Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1555

Look at the Taoist Jade standing in front of Uchiha Obito.

Part of it was shattered by a 1000 times Qigong wave!

That is to say...

Seeking Dao Jade is not indestructible!

Ri Xiangxiao stared at the half-broken Qiudao Jade: "This thing... is really troublesome..."

At the last moment.

Qiu Daoyu distorted the Qigong wave attack.

If there is no such jade,

Uchiha Obito will evaporate from the world.

Uchiha Obito, who flew up from the ground again, once again constructed a tin staff and restored it into a jade stone.

"Those black spheres...half are missing!"

Tsunade frowned, observing the scene.

Originally, together with the tin staff, there were a total of 10 Dao-seeking jades.

Now there are only 5 left.

Hinata Xiao... smashed it forcefully... no, let half of the Tao-seeking jade evaporate!


This was caused by the 1000 times Qigong wave just now.

Just in terms of lethality.

Already close to the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation.

Stronger than Xi Xiang.

Second only to "Ye Kai" who distorts space.

But it's a pity...

"You can only use that kind of ninjutsu once."

Uchiha Obito's head has mostly recovered.

Ri Xiangxiao's superimposed attack.

Can only be used once.

To continue using it, you have to accumulate it again.

In other words... 1000 times Qigong wave, only 1 shot.

Even if we start accumulating from now on, it will be too late.

It's not like a 10x Qigong wave, which can be accumulated in 10 seconds at most.

The greater the number of superposition states, the more time it takes.

"Your Dao-Seeking Jade can't be condensed anymore."

Ri Xiangxiao was tit for tat.

According to the classification mentioned by White Snake Sage and the confirmation of Kamui Sakura.

Uchiha Obito took the route of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

this route.

The Taoist Jade obtained by Uchiha Obito was all given as a gift after rising to a higher level.

It's a one-off, so to speak.

If the Qiudao jade is gone, it is really gone.


Only Ri Xiangxiao would give up this path.

——Although White Snake Sennin deliberately didn't tell Hinata Xiao at the time, that was the route of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Because the White Snake Sage is afraid that Hinata Xiao will become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Let the world end early.

"too slow."

Not very satisfied with the speed of my arm's recovery.

Uchiha Obito cut off the arm of a White Zetsu clone and glued it to his shoulder.

After a while...

The arm returned to the skin color of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki.

Pale with a hint of cyan.

The Uchiha Obito at this moment is no longer the Uchiha Obito he used to be.

His whole body was pale, like an albino patient.

Even the hair turned white.

The only thing that hasn't changed about him is his eyes.

However, traces of the past still remain on him.

The scar on his face from being hit by a big rock before.

Even after becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he still exists.

Including arms and half of the body.

Horns sprouted from his forehead.

There are hardened tentacle-like things growing on the shoulders.

Except in human form.

Uchiha Obito can no longer be considered a human being.

Because his body structure is completely different from normal people.

"This is......"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Uchiha Obito's White Zetsu arm slowly turning white and blue.

"It's Yin Yang Dun... He has already initially touched the material reconstruction and reorganization of Yin Yang Dun..."

Hear what Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Everyone looked surprised.

The current Uchiha Obito can use Yin and Yang to reconstruct matter to a certain extent.

So, next step.

Is it possible to master the Yin Yang Escape creation out of thin air?

According to legend, the Immortal of Six Paths created the world with the Amazing Spear.

Tiannum Spear is the product of Yin Yang Escape.

"Yin Escape" represents the power of the spirit, and the "Yin Escape Technique" can create a container [shape] invisibly.

"Yang Escape" represents the power of the physical body, and the "Yang Escape Technique" can inject life into the body.

The combination of the two is the yin and yang escape technique.

Uchiha Obito's strength is slowly improving.

Could he really become the second Immortal of Six Paths? !

1276. Infinite Tsukuyomi truth, god creation plan

Thinking of that terrible future.

Everyone suddenly felt chills in their heads, and even felt a cold breath coming out of their chests...

"This monster!"

Ai covered the wound of his broken arm and said bitterly.

There was both anger and fear.

Because of Ri Xiangxiao's appearance, everyone was able to breathe.

Because Uchiha Obito shifted his target to Hinata Xiao.

Xicai was able to treat his injuries with Deai.

The broken arm slowly healed with the techniques learned from Tsunade.

But even if it can be cured.

Ai also couldn't use his arm for at least a week.

In other words, Ai's battle is over.

"Yin and Yang Escape...Material Shaping..."

As a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Tsunade may be another person who understands the horror of this hand best.

Especially when Tsunade's mastery of Yang Release...that is, medical ninjutsu, is the best in the ninja world.


She deeply understood how terrifying Uchiha Obito was.

The remaining people heard that Uchiha Obito could be linked to the Sage of Six Paths.

And he didn't die even under the terrifying attack of 1000 times Qigong wave.

They couldn't help but feel desperate.

Could it be.

Is the world going to end like this?


""spot"......! "

Nagato diverted Uchiha Obito's attention.

"What is your purpose of collecting the nine tailed beasts?!"

Nagato wanted to know.

The truth about the Heretic Golem and the Nine Tailed Beasts.

"Of course it is to achieve "unlimited monthly reading". "

Uchiha Obito looked at Nagato with a face that showed neither sadness nor joy.

"This plan was originally realized by you as a chess piece."

Uchiha Obito stretched out his finger and pointed at Nagato and said.

"It's a pity...Nagato, you are too tight, so I had to go to other worlds and collect tailed beasts myself...I am what I look like now after gathering all my power. .”

Uchiha Obito raised his hands.

"There is nothing worth leaving behind in this reality. I will activate the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" and throw the entire world into the envelope of illusion. Everyone can have sweet dreams, and there will be no more wars in the world. How about it, Nagato. It's much more wonderful than your forbidden weapon plan. "

From the beginning.

Uchiha Obito was using Nagato.

He deceived Nagato.

Nagato's fantasy was also an empty shell.

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