Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1548

Three seeking jade were suspended behind Uchiha Obito's head.

Uchiha Obito, who holds a tin staff in his hand, observes and controls the battles taking place in the palace through Pain's six paths of vision.

"The resistance of these guys is a little beyond my expectation..."

Especially that Kamui Sakura.

Unusually strong.

And Uchiha Obito remembered that Haruno Sakura in the Beiruhu world was not that powerful.

Just like in another world, there is no guy named Ri Xiangxiao.


the other side.

Rixiang Xiao maintained the stealth...shadow flash chakra mode and walked in the hall.

Under the influence of Byakugan, the entire space was visible.

Among them, naturally includes Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito's chakra is as amazing as the sun.

It was even more powerful than Uzumaki Menma, the complete tailed beast that Hinata Xiao had seen.

"It's really arrogant..."

Hinata Xiao thought to herself.

"It's just showing off one's existence unscrupulously."

next moment.

Ri Xiangxiao's figure flashed.

Turning around is a slap.

"I found you!"

There was a loud bang.

The violent magic chakra spurted out from Ri Xiangxiao's palm.

As chakra evolves into chakra.

The increasingly skyrocketing Chattanla also contributed to the development of Immortal Transformation and Star Point.

Rixiangxiao's chakra content is composed of chakra + natural energy.

The greater the Chattanla base number, the more natural energy can be drawn from nature.

That is to say.

The more magic spells are synthesized.

At this moment, Hinata Xiao.

The blue bar in the ninja world can rival it.

Probably only Uzumaki Menma, Senju Hashirama and others.

Wait until the ground explodes.

The violent force directly blasted a huge crater into the earth.


Ri Xiangxiao waved with one hand.

The messy floors and walls around him came to life.

The move that just hit the ground was not only lethal, but also Ri Xiangxiao's magical chakra.

Those chakras remain in the land.

For Ri Xiangxiao to command.

Being able to use immortal magic to influence the natural environment, this move is called "Immortal Magic·Inorganic Reincarnation".

It is the inheritance of Longdi Cave.

It is also the source of the Chongwu clan's ability to transform into immortals.

Under the influence of magical chakra, all surrounding natural substances seem to have their own vitality.

Stone, soil...

All kinds of messy things were put into a giant washing machine.

The crackling stirred up a storm.

Within a radius of tens of meters, material was ejected, forming a death zone.

Seeing that there was nothing around her, Hinata Xiao frowned even more.

"Hei Jue this guy..."

After thinking about it, I felt that there was no need to continue to struggle with it.

Ri Xiangxiao turned and left.

"This guy has magical powers similar to Longdi Cave... Who is he?"

After Hinata Xiao left.

Black Zetsu slowly emerged.

In the past, there were many practitioners in Longdi Cave.

This is no secret.

Ri Xiangxiao could not see Hei Zeue visually, and Hei Zetsu did not recognize Ri Xiangxiao.

The two of them worked together until they reached the point where no one took advantage.

"Ordinary Shiro will never be able to pay him... to lead him to Obito?"

While Hei Jue was thinking, he followed Ri Xiangxiao.

Hinata Xiao had a cold face, and while walking quickly, he took out something from the space-time hole in his left palm...


"Work harder!"

the other side.

Tsunade beamed.

With the cooperation of everyone.

Five White Zetsu Pain was defeated.

The only enemies left at the scene were Uzumaki Naruto Payne Tendo.

Everyone besieged the last Payne, and it was about to be a battle between trapped beasts.

"Careful...his power is focused."

Kamui Sakura warned.

Pain's Six Paths manipulates six corpses at the same time.

If multiple operations are not possible.

Six corpses may not necessarily play a stronger role than one corpse.

Five fallen Bai Jue, lying on the ground in various ways of death.

On the other hand, Naruto Tiandao.

All the Tao-Seeking Jade gathered in front of him, forming a circle of six.

And, in this state.

Uzumaki Naruto Pain started to transform into a half-tailed beast.

Scarlet chakra eroded his body surface.

He turned into a scarlet monster with nine tails wagging.

With the blessing of the Tailed Beast Clothes and six Tao-Seeking Jade.

His strength... is unprecedentedly powerful!

Kamui Sakura led dozens of masters to attack the half-tailed beast Payne.


Pain, a half-tailed beast, displays amazing strength and mobility.

Using all four limbs, he darted left and right through the crowd.

It also shoots miniature tailed beast jade from its mouth from time to time.

Each Tailed Beast Jade can cause damage comparable to Raikiri.

Plus the change of Qiudao Yu integrating offense and defense.

Soon, the team was dispersed.

And one's own attack.

Whether it's five attributes, blood inheritance limits, or even dust escape.

Either they were unable to capture Uzumaki Naruto Payne, or their previous efforts were wasted because they were unable to break through the defense.


In the main hall, Uchiha Obito raised the corner of his mouth.

"The winner will be decided soon."

Uchiha Obito felt a little regretful.

"Ants are ants..."

I originally thought that all six Pain would be defeated.

Now it seems.

A single Payne can take care of them all.


The reason for all this is because of the power of the Six Paths level, especially... the performance of the Dao-Seeking Jade.

Six seeking jade.

It has exceeded their imagination.

Even Uzumaki Naruto Pain Tendo can only exert slightly stronger abilities than the Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

But six Tao-Seeking Jade are enough to make Uzumaki Naruto Payne Tendo a pseudo-Sixth Path level.

This power gap can no longer be made up by skills.

1270. Send you a nuclear explosion

The scarlet half-tailed beast-turned-tailed beast clothing wraps the entire body of Uzumaki Naruto Pain.

Coupled with the six Tao-seeking jade floating around him, no ninjutsu could harm him.

There was a loud bang.

The Sandaime Raikage's hand is tattooed on the seeking jade.

The Sandaime Raikage who can cut off the eight tails of the Eight-Tails and beat the Eight-Tails alive to exhaustion.

There was actually nothing he could do with Qiu Daoyu.

The latter just waved the seeking jade at will.

The transformed spikes pierced the Sandaime Raikage's Thunder Armor.

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