Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1556

"Is this so..."

Nagato didn't have any violent reaction.

After all, at this level, the mind is already very strong.

"You can do a lot of things by becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Becoming a true "god" is indeed much better than the forbidden art weapon plan. "

Yahiko's dream is to become a god in this world.

Because God can dominate everything.

In this way there will be no war in the world.

Because when God steps in, people will be surrendered.

"You're using your power in the wrong way."

Nagato shook his head.

"The power of God should not be used for such things."

The pursuit of the power of the tailed beast is still something that has not gone out of Nagato's mind.

Just... slightly modified.

Uchiha Obito allowed Nagato to see the "truth".

Nagato's plan also changed from a "forbidden weapon" to becoming a "god" himself!


Nagato looked at Ohnoki and others.


Ambition flashed in everyone's eyes.

There is still opportunity in this world.

If the heretic demons of this world are resurrected.


The Nine Tailed Beasts will become something that everyone is vying for.


The winner will create a god.

And thus rule the world.

The tailed beast's balance was broken.

The god-making plan appears in the heart of every leader.


before that.

Nagato turned his attention back to Uchiha Obito and Hinata Xiao.

Can mortals defeat gods?

If mortals are stronger than gods.


There is still a question mark over the god-making plan.

It's not as reasonable as the Forbidden Art Weapon Plan.

Everyone stared at Ri Xiangxiao.

The next battle.

It will not only affect the survival and direction of the world.

It will also affect the subsequent policies and development of each country.


No matter if God fails.

The power shown by Uchiha Obito has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Countries will still find ways to obtain the power of the Ten-Tails.


If you don't take it, other countries will.

No one knows that the combination of the nine tailed beasts can become stronger...

I can still maintain my previous mentality.

The seeds planted by the ninja alliance gradually tore apart the bonds that were finally established.

I believe that soon, countries will have another dispute behind their backs.

At this moment, Uchiha Obito opened his mouth slightly: "Hyugaoka, you are indeed here, but do you really think you have a chance of winning? I know every move and style of yours clearly. Do you think you have any chance of winning?" Is it possible to win? The death beam in the superposition state? Or the radiation fluctuations in the superposition state? Or the strange explosives you have mastered? "

While talking.

Uchiha Obito opened his eyes slightly.

Because Ri Xiangxiao has disappeared.

Shadow Flash Chakra Mode! ?


A thud in the air.

Collided with Qiudao Yu.

Uchiha Obito subconsciously turned into a shield behind himself to prevent Hinata Xiao from sneak attacks.

at the same time.

Obito Uchiha infused the Jade with the ability to decompose ninjutsu and its indestructible properties.


When the jet-black fist collided with the protective seeking jade...

Uchiha Obito was surprised to find out.

Not only did Qiudao Yu not eliminate the opponent's ninjutsu.

The spikes raised above.

It also failed to penetrate Ri Xiangxiao's defense.

The black halo outlines a demon-like human shape.

Ri Xiangxiao's entire body was wrapped in black.


It is the "Shensoul Chakra Mode" which is a higher level than the Shadow Flash Chakra Mode!

Physical defense is invincible.

Ninjutsu defense is invincible.

Not even Qiu Dao Yu can crack this chakra pattern.

Two people use the Qiudao Jade to repeatedly transform into various forms.

A person covered in pitch-black halo, like a demon crawling out of the bottomless abyss.

The multiple sonic booms produced by punching through the air were like the roar of a demon.

The immediate shock stunned everyone.

Kimimaro and other elite jonin were in slightly weaker physical condition.

He even had bleeding from his ears and nose, and had to retreat immediately.

Waves of air shot out in all directions from where the two fists collided. In a cloud of flying sand and rocks, the transformation puppet and Uzumaki Naruto Tiandao were directly lifted away.

Even more than ten kilometers away, the roar caused by Ri Xiangxiao's fist could still be heard.

The two looked directly at each other, staring intently at each other.

The murderous intention has almost become the reality.

"Hyugao Xiao——————!!"

"Uchiha Obito——————!!!"

1277. Hinata Xiao vs. Six Paths Obito, the strongest battle

next moment.

The shadow of fists in the sky submerged Obito Uchiha.

Rixiang Xiao herself has power beyond human limits.

It's not inferior in terms of attack speed either.

Although Uchiha Obito's "movement speed" is higher than that of Naruko and Ai.

But in terms of "attack speed", which is stronger than Namikaze Minato, it is probably around the five gate Akai.

Uchiha Obito can cut off Namikaze Minato's arm in one stroke, but that doesn't mean he can suppress Hinata Xiao.

The fist, which is five times the speed of sound, is already on par with Akai's six-door fist.

While swinging his fist, he first created a flaming tail feather like a peacock.


Just because the power surpasses the six-door Akai and even the seven-door Akai.

As a result, the terrifying force caused by each punch turned the space in front of him into a vacuum.

There is no air in a vacuum.

That is to say.

The flame created by the fist only lasted for a brief moment.

It was replaced by fist shadows all over the sky.

The first second.

Hinata Xiao threw 500 punches.

Second second.

Ninja techniques such as Wind Release and Ripple Rush are used.

Coupled with the power of the power of monsters and other abilities.

Every punch and kick of Ri Xiangxiao was enough to penetrate the building, blow away the tank, and send out a shock wave.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Uchiha Obito's counterattack was drowned by countless fists.

His attack speed determines the upper limit of his attacks.

Hinata Xiao's fist swallowed up Uchiha Obito's fist, and also swallowed up Uchiha Obito's figure.

Shock waves shot out everywhere, and the air exploded like cloud bombs being ignited.

Ri Xiangxiao's attack hit the armor transformed from the seeking jade.

Every punch is the most primitive physical strength.

Then he saw the ground collapse amid the bombardment in the sky, and the two people quickly descended.

Dust was flying, the ground was cracking, and sonic booms were heard continuously, making everyone feel as if they were in the center of a thunderstorm.

Just the shock wave generated by such an air explosion was already too much for the onlookers Tsunade and others to bear.

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