Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1473

"Hmph...the one at the end of the crane..."

Sasuke took out a note and threw it at Naruko.


Naruko stood up immediately after being hit by the note.

"goodbye teacher!"

After saying that, Naruko got up and prepared to go home from school.


A tic-tac-toe appeared on Iruka's forehead.

So angry.

Iruka was left speechless.


Iruka's roar made Naruko's ears hurt.


Wait until after class.

Naruko was still being punished to stand.

Sasuke wandered over to talk to Naruko.

Two years ago, Konoha was destroyed.

This created a bond of comrades between Sasuke and Naruko.

The two of them faced off against the enemy together and defeated Deidara.

It became a good start.

Sasuke and Naruko became more and more familiar with each other, and their relationship became as good as ever.

But the only thing that makes Sasuke unhappy is...

The big brother of hers that Naruko longed for...

That is, the white devil, Hinata Xiao.

"The white devil is dead."

Sasuke said in a dark tone.

"Killed by the Hidan curse of the Akatsuki organization."

This is information everyone knows.

"No way!"

Naruko immediately retorted.

"Brother must still be alive!"

If you want to say why.

One is because of intuition.

Naruko felt that Hinata Xiao was still alive.


Sasuke snorted and changed the subject.

He believes it.

Time will slowly dilute everything.

Including Naruko's concern for the white devil.

When the time comes, he will take his place and become the most important position in Naruko's heart.

Just when Sasuke was thinking this...

There was a sound of running in the corridor.

Iruka and the others looked serious, as if something big had happened.

Multiple ninja teachers were running around.

Their faces... were ugly.

"What's wrong?"

Sasuke and Naruko were confused.


Iruka stopped.

"You two, go home quickly. The school has issued a holiday notice..."

A sudden vacation?

"Did something happen? Iruka-sensei?"

Sasuke asked coolly.

"It's a vicious murder..."

Iruka thought for a while, considering Sasuke's identity, and said.

"Anyway, you will know immediately..."

Uchiha Fugaku is Sasuke's father.

He is also the Minister of Police.

Sasuke will know sooner or later when the time comes.

"Who was killed?"

Sasuke asked.

Iruka: "Red copper armor!"


The location of the crime.

A residence with red copper armor on the outskirts of Konoha.

In fact, not only the red copper armor was dead, but also his friend, Jian Meicheng.

Yamato, Uazuki Yugao and other Anbu.

There are also jounin such as Kakashi, Akai, Moonlight Hayate...

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that since the blood stain disease disappeared, Moonlight Gale’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Finally, he was promoted to Jonin in the past two years.

Many Konoha ninjas gathered around the scene.

Through investigation, confirm the seriousness of the matter.

"Red Copper Armor and Sword Meicheng are all my genin of Konoha..."

Maoyue Xiyan held a small notebook, which recorded the information of the two people.

Another person present...

It's Yakushi Kabuto.

"Their genin teammate is Kabuto Yakushi..."


Everyone looked at Yakushi Kabuto.

Red Copper Armor, Sword Meicheng, and Yakushi Kabuto, the three of them have average talents.

It's been several years since I graduated and I'm still a genin.

It is worth mentioning that......

Kabuto Yakushi is Hinata Xiao's former subordinate.

"Kabuto, what do you think?"

Kakashi turned his attention to Kabuto.


Kabuto adjusted his glasses, and the lenses reflected white light.

"have no idea......"

He shook his head.

"I stayed up very late last night doing research and experiments, and I was woken up early this morning before I even woke up..."

Probably a lie.

Kakashi, who had some inside knowledge, knew.

Kabuto Yakushi is far from being as weak as he appears on the surface.

on the contrary.

Kabuto Yakushi is extremely powerful.

Although he does not have talents such as blood inheritance limit, as an ordinary person, he is a good seed.

Especially... it is impossible for Ri Xiangxiao's men to accept a waste.


"Is there anything you can tell me in private?"

Kakashi asked again.


Kabuto Yakushi smiled.

His smile gave everyone a creepy feeling.


The deaths of Red Copper Armor and Jian Meicheng were extremely miserable.

Not only were the two transformed into horrific corpses of skin and bones.

There were even signs of burning on the body.

Facing such a corpse, Kabuto Yakushi could still laugh, and he was still his companion...

And what even Kakashi and others don’t know is...

The sword is beautiful and the red copper armor is beautiful.

These two are Orochimaru's spies.

But later Orochimaru disappeared, and the two of them acted on their own.

Now these two men are dead.

It's one less hassle.


When the time comes to settle old scores and find out that the two of them are will inevitably implicate themselves.

Even if you can prove your innocence, there will inevitably be some problems.

Die well, die well...


Who killed these two people?

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