Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1595

It's not just Namikaze Minato.

There are also Yukito, Sandairei, and Kirabi.

And the ninjas of Kumo Ninja Village who were observing the sky.

next moment.

Namikaze Minato moved.

boom! !

The kunai and tachi collided, triggering a violent sonic boom.

Without any suspense, Namikaze Minato was knocked away again.

He slid awkwardly on the ground for dozens of meters before he stopped.

He held his broken arm.

Even if the Wind Release Chakra Flow is used, the enchantment is on the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Still easily cut off by Sephiroth.


Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai is much heavier than ordinary Kunai.

Therefore, it is stronger.

The purpose is to prevent being crushed by a single blow from an equal master in high-end battles.


Even though the enchantment was used, the arm was still chopped off.

"What a powerful force..."

If it weren't for Namikaze Minato being the reincarnated body of filth.

This time.

I'm afraid his arm is really gone.

Click click click......

Confetti flew.

Namikaze Minato's severed arm reorganized itself.

He just looked up.

In front of him was Sephiroth's head-on attack.

A fierce slash struck straight down.


Without thinking, Namikaze Minato used Flying Thunder God and left the place.

The next moment, he appeared dozens of meters away, panting slightly with a look of surprise on his face.

Although the dead don't need to breathe.

But the advantage of the art of reincarnation in the dirty soil is that it can simulate various situations.

Even blood, tears, and sweat that should not exist can be generated.

Of course, these are all false existences.

"too fast......"

Namikaze Minato frowned.

5 times the speed of sound, at least equal to the seventh gate of the eight gates of Dunjia.

If Sephiroth moves over from 10 kilometers away.

Namikaze Minato could still see clearly.

after all.

The farther away the reference object is, the better the human retina works.

Just like a fighter jet flying across the sky, even a child can see it clearly.

But if a fighter jet dives at a low altitude and flashes past your eyes.

There is no doubt that human reaction speed is simply too late.

Because of the appearance of Namikaze Minato.

Sephiroth focused entirely on him.

It was as if no one else existed at this moment.

After a series of blows to Namikaze Minato, a cruel smile appeared on Sephiroth's face.

"Claude, this is my gift to you..."Despair." "

Sephiroth, who had only Namikaze Minato in his eyes, had completely lost interest in him.

The result of his personality setting is just like this in the end.

"There's nothing I can do... maybe I should really try that..."

Namikaze Minato took out a scroll from his arms.


As smoke rises.

A weapon appeared in Namikaze Minato's hand.

This weapon looks like a broadsword, or a broadsword.

It was given by Kamui Sakura.

It is said that it was forged from extraterrestrial meteorites.

Of course, that's just Kamui Sakura's nonsense.

In the process of the destruction of the previous world.

Kamui Sakura got a lot of things.

Among them were some priceless ninja swords.

But if no one uses the ninja sword, it is no different from scrap metal.


Kamui Sakura reforged a weapon.

That is the big sword in Namikaze Minato's hand.

In order to deal with Ri Xiangxiao.

Sakura Kamui tried various methods.

This weapon is also an attempt to fight against Ri Xiangxiao.


Namikaze Minato threw several flying thunder god kunai.

next moment.

Namikaze Minato flashed in the air.

The sword was waving in his hand.

clang! ! !

There was a metallic crunch.

Sephiroth's black wings blocked the slash.

"It's actually an entity...!"

Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank.

He originally thought that the wings on Sephiroth's back were chakra creations or something like that.

But I didn't expect...

What Namikaze Minato didn't know was.

This black wing was shaped by Sephiroth using Jenova cells [Grel Stone].

To be precise... it's a "mutation".

Grayl's Stone can change the shape of living things.


There is no problem in mutating wings.

clang! !

Sephiroth drew his sword and struck.

Sparks erupted from the friction between the two weapons.

"Oh? Claude, what made you stronger?"

I saw that the big sword was not broken.

Sephiroth suddenly raised his eyebrows.

However, Namikaze Minato had just breathed a sigh of relief and felt lucky because of the power of the divine weapon...

Sephiroth's figure suddenly appeared above.

The authentic sword shining with emerald green light instantly emitted a stream of light.

Flying Thunder God!

Namikaze Minato only had time to use the Flying Thunder God to transfer.

Sephiroth's sword energy tore apart the space.


Between the lightning and flint.

Sephiroth dived and rushed towards the location where Namikaze Minato flashed.

boom! ! !

There was a lot of dust.

Namikaze Minato disappeared again.


His face became extremely ugly.

"Use the magic spell [spell] engraved on the special kunai to transfer. the secret of your teleportation."

Sephiroth revealed the nature of Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God in one word.


That slash just now.

Not only did he force Minato Namikaze back, but he also chopped the Flying Thunder God Kunai into pieces.

The number of Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai is limited.

Just destroy them all...


No matter how fast he was, there was no room for resistance.


Namikaze Minato let out a sigh of relief.

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