Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1445

"not enough......"

Orochimaru said suddenly.


"Xiaojun... What I mean is that I need a Senju Hashirama body to promote the growth of Bai Zetsu, otherwise it will be too slow... and the cultivated Bai Zetsu will not be enough. powerful......"


Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed and disappeared.

After a while.

Yamato, the tool that had been knocked unconscious, was in his hand.


Senju Hashirama's body...Yamato, also known as Wooden Tenzo, Kakashi's fanboy, Kakashi and Hinata Xiao's tool man.

He was placed on the wooden escape petri dish by Orochimaru.

With Yamato's arm making contact with the petri dish.

The petri dish grew rapidly and crazily.

Soon, a petri dish base appeared.

Yamato is like a USB flash drive, inserted horizontally into the base, acting as an information provider.

Soon, a big tree grew underground.

over time.

Orochimaru and Hinata Xiao looked up at the big tree...

After some tweaking and experimenting.

The big tree... bears fruit.

A figure that looked suspiciously like Senju Hashirama grew out of the big tree.

"There is life, but no soul..."

Ri Xiangxiao observed for a moment.

It is determined that this Senju Hashirama should be something similar to a ginseng fruit.

It's just that the Mudun cells have persistent memories.

So I just copied Senju Hashirama's form.

This "ginseng fruit" cannot be called the real Senju Hashirama, nor is it even a clone of Senju Hashirama.

There is no difference between him and a tree.

Another moment passed.

A Bai Jue grew out of the big tree.


Orochimaru's eyes lit up, his vertical pupils filled with joy.

1180. Female Bai Zetsu, Hinata Xiao learns of Kaguya’s resurrection plan

The growing Bai Jue slowly grew out of the big tree.

Soon, it drooped down, hanging on the trunk of the tree like a hanged ghost.

Another moment passed.

The thread on Bai Jue's head broke.


Bai Jue fell down and landed on the ground.


After getting up, it opened its eyes and began to look at the world.

When Bai Jue opened his eyes for the first time.

What I saw was Orochimaru and Hinata Xiao.


The first words Bai Jue spoke were not "Mom, Dad."


"White devil... Hinata Xiao~~!!"

Bai Jue's frightened voice came from its mouth.


Orochimaru and Hinata Xiao were a little surprised.

What has been proven is...

This Bai Jue is new.

In theory, it should be no different than a baby.


It can actually recognize itself all of a sudden?

"I's because of the White Zetsu cells..."

Orochimaru thought.

No, to be precise, it is "a certain will" contained in Bai Jue's cells.

It is that will.

Serves as an information carrier.

A known.

This Bai Zetsu comes from the Bai Zetsu who was killed by Ri Xiangxiao.

The memory of Bai Jue who was killed by Ri Xiangxiao stayed in the moment of anger.

That is to say...

This is a bred White Zetsu.

Inherited the memory of the former.

At the same time, a certain "will" must also be rooted deep in its mind.


With incredible speed, Ri Xiangxiao stepped forward and grabbed Bai Jue's neck.

"Tell me...what is the purpose of the Akatsuki organization's collection of the nine tailed beasts?"



Ri Xiangxiao pinched Bai Jue's neck.

Because Ri Xiangxiao saw the Bai Jue's determination not to let go.


Like throwing away garbage, Ri Xiangxiao threw Bai Jue on the ground.

"Ho ho... Mr. Xiao is really cruel and ruthless..."

Orochimaru smiled.

After a while...

Another Bai Jue fell from the tree.

The first second it opened its eyes, Ri Xiangxiao stepped forward again and grabbed the white Zetsu's neck.

"Tell me...your purpose of collecting the nine tailed beasts!"

This time.

Ri Xiangxiao's eyes lit up red.

Ri Xiangxiao used the power of the demon.

Using the demon's confusing illusions and the power of illusions made up after devouring Song Jiang and Malik, he began to torture Bai Jue with illusions.



Hinata Xiao pinched the second White Zetsu's neck.


Ri Xiangxiao killed the third, fourth, fifth...

Various methods were used by Ri Xiangxiao one by one.

It didn't take long before hundreds of Bai Zetsu's corpses were piled on the ground.

And just when the 108th White Zetsu was born...

Something happened by chance.

Just like Ah Fei, the son of the sacred tree who was born from the sacred tree.

The 108th White Zetsu created by Orochimaru and Hinata Xiao.

It is also a special existence.

The world is usually full of surprises and surprises.

This Bai Jue is also an accident within an accident.


It's a "female" one.


To a vegetative person, gender does not matter.

There is no distinction between male and female.

But the point is...

Bai Zetsu, who appears to be female, has indeed emerged.

His skin is fairer than Orochimaru's, and his grass-green hair is in a single ponytail.

A curvy figure.

And...the evil hazy eyes and sharp teeth.

Of course, the funny and evil character is indispensable.

"It's the crumbs of the ninja world~~~, the white color demon Hinata Xiao~!"

The female Bai Zetsu exclaimed.

Like a little girl who had been molested, Bai Jue [Female]'s sharp voice spread throughout the entire underground hall.



Hinata Xiao grabbed the female Bai Zetsu.

"That's her..."

Orochimaru only left these words in his ears, and Hinata Xiao disappeared together with the female Bai Zetsu...

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