Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1461

Hinata Xiao raised his head and stared at the night sky.

Ankbandian is gone.

He also cannot sense the Caged Bird Seal of any ninja weapons.

"Let's continue to investigate the situation..."

Rixiang Xiao didn't panic.

With amazing willpower and an unshakable heart.

Hinata Xiao sneaked into this different Konoha in the dark...

1193. Reversal of the world

"Yo, what are you doing?"

When Hinata Xiao stood in the park observing the scenery...

Several pedestrians passing by discovered Ri Xiangxiao.

"Huh? It's a ninja."

Ordinary people's eyesight cannot see Hinata Xiao who is hiding deliberately.

There were three figures of about 16 or 7 years old, and a white ninja dog.

"The Inuzuka family, the Aburame clan, and...the Hyuga clan."

The people who appeared in front of Ri Xiangxiao were undoubtedly ninjas from these three groups.

Especially the girl from the Hyuga clan is very eye-catching.

Not only because of her excellent looks, temperament, and fashionable makeup.

more importantly......

"She doesn't have the mark of the caged bird on her forehead!"

This made Ri Xiangxiao confirm one thing even more.

I came to a different world.

Is it true? Or illusion?

Ri Xiangxiao thought about it and walked forward.

"It's the Hyuga clan..."

"Hinata, I am one of your tribe."

"Huh? Who are you? I've never seen you in the tribe!"

The three people had different reactions.

Hinata pointed directly at Hinata Xiao's nose and asked.

It doesn't matter whether she is young and energetic, or she is a hot girl.


This name made Ri Xiangxiao think of something.

"It's really a transformation of a woman..."

That Hyuga Hinata, who couldn't even kick a fart with three kicks, could become so outgoing, lively and cheerful?

"Let's play a game."

Hinata Xiao stared at the three of them.

"If you beat me, I'll answer one question for each of you. If you lose, I'll answer one question for each of you."

"What kind of attitude do you have! You still have opinions when distinguishing between family members! Be careful, I'll beat you up!"

Hinata clenched her fists, and the veins in her eyes were exposed.

Just like that, the Byakugan opened.


Her expression froze.

"What's wrong? Hinata?"

Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino were a little confused.

"This is......"

In Hinata's eyes, there was a human figure that was more dazzling than the sun.

Hinata had never seen such a huge amount of chakra.

No one... can compare to it.

"Aren't you coming? Then I'll take action first."

Before the three of them could react.

Hinata Xiao dodged and knocked down all three of them.

As for the Ninja Dog Akamaru... Facing Hinata Xiao's powerful aura, he lay on the ground and trembled in fear, not daring to move.

"Okay, now let me ask you questions."

Ri Xiangxiao said with a gentle expression.

But Shino and the others knew that Hinata Xiao could kill them at any time.

When did the Hyuga clan have such a powerful master?

"Tell me about what happened in the past few years since you were 11 years old."

When the day comes.

In the world over there, Hinata and others are only 11 years old.


Ri Xiangxiao is very interested in what happened here in the past 5 or 6 years.

Forced by Ri Xiangxiao's powerful strength.

After Shino and the others looked at each other, they could only tell the truth.

At 11 years old, they are still in ninja school.

At the age of 12, he graduated from the ninja school and became a genin.

At the end of the year, take the Chunin Exam.

At the age of 13, at the beginning of the year, the Chunin Examination ended.

Menma and Shikamaru became chunin.

In the same year, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen died in the collapse of Konoha caused by Orochimaru.

Tsunade serves as the Fifth Hokage.

At the age of 14, some of his peers became chuunin.

15 years old, 16 years old, same thing.

The past three years have been uneventful, and nothing happened in the ninja world.

"I see......"

Hinata nodded.

A completely different direction from the world over there.

"Excuse me...your name..."

Ya tried to ask.

"My name is... Hinata Xiao."

When Hinata Xiao finished saying this, she noticed Hinata's movements.

She is forming seals.

That seal made Ri Xiangxiao frown.

next moment.

Before Hinata could react, Hinata Xiao came in front of her.


Ri Xiangxiao pressed her fingers.

"You want to activate the Caged Bird Seal?"

Ri Xiangxiao has put an end to this ancient method of punishment.

Every member of the Hyuga clan will be branded as a caged bird when they are 3 or 4 years old.

Ensure equality for all.

And now...

What happened here reminded Ri Xiangxiao of some bad memories.

"let me go!"

Hinata shouted.

"I don't know you at all! There is no one like you in our Hyuga clan! Who are you?!"

"That's all, let's make a mark first..."

After saying that, Ri Xiangxiao's left hand lit up with flames.

With Hinata's horrified look on her face, she pressed hard against her exposed belly——



Hinata's eyes widened in disbelief, and her beautiful face was distorted with a painful expression.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Hinata had a pattern of a caged bird seal on her abdomen.

Get this done.

Hinata Xiao...disappeared in the stunned eyes of Kiba and Shino.


All the way into the streets of Konoha.

A few years of surprise are enough to change some things.

Konoha here is prosperous and ever-changing.

On the street, people come and go.

Even though it's dark now.

Still very lively.

"I'm talking about Choji~~~."

Three boys and girls were walking down the street.

"What are you doing, Shikamaru?" the skinny Choji said unhappily.

"Let's go have barbecue together."

Shikamaru had an idiot-like expression on his face.

"For barbecue Q, it only costs 1,500 taels for a table of all-you-can-eat. If three people share it equally, I'll do the math..."

Shikamaru calculated for a while, but couldn't figure out the result.

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