Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1444

"Hoho, is that right..."

Orochimaru smiled.


There are only a handful of people in the ninja world who can fight against Hinata Xiao.

"Speed ​​up your research..."

Ri Xiangxiao pointed at Bai Jue.

If the issue of Golden Horn's strength is indeed related to Bai Jue's sacrifice.


This means that Orochimaru can study and channel the Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama in their heyday.

And those two people will be the backbone to prevent Ri Xiangxiao from destroying the ninja world...

Ri Xiangxiao's split personality will become stronger and stronger in the future.

At that time, more powerful people and roles will be needed to limit Ri Xiangxiao's split personality behavior...


Until Ri Xiangxiao is promoted to the sixth level.

1179. Li Goudan? Ginseng fruit? No, Bai Jue!

Everyone has pursuits.

Just like Orochimaru has been pursuing immortality.

Ri Xiangxiao is also pursuing the goal of becoming stronger.

Orochimaru knew that others could not stop him.

He knows it too.

Others can't stop Ri Xiangxiao.

Now he can do it.

Just keep exploring and find ways to defeat each of Ri Xiangxiao’s split personalities.

When others are helpless, stand up and use your own scientific and ninja research results to become the savior...


"Ho ho..."

Orochimaru never thought of being a savior.

What he thought.

It is to maintain the stability of the testing ground of the ninja world.

after all......

The world is gone, so what else is there to study?

Not long after...

Orochimaru came up with certain results in his research on slicing.

"Hoho, Lord Xiao, it's just like what I thought. Apart from appearance and functions, Bai Jue doesn't have any characteristics of humans on the physical level..."

What does that mean?

Bai Ze can breathe, but he doesn't need to.

Bai Jue has vitality, but it is different from humans.

Bai Jue has no heart, no liver, no lungs, and even... no meridians.

But he can move freely and can provide chakra.

If I had to describe it.

Bai Jue is like a pile of lotus roots.

Orochimaru cut the lotus root, and lotus root slices appeared.

The lotus root pieces are connected, but they can move.

"A bit like Li Goudan..."

Hinata Xiao murmured.


Orochimaru asked.

"Nothing..." Ri Xiangxiao shook his head.

Some of the jokes and meanings are only understood by Ri Xiangxiao himself.

"The inexplicable will allows living beings like Bai Jue to move..."

Orochimaru looked at the slices of White Zetsu under the microscope.


Miyajo En's wife... Junko, a legal loli wife, also said this.

Her blood dragon eye can sense the underground mineral veins of Yuno Country.

Underground, the alien army discovered...that is, Bai Jue.

It seems to have a certain will.

And the key...

It is that "will".

What exactly is Bai Jue's will?

"Use illusions."

Orochimaru: "What?"

"Clone Bai Zetsu, and then use illusion to ask the source."


Orochimaru was silent, then smiled.

Find out what Black Zetsu is doing.

This is what Ri Xiangxiao has been doing.

Now, it seems that the answer can be revealed.

"Bai Zetsu is different from humans, so cloning methods that may be suitable for humans and animals cannot be applied to Bai Zetsu."

Orochimaru said.


He and Ri Xiangxiao thought of something together.

Wood escape.

There is an inextricable relationship between Bai Jue and Mu Dun.

Studying that relationship may also be one of the ways to break the situation.


Operations that only Orochimaru could complete began to appear.

Orochimaru tried to use Wood Release Cells to combine with White Zetsu.


Use wood cells as a culture dish to promote the growth of white cells.


Orochimaru looked at the microscope, his eyes widening.

"Ho ho... Mr. Xiao, I'm really surprised, how did you catch Bai Jue? You know... even I can't catch this thing... ..”

White Zetsu cannot be sensed by normal sensory ninjutsu.

All perception types.

Including the Sharingan, Byakugan, and even the Rinnegan.

It is difficult to observe the existence of Bai Jue.


Even Ri Xiangxiao couldn't do this.

Even if Ri Xiangxiao possesses senjutsu chakra.

Still unable to sense White Zetsu.

There are actually only two people who can sense Bai Zetsu.

1. Uzumaki Mito.

Uzumaki Mito is a good nine-tails jinchuriki, but he has never used the power of the nine-tails.

Mito Uzumaki was born with the ability to sense evil.

2.Uzumaki Naruko.

After obtaining the Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruko's "Nine-Tails Chakra Mode" has the ability to sense malice.

This allowed Naruko to discover White Zetsu.


There is a third human being who can do this.

That is, Hinata Xiao.

"I swallowed up a lot of previous personalities and gained extremely strong spiritual energy..."

Plus Hinata Xiao in the real waterfall.

Digest the many star points of oneself and the remaining spiritual energy of the opponents defeated in the past.

All kinds of progress have pushed Ri Xiangxiao to where she is today. able to sense the existence of Bai Zetsu.

This perception.

It is still different from Uzumaki Mito's special ability and Naruko's human-tailed beast combined with a chakra mode of 1+1 greater than 3.

Hinata Xiao is the "sixth sense".

That is to say, it is beyond all human intuitions, allowing Ri Xiangxiao to obtain this kind of perception.


It is as if birds and other creatures can sense the arrival of earthquakes earlier than humans.

The same is true for Ri Xiangxiao.

His perception was already in another dimension.

"I see......"

Orochimaru nodded.

It seems.

Destroying the world and saving the world are complementary to each other.

If Ri Xiangxiao hadn't created many split personalities.

It was also impossible to catch Bai Zetsu.

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