Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1484

Ai deliberately avoided the corpses of each of his subordinates and circled towards Alsace.


Arthas snorted coldly when he saw this.

"Death Coil!"

He raised his left palm and aimed it at Ai, firing a death coil.

at the same time.

He jumped suddenly to avoid Yukito's claw attack.

Death coil.

It's also Alsace's skill.

This skill is modeled on the power of the monster.

Because the flames of sprites can eat away at matter.


After turning the power of the monster into his own, Arthas added many special changes to it to suit his own style.

Then he saw the howling dark green skull, with a dark flash of light, flying towards Ai at an extremely fast speed.

A technique that combines dark chakra, senjutsu chakra and other multiple energies.

Like a tracking missile, it bit Ai firmly.

"good chance!"

Alsace saw the moment.

Dodged Yukito's attack again.

Yumuren was affected by the weakening of the flames on his body and the damage caused by the freezing light.

The slowdown is no longer enough to pose an absolute threat to Alsace.


Alsace jumped and slashed vertically.

The cold air circulates on the blade of Frostmourne.

The runes engraved on it.

It's a special technique.

This technique brings together all of Alsace's power.

He also possesses part of the power of Rixiangxiao's own body.

The style of Huicai Sliding Knife!

The glowing Frostmourne has countless tiny bone blades conducting and rubbing on its surface.

Like a high frequency chainsaw!

Poof! !

Frostmourne tore at Ai's flesh.

Broken his Thunder Escape Armor.

At the same time, Ai's arm was cut off.


Ai let out a roar of pain, but was faced with an evil smile on Alsace's face.

1213. Frost dragon Sindragosa

"Lord Raikage!"

"The dodge is quite fast..."

Yumuren's shout, Alsace's taunt, and Ai's roar.

Three voices intertwined.

Ai didn't just lose an arm.

The frozen breath froze the wound.

Eren couldn't even bleed.

not only that.

The power of freezing is still eroding Ai's body.

Ai stepped aside, with a hint of lividness on his face.

That's the effect of low temperatures.

next moment.

Attacked by Bokuto's cat claws.

Alsace's old strength has been exhausted, and new strength is making a living.

There was a loud bang.

Alsace was knocked away.

But he shook his head and stood up from the ground unscathed.

The thick corpse bone vein armor gave him super defensive capabilities.

"Die! Big Cat!"

Arthas raised Frostmourne, and Ice Escape Chakra rose into the sky.

Wherever he passed, the air froze.

The large-scale low temperature phenomenon once again weakened the flame appearance of the second tail.

To a certain extent, Ice Release is Erwei's nemesis.

As the temperature plummets.

The scope of influence is also growing.

"not good!"

Ai couldn't bear the pain of a broken arm.

He looked down.

It was discovered that the giant turtle also began to be unable to endure the low temperature damage caused by ice escape.

Even the breath he exhaled turned into ice crystals.


very cold! !

This feeling spread in Ai's mind.

Click, click, click...

Thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifting.

Although it is just a description, it can completely explain the scene at this time.

The water in the nearby sea completely stopped flowing.

Glaciers spread from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea...

In the deep sea...

The bones of countless dead giant creatures were transmitted like lightning and fire under the influence of some kind of force.

"Come out! Sindrgoosa!"

Click click click......

Countless bones gathered, condensed, reorganized, and constructed.

The dead creatures were resurrected in another form.

Boom! !

The glacier breaks.

next moment.

The giant creation that blocked the sky and sun rushed out of the ocean that was frozen into glaciers.


The roar of the dragon resounded.

The frost dragon, burning with icy blue chakra, breaks through the ice! Flying directly over Turtle Island.

"What monster?!"

Ai and Yuki stared at the sudden appearance of the frost dragon, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

The giant dragon with a body length of more than 200 meters illustrates what is truly terrifying.

"Hum hum......"

Arthas sneered.

"Destroy it!"

With Frostmourne's command.

The frost dragon's freezing breath begins...


After a few minutes.

Alsace was in tatters, most of his armor was broken into pieces, and his hair was a little messy.

The former Turtle Island of Cloud Hidden Village.

Already completely shattered.

The blood from the overturned giant turtle dyed the glacier red.

The giant dead.

Alsace standing on the corpse of a giant tortoise.

Staring at Ai like a winner.

"The next one is you... a miserable mortal."

Frostmourne pointed in Arthas' hand.

The giant dragon that had landed on the sea behind him spat out a desperate freezing breath.

Just now, it relied on this move to extinguish the flames of Erwei.

The wooden man was frozen in the ice and became an ice sculpture.

Ai punched the ice with his fists, seemingly trying to rescue his men.

The two frozen Yumu figures were quietly frozen in the ice, like a sleeping beauty.

boom! !

The breath filled the sky came.

Ai's body was frozen.

Eyebrows, nose, mouth...

Sluggish movements.

Click click click......

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