Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1594

Fortunately, Kumogakure is surrounded by mountains.

Throwing the Tailed Beast Jade into the valley will minimize the explosion range and damage.


Sephiroth stepped forward.

The slash turned into a flash of light and struck Namikaze Minato.

As a shadow-level powerhouse.

Namikaze Minato, who was moving at an incredible speed, reacted quickly.

At the moment when the long sword entered...

He raised his arm and blocked the thunderous strike with the Flying Thunder God Kunai...


not at all.

Sephiroth cut off the Flying Thunder God Kunai with one strike.

Then, a kick.

The terrifying force that followed instantly kicked Namikaze Minato away dozens of meters again.


The cloud ninjas couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

From the surprise at Namikaze Minato's appearance, to the exclamation, to...the disbelief of his defeat.


Namikaze Minato backed up and lifted his feet off the ground.

After somersaulting a few times and dragging it a long distance, it finally stopped.

He raised his head and looked ahead.

I couldn't be more surprised.

"So strong..."

no doubt.

Sephiroth's strength far exceeded Namikaze Minato's prediction.

Just talking about physical skills...

"I'm afraid...only the Eight Gate Dunjia can achieve this level..."

At that time, Namikaze Minato, who had played against the 15-year-old Kirabi many times, also understood Ai's speed.


The speed of the person in front of me even surpassed that of Ai! !

This means.

His speed can at least be compared with the Eight Gate Dunjia.

"That's... not a human action anymore..."


Sephiroth tapped his toes.



Feathers fly away.

Black folded wings spread out behind him.

Sephiroth floated gracefully, relying on the power of one wing to float in the air.

He stared at Namikaze Minato with a half-smile and shook his head.

"I haven't seen you for many years...Claude, you have made no progress..."

Namikaze Minato: "???"

Everyone: "???"

The weakness...or rationality, of the split personality is presented here.

Whether it's the fantasy personality in the front, or Dongli, Blizzard.

When Ri Xiangxiao fabricates them, he must inject a certain degree of rationality.

If there is no rationale.

So, for example.

Assuming it was Steel Seadramon, it would immediately think about where the Digimon World is.

Instead of thinking about invasion.


If the personality of Sephiroth does not pay attention to rationality.

He will think, what is going on in this world? Why are there ninjas? What the hell is chakra?

The "patch" applied by Hinata Xiao erased some of the doubts about the split personality.

Let them not feel the slightest violation of the ninja world in front of them.

To do something like this, a certain degree of distortion is necessary.


The moment Sephiroth saw Namikaze Minato with blond hair, he made up his own mind and recognized Namikaze Minato as his mortal enemy, Cloud.

And it is this kind of imagination.

This gave the ninjas a chance to win.


Listening to this contemptuous tone and incomprehensible name.

The expressions of Namikaze Minato and others suddenly became strange.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?!"

Namikaze Minato stood up and asked.


Sephiroth, who was floating in the air, smiled lightly.

"It's up to you to recall it yourself, Claude."

After receiving this ambiguous answer, Namikaze Minato continued to ask: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"As you can see...the souls of the dead disappeared under the star marks, circulating on this planet along with the spring of life, eroding this planet sooner or later..."


Still a confusing statement.

" purpose is to use the planet as a boat and sail into the darkness of the universe...just like my mother did back then."

Everyone: "..."


Sephiroth smiled, wordlessly raised his arm, and called to the sky.

In an instant, the black clouds and mist that originally shrouded this area at night suddenly became windless...

On the battlefield of Yunyin Village.

Bodies lying on the ground, or injured people.

Wisps of emerald green chakra emerged from their bodies.

The power of Grell...


All floating in one direction.

That is the sky where Sephiroth is.

In the end, everything converged on Sephiroth.

What's even more terrifying is...

The emerald green chakra above Sephiroth's head floated all over the sky, forming a huge terrifying vortex.

The whole world... seemed to be swallowed up by this power.

"One day, I will find a new planet...and then, there...create a prosperous future."


Everyone felt the sudden atmosphere and depression.

He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"So, what will happen to us? This planet, or rather, this world."

It was Minato Namikaze who spoke.

Namikaze Minato looked serious.

In the eyes of others, these words are incomprehensible and even downright offensive.

But he faced off against Minato Namikaze, who was also in the middle of the second level.

Because Namikaze Minato himself is also very good.


The sword roared loudly.

Sephiroth, who was holding an authentic sword, showed a charming smile.

"God depends on your own abilities."

1311. Great Sword·Namikaze·Claude

The words just fell.

Sephiroth swung his sword and slashed towards Namikaze Minato.


The sword energy roared... and was driven deep into the ground.


Everyone's pupils shrank and they immediately looked there with concentration.


Namikaze Minato appeared in another place with a solemn expression.

If you look carefully you will find it.

Namikaze Minato scattered some Flying Thunder God Kunai on the battlefield.

He just used these kunai to move.


Sephiroth, who noticed that Namikaze Minato had moved, turned his head and looked at the new position where Namikaze Minato flashed.

"It's still the same old thing...Claude."

"I have no choice but to stop you..."

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