Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1598

On some things, Kyuubi even knew more than Kamui Sakura.

After all, 1,000 years ago, Kyuubi really lived with the Sage of Six Paths and was taught various things by the Sage of Six Paths.

"Maybe you are right..."

Namikaze Minato replied without looking back.

"I did fail..."

Uchiha and Hinata matters are also included.

"However, if one generation can do something that one generation cannot do on its own, it will be entrusted to the next generation..."

Namikaze Minato said.

One of the meanings of the Will of Fire is inheritance.

"Did you anticipate today's situation, so you sealed the other half of me into your child's body?"

Kyuubi asked back.


Namikaze Minato had anticipated something.

He believed that the existence of Kyuubi was necessary.

This sealed the Kyuubi into Naruko's body.

Facts have proved that Namikaze Minato's decision was right.

Kamui Sakura said that saving the world requires the power of the Kyuubi.

The Kyuubi plays a huge role in the life and death of this world.

Before Naruko, the "master of plug-in management", got the "Six Plug-ins".

The Kyuubi is the biggest one.

Without this, Naruko would be unable to move forward.

"It doesn't matter, I believe what the old man Liu Dao said..."

Yin Jiuwei murmured.

A day of peace will eventually come.

One day, the nine tailed beasts will reunite.

But it is different from the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

That person didn't use the tailed beast as a tool.

The nine tailed beasts are gathered in one person's body, but they will not merge into the ten tails.

That person will bring a bright future to the tailed beasts.

And that person... is Naruko!

"I'll lend you my power...!"

Kyuubi said, clasping his paws together to form a seal!



Namikaze Minato's spirit brought him back to reality.

He activated the Flying Thunder God and disappeared instantly.


But the next moment, Sephiroth snorted and followed him up in an instant.

He spread his wings and waved the blade in his hand.

Stab towards Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato held swords in both hands and tried his best to resist.

But Namikaze Minato was no match for Sephiroth.

The sword was pushed away.

The body was stabbed several times.

The Zhengzong knife mercilessly pierced his body, bursting into tiny drops of blood in the air.

next moment.

Namikaze Minato was thrown to the ground.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud bang.

Namikaze Minato's body shattered.

He struggled and got up from the ground.

He was covered in dust and looked miserable.

Namikaze Minato managed to get up.

at this time.

Sephiroth was hanging high in the sky, looking down at Namikaze Minato, and said with a smile: "What is the most important thing to you? Let me... take it away!!"

Sephiroth fell to the ground, and the authentic sword... cut it down with all its strength!

"Namikaze Minato!"

"Golden glitter!"

In my ears, there seemed to be countless people shouting.

At this moment, the world seemed blurred.


When Namikaze Minato blinked.

Before my eyes, everything turned white.

1314. Super martial arts slaying! Nine Lama Mode!

In a vast white spiritual world...

Namikaze Minato was leaning on his sword and breathing heavily, no longer as calm as before.

Because the other party is a truly powerful enemy.

Even without any physical fatigue.

Within the spiritual world.

Namikaze Minato's inner reaction was the most real.

His tired posture proved his strength.

"If it were me... I would never give up."

In this world wrapped in white light, a voice appeared.

This voice slowly materialized and became its owner.

He stood behind Namikaze Minato, with their backs to each other.

It was a child's voice.


He is a little short and a little fat.

Its appearance is unattractive.

If you put him in the crowd, he will just be a free fish.

Judging from his age, he looks like 13 or 4 years old at most.

"No matter how desperate the situation is..."

Next to the boy, there was a little girl standing there.

He has a delicate face and his appearance can be said to be average at best.

The same kind of inconspicuous supporting role.

But these two people...

But it brought back memories of Namikaze Minato.

Why they appeared in Namikaze Minato's spirit was a complete mystery.

Is it a coincidence? Or illusion?

Or is it the "singularity" when Sakura Kamui copied this world?

"Embrace your dreams tightly..."

"And... never give up your pride as a ninja at any time."

"Well, although you haven't won yet...but this only has something to do with your heart..."

The boy patted his chest.

The girl nodded, "Hey... Minato, do you want us to help you..."


Namikaze Minato, who was holding a big sword, shook his head vigorously.

He held the big sword and struggled to regain his standing position.

"He's just a guy with no reputation. It's easy to defeat him..."

The boy turned around, the corners of his mouth turning up.

Namikaze Minato: "Ah..."

Girl: "Don't forget it again."

"I... am the proof that you existed!"

Namikaze Minato said firmly.

Time flow returns to normal.

Namikaze Minato returns from the spiritual world to reality.

He gained strength.

In an instant, chakra surged out of his body.

It is faith, a burden, and a bond with your companions.

In the vast world.

A small number of people are responsible for dazzling, and most people are responsible for supporting.

Obviously, Namikaze Minato is an extremely dazzling existence.

When Namikaze Minato was young, he was no different from other people.

He was also assigned to his own team... and two teammates from his genin days.

At that time, the Second Ninja War broke out.

The mentor of the three is Jiraiya, who is known as the madman in the village.

Even though Jiraiya had not yet received the title of Sannin at that time, he was already famous.

When Jiraiya invaded the Hidden Rain Village like other Konoha ninjas.

To make up for the guilt in my heart.

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