Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1426

In this world, there is the sun, the moon, and the earth.

However, the land area of ​​the earth in this world is dozens of times smaller than that of the previous life.

Except that the continent where the five major countries are located can be called larger.

The others are all living beings on isolated islands and oceans.


Yu Nai was defeated steadily because of Ri Xiangxiao's attacks.

Water escape!


After the water escape ninjutsu attack, Yuno's body arched up, and then... became as limp as mud.


Hinata Xiao stretched out her hand and used the Holy Light [Medical Ninjutsu] on Yuno.

The golden light flashed away.

The injuries all over Yuno's body were immediately repaired as before.

Baptism is the skill of Almighty Knight·Personality.

on this morning.

Ri Xiangxiao swallowed up this personality again.

When creating the Almighty Knight, Ri Xiangxiao deliberately created this positive character.

The result is naturally that the effect is not achieved.

Because the Almighty Knight will not do evil, but will promote good.

This personality probably only displays its greatest power during turbulent times like the Great Ninja War.

The character building of the Almighty Knight is also an attempt by Ri Xiangxiao.

It turns out.

Positive personality building will not promote the development of the world, nor will it increase your own strength.

It is even less possible to realize one's own plans.


Hinata Xiao swallowed up the Almighty Knight neatly.

this experiment.

It can be considered an experience.

The personality you shape in the future cannot create a positive and kind character.

The right choice is to become more evil, cruel, and villainous.

boom! boom! boom!

After treating Yuno's injury, Ri Xiangxiao started a new round of sparring.

In general.

The personality of the Almighty Knight has greatly improved Ri Xiangxiao's medical ninjutsu level.

Especially the Holy Light Technique [Medical Ninjutsu] called Baptism.

Based on Yang attributes, spiritual energy is injected into it.

What you get is this attitude.

——Instant healing.

The crystallization of great medical ninjutsu far beyond this era.

Even Tsunade's S-level ninjutsu "Creation Regeneration" is not as fast as Baptism's medical treatment.

That is to say.

Just a baptism skill can be exchanged for the corresponding value.

This is a super S-level skill!

With this skill, you no longer have to worry about problems arising during sparring.


Even if you don't carve the seal of the caged bird on Yuno's body and infuse it with dark chakra.

It can also have the effect of continuous recovery.

after all.

Hinata Xiao is not the kind of person who is chaotic and has no choice. When he sees a kunoichi, he will turn him into a ninja weapon.

Many kunoichi are just one-time opponents.

Wait until the side effects of these personalities are eliminated.

Just get out of here.

As for Yuno.

She will return to Sunagakure Village herself.

boom! boom! boom!


boom! boom! boom!


Luxurious hotel penthouse suite.

Hinata Xiao's ninja sparring battle continues...


The country of Sichuan.

Akatsuki organizes the southern cave.

Members of the Akatsuki organization gathered.

"All the news has been spread..."

Bai Jue's figure emerged.

The corners of his mouth widened into a proud smile.

"Now, the entire ninja world knows that Ri Xiangxiao is the mastermind behind Dongli and Xuanhuan."

"Don't be happy too early."

Uchiha Obito's gloomy words appeared.

"That man Ri Xiangxiao is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with."

at this point.

Everyone agreed.

If anyone still underestimates Ri Xiangxiao at this time, they are really a fool.

"Shimura Danzo has handed over the reincarnation of the dirty land to me."

Uchiha Obito said.

"I found some trash fish and tried it, and there was a big problem..."

Danzo Shimura's version.

It is the version left behind by Senju Tobirama back then.

That is to say.

The reincarnated body of dirty soil will not be able to exert great power.


"That Orochimaru guy has mastered his improved version..."

Orochimaru's Earth Reincarnation has probably surpassed Senju Tobirama.

"It will take me a while to study..."

Uchiha Obito said.

Although Black Zetsu felt that Uchiha Obito's intelligence... was not suitable for scientific research.


Are you trying to steal it from Orochimaru? ? ?

Oh, deal…

"The advantage is... after the gold and silver horns are used up, they can be used as sacrifices to the heretic demons..."

Although not the real Kyuubi.

But the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers possess the power of the Nine Tails.

After being swallowed by the heretic demon, it is equivalent to activating part of it.

Can be used as a substitute.

Suppose you can't catch the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Speaking of heretic golems.

The corner of Nagato's mouth twitched.

"I have obtained the cloning technology here, and I will start cloning the Rinnegan... But in exchange, Shimura Danzo wants a pair of eyes."


Hei Jue remained silent.

The Samsara Eye can indeed be cloned, but... only fakes can be cloned.

The pupil power of fakes is limited and will disappear after use.


The fake reincarnation technique can only be used on the person himself.

That is to say...

Uchiha Madara's cloned Samsara Eye can only be used to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

Cannot resurrect others.


Even if Danzo Shimura gets it, it is a one-time consumable.

Unless he clones a bunch of reincarnation eyes. doesn't make sense.

"Next, let's each take what we need, and then wait and see the changes in the five major countries..."

Master the reincarnation of dirty land.

Research cloning technology.

Sit back and watch the changes in the five major countries.

Waiting for new fantasy force characters to appear...

And this wait.

Just one month.


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