Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Naruto from Byakugan Chapter 1599

He stayed to teach the three orphans Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko.

Thus neglecting his three real students.

The two teammates of Namikaze Minato who were just walk-ons, whose names were not even remembered by people... died in the second ninja war like countless cannon fodder.

When they died, Jiraiya happened to not be around.

Namikaze Minato also thought about it.

If Jiraiya-sensei hadn't left the three of them behind and suddenly disappeared for three years...

The two teammates might survive.

Of course, it has already happened, and it is useless to think so.

Until now.

The only one who can remember two teammates...maybe only Namikaze Minato.

after all.

Jiraiya can't even remember Kushina's name...

"I... am the proof that you existed!!!"

Namikaze Minato, who gripped the sword tightly, gained strength again.

The bond...the power overflowed.

Never for a moment.

Namikaze Minato could clearly feel the power overflowing in his heart like this.

It’s a bond, it’s faith!

It is the entrustment for our partners to survive in this world!

"Nine Lama Mode...!"

For a moment.

Namikaze Minato's body was dyed golden.

Just like Naruko shrouded in gold.

But the difference is.

There are many more black charms on Namikaze Minato's body.

I saw Namikaze Minato rising from the ground, rushing into the air, and facing Sephiroth's eyes.

"This guy Golden Flash...can actually use the power of the Nine-Tails?!"

"What's going on? Isn't the Kyuubi inside Naruko Uzumaki's body?!"

The Sandaime Raikage and Yukito were puzzled.

The same was passed to Kirabi.

"It seems...something unknown happened that year..."

Yabi thought for a moment.

"I understand...I was talking about why the Kyuubi's chakra is a little turns out that only half of it is left...!"

"Although I don't know half of what you are talking about~?, there is no doubt~?, golden flash~?, he is shining~?!"

Kirabi's lips curled up, knowing that the chance of victory had increased.

A perfect chakra model that even Naruko has not achieved...

Nine Lama Mode!

At this moment, he was controlled by Namikaze Minato.

Because at this moment, Namikaze Minato and Yin Kyuubi had the same mind, and they were both fighting to save the ninja world.

And the most powerful mode that the Jinchūriki can exert.

Obviously, it is Namikaze Minato's current state!

"It's so nothing!! equally important!!!"

Namikaze Minato looked up at his opponent and bumped into him hard.

Sephiroth: "Humph..."

boom! !

The two men's weapons were intertwined.

They can even see the reflection in each other's eyes.

next moment.

Namikaze Minato's sword suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless smaller blades, surrounding Sephiroth among them.

Sephiroth: "?!"

If you look carefully you will find it.

These ninja swords have different shapes.

There are seven swords from Kirigakure and several Kusanagi swords from Orochimaru.

no doubt......

These are genuine items collected by Kamui Sakura in her previous world.

By re-creating these authentic products, a combination sword with multiple magical weapons was formed.

For a moment.

Namikaze Minato disappeared.

Use the Flying Thunder God's technique to teleport between multiple weapons engraved with the Flying Thunder God's spell.

The golden flash drives Namikaze Minato, as well as the Flying Thunder God and his weapons.

He launched intensive slashes at Sephiroth from all directions!

In just one moment, Sephiroth had already received more than a dozen heavy blows!

With every stab, a large amount of black mist would escape from his body.

This move.

Decompose the sword into a dozen pieces, and then use the Nine Lama Mode to increase the speed to the extreme in an instant to perform the Flying Thunder God's continuous slashing operation.

It's a move that only Namikaze Minato can do!

"Super Martial God...Domineering Slash!"

Namikaze Minato gave this move a name.


When the last slash is completed.

Namikaze Minato and a dozen weapons fell to the ground.


Namikaze Minato caught the last blade and looked up at the sky.

"You... just rest quietly in your memories..."

The dark clouds, like a tornado and natural disaster, quickly dissipated.

Sephiroth was floating in the air, with a large amount of black mist overflowing from his body.

He lowered his head, looked down at Namikaze Minato and everyone present, and left a frightening sentence.

"I...will not become a memory!"


The wings of darkness enveloped Sephiroth, completely annihilating him in the air...

1315.Sparring with three female knights

Sephiroth dissipated like morning dew.

When the sun appears.

The dew evaporated.

Namikaze Minato, who temporarily activated the "Kurama Mode", was like a sun shining on the land of Kumogakure Village.

Under the strong increase of Yin Jiuwei.

Namikaze Minato surpassed the limits of the past in one fell swoop, reaching an unprecedented level.

The spell that appeared on him.

It is obviously a pattern belonging to the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

Only through the blessing of the highest level sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

Only the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki can show the strongest form changes.

Otherwise, the result would be like Uzumaki Menma, who is limited to the Tsukuyomi world, and can only use the materialized Nine-Tails entity.

"it's over......"

Namikaze Minato stared at this scene.

Yeah, it's over.

Sephiroth was defeated, and peace returned to Cloud Hidden Village.

In the night.

Hinata Xiao stared at the resurrected Namikaze Minato.


Kamui Sakura used dirt reincarnation to summon Namikaze Minato.

And what's even more noteworthy is...

The Nine-Tails chakra pattern of Namikaze Minato was obviously more perfect than Naruko's.

Perfect Jinchuuriki.

This word appeared in Ri Xiangxiao's mind.

"Isn't half a nine-tailed mind connected..."

Hinata thought for a while.

Naruko has not yet achieved the perfect jinchūriki.

Namikaze Minato suddenly unlocked.

It seems that Namikaze Minato experienced something...well, in the stomach of the God of Death.


Ri Xiangxiao thought so and suddenly covered her cheek.

Malice emanated from his eyes, and the violent desire to kill made Ri Xiangxiao want to kill everything in front of him.


This is the negative impact caused by swallowing Sephiroth.

"After the influence of this personality is resolved, other personalities can be released..."

Ri Xiangxiao thought so, and disappeared in a flash.


The moment Ri Xiangxiao's malice spread.

But he was noticed by Namikaze Minato.

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