Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1549

Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo grabbed the Third Raid with his claws and rescued him.


The body of the Sandaime Raikage, who is said to have the strongest shield and cannot even be harmed by the Eight-Tails, was actually injured by the attack of the Qiudodama.

Tsunade, Onoki, Ai, Rasa, Yagura... and many other masters' expressions became increasingly ugly.

Because they discovered...

Facing the six-level power, they had no choice.

"about there......"

in the crowd.

Kamui Sakura's lips curled up.


"I can see you."

Black Zetsu emerged from the earth, ending the hide-and-seek game.

"You sense me too, don't you?"


Ri Xiangxiao said nothing.

Instead, he continued to maintain the shadow flash chakra mode while looking at the substance in his hand.

Black Zetsu asked curiously: "What is that thing in your hand? Do you plan to use this palm-sized thing to attack me? Hehe... So far, no ninjutsu can hurt me... "

"It's just cleaning up the battlefield."

Ri Xiangxiao raised his head, stared at Hei Jue, and said coldly.

next moment.

A strong flash of light bloomed from Ri Xiangxiao's hand.

An earth-shaking explosion suddenly filled the entire space.

The shock wave with a speed of 8,000 meters per second is the symphony of a nuclear explosion.

Behind another wall not far away, Uchiha Obito, who was sitting in his seat, had an expression that was unexpectedly engulfed by the shock wave.

What is a surprise?

What is an accident?

Black Zetsu, who bore the brunt of the attack, suffered a frontal bombardment from a nuclear explosion.

Its expression was a little dazed.

Then, Hei Jue remembered what this burst of light was.

"Damn...this guy is the white devil, Hinata Xiao!"

The night when Uchiha Madara was resurrected.

Hinata Xiao also used this trick to deal with Uchiha Madara.


Hei Jue finally recognized Ri Xiangxiao’s identity.

boom......! ! !

The other Bai Jue who were hiding in various passages looked in disbelief as the light in front of them engulfed them.

Hundreds of White Zetsu split bodies and ten-tailed split bodies.

Just like that, he was directly overwhelmed by the light of the explosion.

The temple built by Obito Uchiha collapsed on the spot.

The rumble of explosions resounded throughout the area.

The temple is shattered.

All the trash fish died.

After a while...

Tsunade and others emerged from the darkness.

The weird biological tissue split apart, revealing the figures of everyone.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Izumi used the two Susanoo's eight arm claws to open up the giant biological tissue.

"It's the esophagus of the giant toad in Iwanjuku, Myoboku Mountain!"

someone exclaimed.

Jiraiya and Sasuke, master and disciple, maintained their psychic postures.

Just like Tsunade can only channel one thousandth of the slug's body.

The giant toad of Iwajuku in Mt. Myoboku is also the most terrifying giant creature second only to the slug.

Just a piece of intestine.

Just wrap everyone up.

According to legend, the giant toad of Iwajuku feeds on fire.

Jiraiya and Sasuke team up to channel.

It's just channeling part of the intestines.

However, it is the intestinal tract of the powerful Iwajuku giant toad.

But it was shattered like tofu dregs due to the nuclear explosion.


Jiraiya stared at the scene with a serious expression.

"Even the intestines of the giant toad of Iwajuku were blown through..."

Look at the smoky scene outside.

The entire palace was in ruins.


"Who exactly...?"

Jiraiya and the others looked around with surprise on their faces.

The black sphere closed.

The uninjured body of Uzumaki Naruto Pain was revealed.

He turned around and ignored everyone.

He just walked away with six Tao-seeking jade.


The real opponent has arrived.

There is no need to tangle with other fish.


Nuclear explosion center.

Hei Jue stood here with an unhappy look on his face.

Except for the Bai Jue body that was hidden in advance.

All White Zetsu clones and Ten-Tails clones were destroyed.

Even the five Pain White Zetsus were so dead that not even ashes were left.


More than ten kilometers away.

Everyone who met with Yamanaka Haiichi and other logistics departments watched the mushroom cloud disappear with surprised expressions.

"Mr. Haiyi, what happened?!"

Because their speed is not as fast as the expedition team.

So naturally these countless ninjas didn't understand what was going on.

"Who did it?"

"This terrible power..."

"This terrible ninjutsu..." Haiichi Yamanaka opened his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitched. "I've seen it before..."


It's not just him.

Nara Shikaku's expression looked as if he had eaten Sho.

"It's "White Devil·Hyugaoka"! "

When Nara Shikaku said this name...

There was silence...


A nuclear explosion completely replenished all the star point energy consumed by Ri Xiangxiao before using the Shadow Flash Chakra Mode.

With the improvement of strength.

Ri Xiangxiao could vaguely guess something.


Can nuclear explosions replenish the energy of star points?

that is because......

Nuclear explosions contain various rays.


The universe also contains various types of rays.

The explanatory diagram of the Divine Soul Constellation is the most lethal among all evolution diagrams.

at the same time.

Those who have mastered the soul life can finally walk freely in the sky and the earth.

this means.

Rixiang Xiao can finally move freely in the universe.

And it relies on various rays existing in the universe as a supplement to its own energy.

Forming a disguised form of perpetual motion.

A nuclear explosion.

Not only the battlefield was cleared.

It also aroused Uchiha Obito's high vigilance.

And as the instigator, Hinata Xiao.

Naturally, he looked at the destruction he had caused with admiration.


Uchiha Obito's body was slowly recovering from injuries that looked like burns.

Although he wrapped himself in the Taoist Jade.

But Uchiha Obito was still affected by the nuclear explosion before he could completely wrap himself up.

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