Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1462


Choji sighed helplessly.

"It's 500 taels. Anyway, I hate eating at the buffet. I don't have a big appetite, so I'll lose 500 taels."

"What are you talking about? Even if you only eat for 5 people, 500 taels is still worth it..."

"How can I possibly eat for 5 people?"

As the two said this, they started to quarrel.

"That... that..."

Ino immediately ran up and pulled the two of them apart.

"Chouji, Shikamaru, I told you to stop arguing..."

Ino, who looked kind and gentle and dressed conservatively, said softly.

"Are you the child of Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikaku, and Yamanaka Kaiichi..."

Ri Xiangxiao observed the three of them.


A somewhat familiar figure walked out from the corner of the street!


Ino spotted Sakura and ran over.

"If you don't mind, come to the buffet with us!"

"Ah I......"

Haruno Sakura scratched her head.

Seems to be thinking.

"Nai, nai...let's go together. It tastes better when we all go together."


Haruno Sakura lowered her head, her mood was inexplicably depressed for some reason.


Shikamaru and the three looked at each other.

Dingci stepped forward and comforted: "Sakura, you are the daughter of a hero, you must cheer up..."

With that said, Choji and the other three looked at the Hokage Rock.

Haruno Omen, the Yondaime Hokage's face rock, is carved on it.

16 years ago, Haruno Zhao and Haruno Meabuki sacrificed their lives to seal the nine-tailed demon fox.

Their daughter... Haruno Sakura, is called the Hero's Daughter!

1194. Masked Man, Book of Zhuyue

The playboy Sasuke, the underwear thief Xiao Li, the dull-voiced pervert Neji, the incompetent Saai, the poor Tenten who is terrible at playing with toys...

Hinata Xiao got to know and meet each character one after another.

Their lives have taken a completely different path from the other world.


Different life choices and environments, subtle differences, will cause a huge butterfly effect.

That is...


All this further proves Ri Xiangxiao's method of using split personality to enhance her own strength.

There are limits to a person's path.

And countless "what ifs" combined together can transcend the established future.

As Hinata Xiao stared at the night.

Konoha was in commotion.

From time to time ANBU and Konoha ninjas passed by.

Ninjas from the Hyuga clan showed up frequently.

Obviously, the peaceful night in Konoha was broken because of the "attack" on Hinata and Hinata.


At the same time, somewhere in this world...

The masked man in this world is walking in the mountains and forests carrying a corpse.

Behind...are mountain villages that were destroyed and burned to the ground.

Just in the reflection of the flame.

Uchiha Obito appeared slowly, appearing as a shadow.

"The blood inheritance limit plus various secret techniques, gathering a lot of power, and hoping to control the entire ninja world... It is really an obvious ambition."


The masked man wearing a fox mask stopped and turned around.

Throw away the corpse in your hands.

"As a ghost, you have a really strong sense of self. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Compared to this, I can lend you some power..."

The confrontation between the two sides' auras unfolded out of thin air.


Konoha, office.

"What?! The tailed beast from the Land of Thunder was captured?!"

Tsunade's exclamation echoed throughout the office.

But it was different from the Tsunade Hinata knew.

Tsunade here not only wears glasses, but is also short-sighted.

His temper also became soft.

At the same time, the powerful front armor was lost.

On the other hand, Shizune stood next to her.

Not only is he wearing lipstick and possessing a powerful weapon, but his temper has also become much hotter.

The little pig Dolphin was held in her arms.

He also turned into a black, grumpy little pig.

The best way to get information.

Just get it directly from local leaders.

Ri Xiangxiao heard about this scene when she sneaked into the office.

"Is it the Eight-Tailed Kirabi?" Tsunade asked.

"No, the female Jinchuuriki of Kumogakure Village."

Shizune replied.

The female Jinchuuriki, also known as the two Yukijin.

"Did the masked man do it again?"

"Probably...that's him."

Shizune nodded.

"This is trouble..."

Tsunade mused.

"What masked man?" The next moment, Hinata Xiao suddenly appeared in the office, startling Tsunade and others.


ANBU rushed out.

Shizune was ready for battle.

"Hokage-sama, look at his eyes...!"

"It's the Hyuga clan!"

"And the caged bird on the forehead is from a separate family..."

"Could it be that...he is the guy who attacked Hinata-san and the three of them...!!"

Face the stranger who appears here.

Everyone was on extreme alert.

"Hurry up and surrender!"

Tsunade shouted.

"'s you who should surrender. I'll give you 30 seconds to think about it and hand over all the information you know to me."

Ri Xiangxiao said.


Just when the battle is about to break out...

Tsunade, who was wearing glasses, adjusted her glasses frames.

Made a completely different response.

"I see......"

Compared to Tsunade in another world, Tsunade in this world is more rational.


She understands the benefits of trying to be as conflict-free as possible.

"But we have a request," Tsunade said.

"any request?"

"Don't attack us Konoha ninjas again."

"The premise is that they don't want to die." Ri Xiangxiao replied.


Shizune shouted from the side.

"There may be a war in the near future, and there is no need to hide it..."

Tsunade said.

"It would be unwise to add more enemies. Since he dares to come here alone, he has a way to escape unscathed."

Tsunade's analysis.

This calmed down the hot-tempered Shizune.

Then, Tsunade looked at Hinata Xiao.

"This year, a masked man appeared. He specializes in collecting all kinds of rare ninjutsu and blood inheritance limits. He is an international S-class wanted criminal. But I didn't expect that he would actually attack the tailed beast..."

"what is his name?"

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