Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1544


The speed of Rixiangxiao is getting faster and faster.

Soon, he rushed into the huge, wide-open entrance in the center of the temple.

As soon as Ri Xiangxiao stepped up the steps and walked to the entrance platform and in front of the door.

The figure suddenly flashed and turned into an afterimage.

"So fast!"

Everyone who saw Ri Xiangxiao's performance was amazed.

They didn't expect that a little-known ronin could be so powerful.

In fact.

in their eyes.

The elite jounin are just cannon fodder.

It is a chess piece used to explore paths and consume.

I saw Ri Xiangxiao flashing wildly from side to side, looking like he was doing acrobatics or showing off his skills.

"Wait... he seems to be avoiding the attack?"

Tsunade took a closer look and found traces of the enemy within.

Uchiha Obito except his own power.

Some split bodies of the Ten-Tails were also created.

Then he saw a being that looked like a tree man or a monster, and grabbed Ri Xiangxiao.

With a puff, Ri Xiangxiao was crushed.


Ri Xiangxiao let out a scream, tilted her head and stopped moving.


The ten-tailed splinter body let go of its hand and let Hinata fall to the ground.

Then, it looked at everyone.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Onoki and others' pupils shrank, staring at the creature that "killed" Rixiang Xiao.


As the monster roared, ten-tailed split bodies ranging from 2 to 6 meters in size kept popping up.

These split bodies.

It can be understood as an existence similar to the octopus tentacles of the eight-tailed ogre.

It's just that the octopus tentacles came to life and turned into soldiers that can attack.

This is also a pastime for Uchiha Obito, and it is also an experiment on his own power.


Ai snorted coldly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this boy named Wuming died all of a sudden.

Before, I thought he was hiding something secretly.

At present, it seems that he really can't do it.

Since he's dead...there's no need to care.

Ai turned his attention to the split body of the Ten-Tails.

the other side......

Ri Xiangxiao, who was lying on the corpse, left behind the corpse's bone veins, the art of erasing face, and the nine-faced corpse.

The whole person became invisible and got up from the ground.

After entering the "Shadow Flash Chakra Mode", Bai Jue cannot detect anything.

Even the Byakugan and Sharingan couldn't see through Hinata Xiao's disguise.

Hide in the dark and wait quietly.

That's what Ri Xiangxiao wants to do.

The so-called mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

You are the ultimate hunter.

He didn't pay attention to the people fighting with the Ten-Tails Split Body.

Ri Xiangxiao entered the palace directly.

Along the way, I met many hidden Bai Jue.

These White Zetsu have investigative abilities and are very annoying.

Although they can't see themselves, the shadow flash chakra mode will consume star points after all.


Ri Xiangxiao planned to find a place to squat and hide.

1266.Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki Pain Six Paths

Ten minutes later...

Uchiha Obito, who was sitting in his seat, asked: "Did you find it?"

Black Jue on the side nodded.

"Everyone is under surveillance..."

A large number of White Zetsu clones are distributed in this building.

They spy on everyone.

And through telepathy, the image is transmitted to White Zetsu's body and Black Zetsu.

In the hazy eyes of Hei Jue and Bai Jue.

There are countless clones that look exactly like the latter, constantly appearing or disappearing in the temple.

The words have not yet finished.

Black Zetsu sneered: "Someone had already approached first, and the Ten-Tails Split Body couldn't stop them."

"It doesn't matter."

Uchiha Obito waved his hand.

Six of the nine black balls floating around him began to move.

Following Uchiha Obito's command, these six black balls flew to the six figures in front of him.

Five of them were White Zetsu, and one was a cloaked figure.

These five White Jue clones were no longer breathing.

Their eyes were calm and their expressions were cold.

The weirdest thing is...

The originally dim eyes had been replaced by a pair of Sharingan eyes.

Each White Zetsu has a black rod stuck in its body.

These five White Zetsu and the cloaked man just form "Penn Six Paths"!

On Uchiha Obito's right arm, the Sharingan and the Rinnegan taken from the world of Beiruhu were transplanted.

Although Uchiha Obito has his own abilities and the single reincarnation eye.

Unable to use most of the abilities of the "Reincarnation Eye".

For example, the hungry ghost realm: sucking, the human realm: soul-draining...etc.

But there is no problem in making six Pain.

These six are as powerful as Pain, except for the cloaked man.

Each one is composed of White Zetsu [Chunin] + a part of Uchiha Obito's chakra [Kage Level].


If this is the case, there is still a possibility of overturning.


Uchiha Obito was ready to strengthen them again.

I saw these six pitch-black spheres embedded in the bodies of each White Zetsu and the cloaked man.

After doing this, Uchiha Obito closed his eyes.

The next second.

The five white Zetsu Payne and the cloaked man Payne took steps towards the direction of the intruder...


As Tsunade and the others were walking along the corridor, they bumped into Pain Rokudo not long after.

"Ready to fight!"

Tsunade gave an order, and everyone took a pose and showed off their special abilities.

As the captain of the crusade force.

Tsunade rushed forward immediately.

There was a bang.

There was no explosion and no fire.

All the Ten-Tails splinters blocking the way were knocked away by Tsunade's punch.

at the same time.

Ai's whole body was wrapped with electric light, and he inhaled slightly, then moved out like a bolt of lightning.

Surrounded by electric light.

The entire hall was illuminated blue by Ai.

His arms, thighs, body...all the muscles were taut, like marble, and every move was filled with a sense of power.

Like a brown bear.

Many masters also put on poses, forming seals and supporting each other.

Then I saw Ai's deputy, Xi.

This handsome blond Kumogakure young ninja has a hand seal.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar!!"

Following his spell.

The enemy's eyes lit up with extreme light.

This flash of light can blind almost any creature.

On the other hand, Ai, Tsunade and others had their backs to the light.

Just under its cover, you can launch an attack on the enemy.

"Well done!"

Tsunade shouted and knocked over a six-meter-tall split ten-tailed body with one punch.

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