Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1563

This kind of behavior of flying birds hiding their good bows is really chilling.

"If the space-time chakra cannon is activated, it can indeed kill him."

The Sandaime Raikage said solemnly.


He looked at Uchiha Izumi and others.

"It's useless even if you Konoha fights us, because..."


a long distance away.

The top of Yunyin Village.

On the mountain range at the top of the Raikage Building...

A strange machine has been filled.

This machine looks like it has two rows of gun barrels, upper and lower.

It is the chakra cannon studied by Kumoyin Village.

A large number of Kumogakure ninjas were sitting there, connected to their heads with strange machines and cables.

On the one hand, it is to use the sensing ninja to locate.

On the one hand, their chakra is extracted to serve as the energy source for the space-time chakra cannon.

Mabuyi walked around in front of several screens, checking all the values ​​and positioning.

Finally, he nodded and walked up to the console in person, ready to press the button.

at this time......

Yukito ran over.

"Wait...Mabuyi...who are we going to use this thing against?"

"Of course the enemy."

Mabuyi said with an indifferent expression.

Then, she winked at her companions beside her.


Someone suddenly called Yukito's name.


Yumuren subconsciously spoke.

next moment.

A strange force twisted Yumu Ren.

Before Yumu Ren could speak, he was sucked into a strange wine vat.

But look closely and you'll find it.

This ninja tool is one of the treasures left behind by the Six Paths Sage.

It was also the only item that Yunyin Village snatched from the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers.

"Amber Pure Bottle"!

Just call the target's name.

The target agreed.

The amber bottle can suck the target into it and seal it directly!

Over the years, this is the trick that the Eight-Tails has used when going berserk.

It's just that after Kirabi became the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, the amber bottle was never used again.

Therefore, Yukito, who is much younger than Kirabi, has never seen the amber purification bottle take effect with his own eyes.

"Sure enough... Yukito fell in love with the white devil..."

Mabuyi shook her head.

"The troublesome guy has been solved..."

Temporarily sealed Yumu Ren.

No one will cause trouble.


Mabuyi pressed the button.

"Space-time Chakra!"

The technological crystallization of Yunyin Village.

The ultimate defense against miraculous opponents.

It is also the wisdom of mortals.

Shine with golden light.

Chakra mass is generated.

The lower barrel has a smaller range of power, but can fire continuously.

The gun barrel below requires a long time to accumulate power, but its lethality can destroy the entire moon in an instant!


boom! !

Golden light flashed in the retinas of Mabuyi and others.

The space-time chakra cannon has completed its mission...


Thousands of miles away, Loulan ruins.


As soon as Ri Xiangxiao took a step forward, a terrifying feeling enveloped him.

Because of the existence of intuition.

Ri Xiangxiao could not be attacked by surprise.

This passive skill becomes more and more sensitive as Ri Xiangxiao's strength grows.


The moment Mabuyi pressed the button, Ri Xiangxiao was already aware of the hidden danger.

It was this moment of awareness.

Saved Ri Xiangxiao's life.

Without any hesitation, Ri Xiangxiao immediately activated the Divine Soul Chakra mode.

For a moment.

The body is surrounded by a dark halo.

The space-time chakra cannon located thousands of miles away, with a firing speed of at least "100,000 kilometers per second", arrived in a few tenths of a second.

Located at nearly the highest altitude in the world... an attack launched from the clouds.

It is to completely locate the location of Rixiang Xiao.


A force that destroyed the heaven and earth fell directly from the sky.

This force arrived at Ri Xiangxiao's location at sub-light speed.


It's not just the distance around Hinata Xiao herself.

It even completely covered a radius of several kilometers.

after all.

This chakra cannon is not just for fighting enemies.

When necessary, meteorites the size of the moon can be bombarded to save the safety of the earth.

Look from afar.

A golden ray of light directly penetrated the sky and the earth.

Wherever the golden light passes.

Time and space are distorted.

If a bird happens to be passing by.

This light will directly use the power of time and space to tear it into powder.

If it is around the light.

You can even see swords, guns, sticks, and space-time phenomena where various materials are distorted.

Sub-light attack.

It was beyond Hinata Xiao's reaction.

Rixiang Xiao just activated the Divine Soul Chakra mode in advance based on her intuition and awareness of danger.

But even so, in a few tenths of a second, the Divine Soul Chakra pattern collapsed at an incredible speed.


Ri Xiangxiao's skin, muscles, meridians, and bones all disappeared out of thin air, as if they were turned into fly ash.

It seemed like less than a second.

Ri Xiangxiao was completely dead.

But it was the intuitive perception of danger and the few tenths of a second supported by the soul life chakra mode that gave Hinata Xiao a chance to survive.


A shrill shout sounded.

A figure came running at high speed.

4 times the speed of sound... 5 times the speed of sound... 6 times... 7 times...!

Uchiha Izumi's eyes shed tears of blood. In an overloaded state, he squeezed his pupils and let himself run as fast as possible.

at the same time.

A strange creature falls from the sky.

It looks like a combination of Spongebob's boss and Digimon's Jellyfish.

This weird one-eyed creature has a single Mangekyō Sharingan eye.

A whirlpool appeared.

Uchiha Nobu and Orochimaru appeared on the spot.

The sneak attack on Yunyin Village caught everyone by surprise.

The speed of light is a speed that no one can react to.

I saw Hinata Xiao with only some wreckage left.

Uchiha Nobu showed an even crazier attitude than Uchiha Izumi.

"White Devil! You can't die! You have defeated a six-level powerhouse and represent the ultimate evolution of human beings! How can you die?!"

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