Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1463

"I don't know..." Tsunade shook her head, "We all call him the masked man."

"Where is he now?"

"It's impossible, no one is his opponent!"

Shizune shouted.

"Including us, many ninja villages have thought about defeating him, but..."

At this point, Shizune showed a sad expression.

"Even Jiraiya-sama hasn't come back..."

"Jiraiya was killed?"

"Jiraiya once said that there is only one way to defeat the masked man in this world..."

When Tsunade was about to say the next words...

A voice came from outside.

"That is to use the seal scroll "Book of the Vermillion Moon"..."


Ri Xiangxiao turned her head.

What I saw was...

The golden shining Minato Namikaze, and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki!

Tsunade: "Welcome back."

"We're back......"

Namikaze Minato bowed in return.

"Are the Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina of this world still alive..."

Hinata Xiao thought to herself.

"Jiraiya-sensei seemed to have received a prophecy at Mt. Myoboku during his lifetime. The masked man will be defeated by the Book of the Red Moon brought back by Jiraiya-sensei... Because the prediction of the Great Toad Sage is absolutely correct, the teacher believes that, That’s why I had to risk my life to get the Book of the Red Moon..."

Namikaze Minato paused and closed his eyes.

"But the teacher was seriously injured and failed to return to the village. In the end, he even lost his life..."

"Where is the Book of Zhuyue now?" Ri Xiangxiao asked.

"It is probably hidden near the border of the Country of Grass..."

Tsunade said.

"Kushina, Minato, you two, when Kakashi and Kai come back, you will set off to recover the Book of the Red Moon..."


Ri Xiangxiao spoke up.

"I'm going with you, now."

1195.This world is too weak

"Your Excellency is..."

Namikaze Minato looked at Hinata Xiao.

It's a new face I've never seen before.

"Visitor from another world... Ri Xiangxiao."

Ri Xiangxiao reported home.

"You can think that I come from Konoha in a parallel world different from yours."


Everyone was shocked.

Most people think that Rixiang Xiao is having fun.

But only Namikaze Minato stared at Hinata Xiao seriously.

"I can feel that your Excellency is not lying."

Namikaze Minato, who was proficient in space and time ninjutsu, immediately believed this.

"It's just... we still need a little more evidence."

Namikaze Minato's expression turned serious.

"How do you prove that you are not a masked man?"

Namikaze Minato's words made everyone beware again.


The masked man came to Konoha in a big way, and then wanted to take the opportunity to steal the sealed book...

The timing of his arrival was too coincidental...

"How do you make an apple prove to itself that it is an apple?"

Ri Xiangxiao said.


Everyone was stunned.

Although this sentence makes sense, it also depends on the occasion.

"Give me a hand."

Ri Xiangxiao said.

"It doesn't matter if you both come together, my strength is my proof."


Ten minutes later.

Konoha back mountain.

A special confrontation is taking place here.

One of the strongest ninjas in Konoha...the golden flash Minato Namikaze, faced off against the unknown Hyuga clan members.

this battle.

Attracted many onlookers.

Among them are Hyuga Hizashi, the leader of the Hyuga clan, and his younger brother Hyuga Hizashi and others.

"Hokage-sama! We must not let go of the culprit who hurt our little girl!"

When Hinata Hinata learned that her daughter Hinata Hinata was branded with a curse.

Shocked and angry.

After identification, it was discovered...

It may be a kind of curse seal that is the same as the Caged Bird Seal, but completely different.

What's even scarier is...

It is possible that there is no way to unlock this curse seal.

"Oh? You're quite brave."

Hinata Xiao stared at Hinata Hinashi.

The Hinata and Hinata of this world are much better than the Hyuga and Hinata of their own world who are obedient to the outside world and aggressive at home...?

His strength.

It almost makes people think they are a different person.

"Why don't we start with you first."

Ri Xiangxiao raised a finger.


Hinata Hinata yelled and wanted to seek justice for her daughter Hinata Hinata.

"elder brother......"

But Hinata Hizashi stopped him.

"Protecting the Zong family is the responsibility of the branch family. Let me test it first..."

"No, Hizashi."

Hinata Hizu stopped him with a drink.

"You are my Ou Doudou. How can you let your younger brother risk his life when you are an older brother?!"

This scene.

Seeing this made Ri Xiangxiao feel quite funny.

Because the Hinata and Hinata of this world are completely inverted and opposite to that of that world.


Lord Hinata Rizu, who loves his people like a son and is strong and passionate, enters the field, ready to learn from Hinata Xiao's clever tricks.

"The Hyuga clan possesses the Sixty-Four Bagua Palms. Going up to the next level, the cycle of 64 Palms is repeated. I don't know if this world is like this..."

"Soft Fist!"

Hinata Hizu ignored Hinata Xiao's teasing.

Go forward directly and use the soft fist.




Blue light fire shines in the night sky.

Hinata Hizu released a chakra-enchanted soft fist technique.

"The foundation is good, but the overall strength is too poor..."

Hinata Xiao shook his head.

"The Hyuga clan will have no future if they stick to soft fists..."

next moment.

Ri Xiangxiao raised a finger.

Hinata Hizu only felt a finger magnifying in front of his eyes.

There is no way to dodge or get out of the way.


Hit in the forehead.

Hinata and Hinata were knocked away.

Seeing the head of the Hyuga clan defeated so easily.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but be extremely sad.

"elder brother......!!"

Hinata Hizashi flew over and caught Hinata Hizashi.

He turned his head, his eyes filled with fire.

"Let's go together, it doesn't matter."

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