Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1562

In fact, there is no difference in the results.

It's just a matter of sequence.

But at that time, in order to let Uchiha Obito be fooled.

I'm afraid I need to use Nohara Rin.

The air fortress staying above the head was driven over because of this.

Sparred with Nohara Rin in front of Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito will definitely be fooled.


Ri Xiangxiao shook his head and checked his Daohua degree.

Because he didn't completely defeat Uchiha Obito.

Only less than half of the Dao Hua degree was obtained.

At this point, Ri Xiangxiao's Taoism degree reached 87%.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is... this is the first time Rixiang Xiao has fought against a Six Path-level opponent.

To a certain extent, I have also figured out the basic power of the Six Paths level.

The path-seeking jade that tears apart the Four Red Sun Formation and annihilates all ninjutsu...

All kinds of experiences are the most precious things.

But what Ri Xiangxiao doesn’t know is...

There is another ninjutsu that can be effective on the questing jade.

It is the pupil technique of the Uchiha clan.

It can even be said to be Uchiha Obito's own pupil technique - "Kamui".

Remote divine power can distort time and space.

As long as it is a time-space pupil technique, most of it can be effective on the Tao-seeking jade.

This is also one of Kamui Sakura's trump cards.


The Mangekyō Sharingan that Kamui Sakura obtained in her previous world.

This was her final trump card to defeat Obito Uchiha.

Divine power can crush the Jade of Seeking Dao.

You can also transfer all the seeking jade to the Kamui space in an instant, thus directly stripping Uchiha Obito.

Make him a polished commander.

Kamui Sakura didn't do that, naturally because she saved Kamui as a precaution against Hinata Xiao.

Time and space ninjutsu...

This is the weakness of the Six Paths level experts.

In other words... Hinata Xiao's weakness.

Because of the space-time spell, as long as there is enough chakra, even the soul life chakra pattern can be distorted.

The next second.

Hinata turned around.

Black Zetsu was already standing there.

"You disappeared for a moment."

Black Zetsu said.

"Where's Obito? You threw him in another world?"


Hinata Xiao replied.

"You will never see him again in your life."

The only way to copy the earth is the "password" set by Sakura Kamui.

But even if Uchiha Obito knew the "password", he wouldn't be able to come over.

Because the dragon vein here is gone.

not to mention.

The last earth was sealed in overlapping time and space.

Uchiha Obito can only be trapped and die within the confines of the earth.

Hinata Xiao didn't think Uchiha Obito could come back under such circumstances.

1282. Time and space chakra cannon, launch!

"Ri Xiangxiao is still alive!"

More than ten kilometers away, Yamazaka Haiyi shouted loudly.

This may be lucky for Konoha.

Unfortunately for other countries.

"Uchiha Obito's chakra...disappeared!"

Yamanaka Haiichi reported.

"Hyugaya Xiao must have activated the dragon's veins and pushed Obito Uchiha away from our world through the power of time and space!"


Ai, who was still undergoing treatment for his broken arm, immediately gritted his teeth.

In the tense atmosphere, Ai ordered his subordinates: "Is Mabuyi ready?"

"Back to Raikage-sama, Mabuyi is always waiting for orders!"

The small movements on the Cloud Hidden Village side attracted Konoha's attention.

"Raikage-sama, what do you want to do?!"

Tsunade immediately questioned.

"Nothing, just discussing how to eliminate the international S-class wanted criminals!"

The international S-class wanted criminal naturally refers to Ri Xiangxiao.

After a battle with Uchiha Obito.

Ri Xiangxiao showed strength that they couldn't believe.

The leaders of all ninja villages in the ninja world were shocked by the power of the white devil.

"Tsuchikage, Mizukage... think carefully, based on what you have done before, how will the white devil deal with you?!"

Ai's eyes swept over everyone.

Especially when passing by Nagato, Onoki, Yagura and others.

"After killing Uchiha Obito, the white devil's target will be us next! And...are you willing to see your rule shaken?"

no doubt.

The strength shown by Ri Xiangxiao was enough to subvert the five major powers in the ninja world.

This is something even the most arrogant person has to admit.

Onoki looked at Ai deeply: "Brother Raikage, what do you want to say? Looking at the entire ninja world, the strength of the white devil is unmatched. Even if we join forces, we may not be his opponent."

This is what Onoki thinks.

No matter how unwilling you are.

His slick eyes can still be seen at a glance.

Even if Uchiha Madara is reincarnated...

I'm afraid he won't be a match for the white devil.

At least the Uchiha Madara whom Onoki knew couldn't beat Hinata Xiao.

Even the god of ninja Senju Hashirama has to put a question mark.

Onoki's rich life experience and sophisticated eyes allowed him to make correct observations.

Although I feel very unhappy inside.

But facts are facts.

Ai did not refute, but said: "Hmph! I have a way to kill the white devil!

these years.

Yunyin Village has been studying technology.

He has been studying the space-time chakra cannon for more than ten years.


They finally got results.

It is placed at a very high point in Yunyin Village.

Then, use the space-time chakra cannon to bombard this place.

The white demon can be killed in an instant with the time and space distortion effect caused.

It can be said.

The space-time chakra cannon is a terrifying weapon that is trillions of times more powerful than Obito Uchiha's "Godly Power"!

With the space-time chakra cannon, even the energy of time and space can be stirred.

Even if Uchiha Obito's defense was weakened on the spot.

Or exert the power of seeking jade.

Ai Du was confident that he would be killed with one shot.

The reason why it was not used was just to hide the trump card.

This is also a way for a mortal to kill a six-level powerhouse.


Ohnoki raised his eyebrows and became a little serious.

"Tell me."

" guys..."

Tsunade subconsciously wanted to stop him, but was interrupted by Ohnoki.

"Hokage-sama, don't forget that the white devil is already an internationally wanted S-class criminal. Anyone who exists can kill him!"

Ohnoki put his righteousness on the heads of everyone in Konoha.

"If you want to do that, ask me first!"

Uchiha Izumi stepped out on the spot and assumed an attack stance.

She doesn't mind falling out on the spot.

Next, there was Naruko.

"You can't do that! Brother, he saved us!"

Naruko looked at everyone in disbelief.

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