Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1545



Ai, who was faster, had already rushed into the center of the enemy's formation.

Because he is wrapped in thunder armor, his speed... is the fastest in the entire team!

Look at the entire ninja world.

Even Namikaze Minato could barely avoid Ai's attack by relying on the space-time ninjutsu of "Flying Thunder God".

If it is simply a comparison of movement speed.

Namikaze Minato is also inferior to Ai.

The fastest response, the fastest speed!

This is Ai's fighting philosophy and what he has been training for.

But with such a swift blow, a strange change occurred before it hit Bai Jue.

A black ink-like substance suddenly emerged from Bai Jue Payne's body and covered its surface, forming something like a shield.

After a loud noise——


Nothing happened.


Ai stared at this scene with wide eyes and disbelief.

The black substance that the fist touched was so hard that it was terrifying!

The next second.

A flash of blue lightning flashed.

Ai retreated quickly.

You can see it if time slows down.

The black substance in front of Bai Jue Payne changed from the form of the shield.

A sharp point protruded from the shield, transforming into a spear.

The spear stabbed Ai's body hard, almost grazing the side of his chest.

Like lightning, Ai retreated more than ten meters.

But even so.

The skin on Ai's chest was still scratched with blood.

This is because Ai can dodge quickly.

If it hadn't been like this, Ai would have been stabbed in the heart on the spot and went to see the Sage of Six Paths.

"Impossible! It can actually break the BOSS's thunder armor!"

Darui, who was the guardian of the Raikage, immediately exclaimed.

Thunder escape armor, capable of both offense and defense.

Even 10 years ago.

It also requires at least an A-level Chidori to pierce it.

Later, Ai improved his strength after being hit many times by Ri Xiangxiao.

Only those who are at least at the level of Kakashi's S-class Raikiri can have a chance of piercing the Thunder Armor.

"What on earth is that black substance?!"

Xi immediately stepped forward, her hands ignited with faint green light, and treated Ai's injuries.

"It's a bit like Onoki's Dust Release..."

The Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi took a look and said.

"It should be a mixture of at least five chakra attributes, a creation based on Yin Yang Escape..."

Ninjutsu doctor Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Possessing the richest knowledge in the entire ninja world.

Except for Kamui Sakura who mastered reincarnation in the previous world.

No one has more knowledge than the mind of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"If my guess is correct, this thing is a product that surpasses the elimination of blood successors... It should invalidate ninjutsu!"

The invalidation of ninjutsu means that whether it is ninjutsu, the blood successor is limited, or the blood successor is eliminated.

None can have an effect on it.

"As expected of the Sandaime Hokage..."

Kamui Sakura praised.

"Everyone, be careful, that thing is called "Qiu Dao Jade"! "

"Seeking Daoyu?!"

Terms that have never been heard before come into everyone's mind.

"That's right."

Kamui Sakura nodded.

"That is a material that only six-level experts have the opportunity to possess!"

1267. Seeking Dao Jade, six-level weapon

Everyone looked at Ai again.

The thunder escape armor was unexpectedly broken.

Under Nozomi's treatment, the minor injuries healed quickly.

But it still left a deep impression on everyone.

"The lethality is greater than that of Hatake Kakashi's S-class Raikiri! It's really terrifying!"

Everyone was attentive.

However, they still underestimated the destructive power of Qiudao Jade.

Don't talk about S-class Raikiri.

Even Susanoo can be easily shattered by the Qiudadama!

"Fire Release...Fire Bullet!"

Jiraiya formed a seal, and with a bang, the roaring flames flew towards White Zetsu Pain.

But he saw that the Qiudao Jade that had transformed back into a sphere had changed its shape again.

It formed an expanding black arc shield, blocking the six figures.

The fire escape mixed with toad oil passed by, but was directly annihilated.

"Chen Escape·The Original Realm Peeling Technique!"

Ohnoki took action immediately.

When the white light beam swept across, the black sphere took on new changes.

There was a flash of white light.

The uninjured body of White Zetsu Payne was revealed.

"Isn't it even useful to eliminate the blood successor?"

Onoki stared at the impregnable Jade Shield of Seeking Dao and murmured.

The next second.

The Jade Shield of Seeking Dao turned back into a pitch-black sphere, floating on the back of Bai Jue's hand.


Sarutobi Hiruzen observed for a moment and realized something.

"It seems that the Dao-seeking jade cannot maintain one form for a long time. It will return to its original shape after being used for a period of time."

This is also a weakness of Qiu Daoyu.

"It's more than that."

Kamui Sakura cast a respectful look at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sandaime-sama, there is still a weakness in the Qiu Dao Jade, but if you want to realize it, you need to take certain risks."

Kamui Sakura looked at Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Izumi.

"The effective distance of the seeking jade is 70 meters, and it cannot leave the main body too far. However, by controlling the clone [Pain], Uchiha Obito has extended the range of the seeking jade in disguise... so... ....”

"As long as we use the Flying Thunder God to move the Dao-Seeking Jade to a longer distance in an instant, this thing will be ineffective, right?"

Hatake Sakumo thought.

"First use ninjutsu and taijutsu to feign attacks, forcing the opponent to use the form change of the seeker jade. When the moment it changes back, my master and I will use Flying Thunder God to transfer their seeker jade away."

Uchiha Izumi quickly reacted and found a way to crack it.

It is worth mentioning that......

Hatake Sakumo is Hinata Aya's teacher.

Then, he is Izumi Uchiha's master.

"let's start."

Kamui Sakura nodded, the corners of her mouth raised.

Before everyone's psychic communication was complete, several Bai Jue Payne on the opposite side also reacted.

The figure hidden in the cloak leads these five White Zetsu.

The 5 White Zetsus were faintly centered on him.

People judge.

This cloaked man may be the center of Pain Six Paths and the "Way of Heaven".

"Although I don't know what you are planning..."

The cloaked man spoke.

The voice is deep.

But there is an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

The moment she heard his voice, the smile on Kamui Sakura's face disappeared: "Could it be..."

"I went first!"

Ai shouted and rushed forward again.

Terumi Mei, Yagura and others also performed spells one after another.

For a moment, various ninjutsu and taijutsu attacked the location of the cloaked man and the five white Zetsus.


The cloaked man snorted coldly and took out a round fan from nowhere.

Black edge, white lining.

There are also several magatama painted on it.

The cloaked man slapped him hard.

Ai was immediately knocked away.

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