Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1483

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel bad.


more importantly......

The body of a giant turtle...


Only the countless rocks, trees and other parasites on it have been cleared away.

The huge turtle shell underneath was exposed.

The moment the tailed beast jade exploded.

The force on the ground is diluted and diverted.

scattered in other directions.

This allowed Turtle Island to be spared.

But if the second shot comes, the giant turtle will definitely die.

Because there is no cover such as land, the explosion can be diluted.

"Lord Raikage!"

Illidan was killed on the spot.

Yumu Ren ignored him and immediately started looking for Qi Ai.


"I'm fine...Yukito..."

Ai's figure emerged from the seawater at the edge of Turtle Island, with the upper half of his body emerging.

Except for looking a little embarrassed.

Ai did not suffer any fatal injuries.

The moment the Tailed Beast Jade pressed against Illidan.

He let go of his hand and ran away.

Wait until the explosion hits the sea.

Ai is also safe and sound.

Just when Yukito breathed a sigh of relief...

A black hand silently stretched out from Illidan's broken chest.

It swallowed him up in the blink of an eye.

The tall dark figure stood up out of thin air.

The black shadow was standing behind Yukito...

"Your wails of pain...will be the best proof of my wild power!"

Click, click, click...

A cold wave emerged and everything was frozen.

Arthas holding Frostmourne... appears!

Arthas is the second personality of the Blizzard series created by Ri Xiangxiao.

After swallowing Illidan, his strength increased greatly.

At the same time, it has a different practice route than Illidan.

Illidan uses Flame Release.

And Alsace uses ice escape.

Frostmourne, created from corpse bone veins, exudes a deep cold air.

Just standing there.

The invisible cold wave spread in all directions, freezing everything.

This move was exactly Ri Xiangxiao's chill wave.

Put it on Alsace.

This skill becomes a passive skill that continues to take effect.

He was wearing jet black armor, also shaped from corpse bone veins.

The white-haired Alsace waved his hand violently, and the cold wave became even more intense!

"It's so cold..."

The two-tailed Nekomata, whose body was made of flames, felt a deep chill.

Yumu Ren, who was partnering with it, also felt the bone-chilling coldness.

What's even scarier is...

This cold air is still eroding the flames on Erwei's body, making the flames weak! Even annihilation!

Chakra amplification through magic.

Perhaps, this move should be called "Immortal Technique·Ice Release·Cold Wave"!

"huh huh huh huh......"

As Alsace chuckled.

in a blink.

There was a storm of snowflakes on Turtle Island.

In the blink of an eye.

Everything here is frozen!

And the scope of the ice is rapidly expanding!

From a range of tens of meters, it affected hundreds of meters, and then several kilometers! !

Click click click......

Ai jumped out of the sea.

I also had to jump out.


Even the sea is frozen.

There was even heavy snowfall in the sky.

"Welcome to Northrend! Wake up! Warriors of the Undead Scourge!"

Arthas raised Frostmourne.

Spiritual energy swept over the spot.

The corpses of the ninjas from the barrier class of Kumogakure Village who were killed, blown away, and later frozen into ice sculptures.

Suddenly he came alive.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The ice shattered.

The ghoul is out!


The dead leader of the barrier squad, Jian, led his subordinates and rushed towards Yuki and Ai!

Now, they only fight for their master Alsace!

I saw nearly 20 members of the barrier class, all turned into living ice corpses.

It is thrown by wooden people and moxa breath.

The roaring corpse.

It is driven mainly by spiritual energy and supplemented by means of controlling objects.

Within the chill swings of Alsace.

The chakra spread in the air, snow, and ice can easily flow into the corpse, control it, and make the corpse "alive".

Looking at his former companions, they all looked like frozen corpses with livid faces and lifeless bodies.

Their voices, faces, and smiles seemed to be still in front of me.

"You bastard!!!"

The first one who couldn't help it was Ai.

His body turned into a stream of blue light, brushing across the frozen sea.

Break through the heavy snow.

Rushed directly to the vicinity of Alsace.


Arthas smiled.

"If you want to fight me, you must first pass the test of my slaves..."

The frozen corpses, which were originally moving slowly and swaying, suddenly accelerated!

He rushed towards Ai at an incredible speed!

"Evil aura!"

With Alsace's murmur.

Power fluctuations visible to the naked eye emerge and spread.

Evil Aura is a ninjutsu that can increase one's own speed and the speed of his subordinates.

The principle is to use "magnetic escape" to reduce the impact of gravity.

Because Alsace can achieve extremely fine control.

While not reducing its own gravity, it can eliminate the influence of the earth's gravity.

This is equivalent to acceleration in disguise.

at the same time.

The Dragon Life Reincarnation Star Point also gave the frozen corpses and Arthas the ability to restore life.

A combination of both.

It is the passive aura skill called "Evil Aura".




The frozen corpses with twisted movements, ferocious expressions, and bloodless faces surrounded Ai and launched an attack.

Each of their powers was multiplied exponentially.

And he is not afraid of death.

Under the influence of Ice Escape, a certain amount of resistance to attack is also enhanced.

Seeing the twisted faces rushing toward him, Ai felt extremely angry inside.

But as a shadow, he is able to maintain a certain amount of sanity while being angry.


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