fault. It is the twisted will of fire that distorted his thinking!"

Tsunade still thinks.

It's the system's fault.

A lot of scolding.

Everyone fell into thinking.

"Then Tsunade, what do you say...what should we do?"

Jiraiya asked rhetorically.

If you don't pull Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama together.

In the entire Konoha...or even in the entire ninja world, who else can deal with Hinata Xiao?

When faced with the bleak reality.

You have to make the “right” choice.

"Let me do this evil thing."

Jiraiya said.

For Konoha.

He is willing to be evil.

Bear the infamy.

Of course.

Jiraiya has no way to channel Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

But he couldn't...Orochimaru could.

No one in Konoha, including Tsunade, knows...

Orochimaru has returned to Konoha.

at this time.

We need to contact Orochimaru.

Let Orochimaru continue to study the filthy soil and reincarnate.

Strive to restore the strength of the two actors to the greatest extent possible.

Speaking of Orochimaru...

He, oh, she looks really good now...

In Jiraiya's mind, Orochimaru appeared to be both intellectual and sexy.

"Leave this matter to me, Tsunade..."

Jiraiya said to Tsunade with a serious look.

It is Jiraiya's duty to deal with this matter!

No one wants to be a bad guy, so I will do it, Jiraiya!

After the meeting.

Jiraiya walked out of the Hokage Building and couldn't wait to go to Konoha's newly established dungeon.

Jiraiya decided.

While you are discussing matters with Orochimaru, you should observe him carefully.

1163. Ri Xiangxiao’s baptism of holy light, no longer needs to endure weapons

When countries take action.

Hinata Xiao also received information from the ninja weapons.

Bai Jue appeared in Wuying's office and revealed to them that Dongli and Xuanhuan Continent did not exist.

He even speculated was his fault.

"There is still hope."

boom! boom! boom!

Hinata Xiao said while continuing to sparring with Yuno.

The so-called hope is still there, it means that the Xiao organization's IQ is finally online.

Also know how to explore this planet.

There is no doubt about the world beneath Hinata Xiao's feet.

Also a star.

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