Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1474

This was something Kabuto didn't know.

"Ken Meicheng has the ability to soften his body and stretch his hands like rubber..."

"The red copper armor has the "Chakra Absorption Technique", which is a relatively low-end but rare technique. At the same time, Red Copper Armor is good at illusion magic and hellfire. This spell can cause real burning damage..."

Maoyue Xiyan analyzed the incident.

Two Konoha shinobi died inexplicably in their own home.

Enough to be called a big event.

Considering that the murderer may continue to commit crimes and cause harm.

So... Ninja school is on holiday too.

1204.Illidan Stormrage, I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years

It was no one else who killed the red copper armor.

It is the new personality that Rixiang Xiao released.

When the degree of Taoism has reached 85%.

With 5% left, Ri Xiangxiao can reach the sixth level.

A few years ago, after the explanation of the White Snake Immortal.

Ri Xiangxiao can be sure that the way he wants to be promoted is to manually condense the Jade of Seeking Dao.

Rather than becoming a Six-Path level, there is no need to seek Dao Jade.

Or after the Sixth Level, a Jade for Seeking the Way will be given as a gift.

These two weak chicken species.

To achieve this.

With Ri Xiangxiao's current Yin-Yang Escape attainment, it is still impossible to do it, and there is no hope of doing it.


Continuously split personality.

Let the split personality take a different path.

Finally, the Yin and Yang escapes are condensed to accumulate experience.

After a large number of split personalities mastered the Yin and Yang Escape.

Many experiences will be fed back to the ontology.

When the time comes, when you advance to the Sixth Path level, you will have greater confidence that you can condense the Seeking Dao Jade out of thin air.

Human beings have limits.

A person also has his limits.

Various electrical appliances we use daily, ranging from various televisions, refrigerators, etc.

Down to clothes, even a drink and a peck.

Everything is shaped by the efforts of everyone.

That is to say...

Want to achieve something.

It is necessary to allow the world to be colorful and have the existence of others.

What Hinata Xiao is doing now.

It is based on the above concept.

Let split personality replace each "other".

Concentrate the "strength of others" and finally unite together to promote yourself and achieve success.

There is a limit to a person's imagination.

But in the minds of countless people, there are countless paths and endless possibilities.

This personality was newly created by Hinata Xiao.

Own your own thoughts.

He killed the red copper armor just to perfect his own ability.

Although Red Copper Armor is just a genin, his strength is low.

But his technique is very valuable.

Whether it is a real-damage illusion that can burn or a chakra absorption technique, they all have a certain degree of plasticity.

The split personality killed the red copper armor and captured the technique.

Then, kill the unlucky guy Ken Meicheng who came along the way.


Hidden figure, disappeared on the spot...


Konoha murder incident, 10 hours later.

Daytime, 9am.

Geographical location, the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

A small group of Kumoyin Village ninjas perform the task of guarding the border.

This is a traditional task since ancient times.

It was also after the appearance of Dongli, Xuanhuan and other characters that Yunyin Village became more vigilant.

There are about 24 people in the team.

The size of 6 teams patrols the border.

After they reunited, they were about to disperse again.


Suddenly there was a loud bang.

Something fell from the sky.

boom! ! !

The terrifying heavy object fell to the ground and created a crater.

At this moment, the shock wave set off knocked several members of Kumogakure's team off their feet.


The 24 Kumogakure ninjas who fell on the ground stood up and stared at this scene.


What was roaring and screaming there was a monster with nine tails.

This monster swung its tail, and its body was covered in scarlet chakra.

Some of the young people had blank faces.

The older ninja showed a panicked expression.

"Golden horn and silver horn?!"

The golden horn and the silver horn are the two lights hidden in the clouds.

He is also the biggest sinner of Kumogakure.

"you sure?!"

Someone next to me exclaimed.

No matter how you look at it, these are all Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Yes, that's the one from Konoha, Uzumaki... Naruko is here.

"Idiot, look at his size! Uzumaki Naruko is just a child, but he is over 2 meters tall!"

The words of the veteran Kumo Ninja reminded his companions.

A roaring humanoid monster stood before him.

Although the body is stooped.

But you can also see how strong he is.

There was absolutely no way this kind of person could be that tiny Uzumaki Naruko.

"Why did the Golden Horn and Silver Horn appear here?!"

Just when they were at a loss...

boom! !

Another figure fell from the sky.

It hit Yinjiao in the face.

The people who were originally blown away were once again blown away by the shock wave.

They screamed and flew out.

Wait until the smoke dissipates...

They looked stupidly at a human figure standing up in the ruins.

It opened its claws, and also spread its wings and horns.

"I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years..."

The visitor had purple skin that reflected strange patterns in the sunlight.

Two huge horns sprouted from the top of the head, winding towards the sky.

A black cloth was wrapped around his eyes, and the deep-set sockets proved that he was blind.

The wings stretched out on the back are like the wings of a, a devil.

Plus claws that don't look like humans.

Cow's! Demonic hooves.

It’s like a monster in a fantasy novel! !

Seeing the terrifying humanoid figure that was over 2.5 meters tall, everyone in Yunyin Village stopped breathing for a moment.

Boom! Boom!

"I am Illidan Stormrage, and Ri Xiangxiao is my master. Feel the terror of the White Demon Army!"

Illidan's hooves struck the ground.

Burning with ever-burning flames.

Now that we have learned the truth about this world from White Zetsu...that is Black Zetsu's purpose of resurrecting Kaguya Otsutsuki.

That day Ri Xiangxiao also felt that there was no need to pretend anymore.

I put my cards on the table.

I just want to reach the top of the ninja world.

Be the strongest.

I will use any means to do this.

If you want to stop me, just do it.

Through the mouth of split personality Illidan.

Ri Xiangxiao once again spread his name.

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