Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage from the White Eye Chapter 272

A-Xia packed up the tableware.

It's still too early for Tsunade to wake up.

Sunshine is ready to do something...  

"I haven't seen you for a long time, A-Xia... During this period, you didn't fall into the practice of soft boxing, right?"

Sun Xiangxiao stood in the room, staring at her.


Sun Xiangxia nodded lightly.

Her dark green short hair shone brightly.

Different from the ethereal spirit of Hyuga Momi.

Hyuga Xia has a feeling of a little home jasper.

The incredible tenderness in her eyes made her look like a very big and Nadeko girl.

"Then, A-Xia, next, I'll try your depth..."

Continuing... I tried the shades of Hyuga Momi.

This time, Ri Xiangxiao was going to try out the progress of Ri Xiangxia's strength.


Hinata Xia felt a little unable to let go.

Because after all, she is a lower end, and the Xiaojun she likes is already a upper end...

"Don't worry... A-Xia, I'm strong. No matter how strong your strength is, I'm fine..."

Ri Xiangxiao put on a soft fist stance.

The next moment, he attacked Hyuga Xia.

"Soft fist!"


Blue丨Cyclone blooms.


Because of Ri Xiangxiao's strength, A-Xia retreated.

After she stood firm, Ri Xiangxiao attacked again.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Continuing to practice against each other, A-Xia seems to be very difficult, and in terms of toughness, it is completely inferior to Hyuga Mowei.

"Gossip Four Palms! Gossip Eight Palms!"

When Sun Xiangxiao used these moves, Hyuga Xia was already like a boat in an ocean storm, being pushed and swaying completely.

It can only passively endure the terrible power of nature.

"A-Xia! Look good! This is a breakthrough in the division of clan restrictions... The "Sixteen Bagua Palms" that only clan families can learn! "

Except medical knowledge.

Ri Xiangxiao also plans to teach Ri Xiangxia 16 palms in private.

After all, A-Xia's talent is average, and it is possible to make up for her disadvantage by learning more powerful skills.


The Eight Diagrams Sixteen Palms, sixteen consecutive high-speed attacks, was hit by Ri Xiangxiao at A-Xia.


nine in the morning.

Hyuga Io has already appeared at Tsunade's house with Hyuga Xia.

Tsunade's medical ninjutsu guidance continues.

At the beginning, she actually wanted to see Ri Xiangxiao's jokes.

But with that meticulous, completely firm, persevering attitude that can be called the ultimate effort to practice in front of her...

Tsunade recognized Hyuga, and decided to teach it vigorously.

As for how much Hi Xiangxiao can learn in the end... that's not her concern.

Learning medical ninjutsu is not an easy task.

It's not just the practice of saving fish with medical techniques.

A lot of theoretical knowledge is also required.

With theoretical knowledge, you can use the more advanced palm immortality.

It is not a liver problem, but also a culture.

Because all the starting point and development of medical ninjutsu are based on theory.

"Introduction to Medical Treatment", "Meridian System", "Yang Attributes and Medical Ninjutsu", "Palm Immortal Jutsu", "Poisonology", "Medicine Foundation"... etc. tome books and documents, Filled with the bookshelves of the old thousand hands.

For the next few weeks, Hyuga Iro lived almost at Tsunade's house, eagerly learning this knowledge.

With knowledge comes practice.

The simplest drug formula is Bingliang Pill.

"One tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of fruit and vegetable juice, 6 vegetable biscuits, 8 small biscuits, 10 mixed beans, 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, chili powder added according to personal taste, 25 raisins... "

There is no measuring cup for Sun Xiang Xiao.

Also not weighed.

Instead, relying on the blind eye, accurate insight and grasp of these things.

Obtained a measurement that is as accurate as a machine.

This kind of operation...

Tsunade was shocked.

After all, no Hinata clan ninja has ever done a medical ninja.

Those old-fashioned guys will only indulge in soft boxing every day and cannot extricate themselves.

Compared with them, Ri Xiangxiao is simply a freak.


For the first time, Tsunade showed a smile on his face and praised Hyuga.

Through this, she understands that Ri Xiangxiao can definitely achieve higher achievements than others.

With "white eyes", he has precise control over the release of drugs and medical ninjutsu chakra, and has already killed 99% of medical ninjas in seconds.

Not to mention......

Perspective through the meridians, the body, this perverted auxiliary ability.

It can be said that there is no medical ninja who does not envy the eyes of the Hinata clan.

Even Tsunade himself had a hint of envy in his heart.

Another good news is that... Hyuga has a "yang attribute" and a certain talent for medical ninjas.

Hyuga Mowei is "yin", and Hyuga Xia is "yang".

The two are around the sun and the night, does it indicate something?

Ri Xiangxiao's various medical skills are improving rapidly.

A month goes by in the blink of an eye.

Ri Xiangxiao is ready to go outside for a walk.

Not because of the great success of medical ninjutsu.


Approval of the application to enter the "torture and interrogation department" finally came down.

173. Deputy Chief of the Interrogation Department, Ri Xiangxiao!

"You are really strong..."

That day Xiangyao found Morino Ibis in front of him and said this to him.

Big man Morinai is 13 years old.

He was several heads taller than Ri Xiangxiao.

Although he is very young, he looks very mature, like an adult uncle.

And more importantly...

This guy is really a late bloomer.

So far, it's still just a "stubborn".

"You don't understand, I'm pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..."

The corner of Mori's mouth twitched.

"In the same session, I can't compare to you, Hyuga Momi, Kakashi, Asma, Yuhika."

What Ibiki Mori told was the truth.

He is very clear about his own position.

"Sixth" in the same session.

This is his strength level.

Others, Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito, Moonlight Gale, Uzuki Yuyan, Shiranui Genma, Peizu Leitong, Yamashiro Aoba, Mitarai Red Bean...

When these people went up together, Senai Ibis was able to hang them up and beat them.

Even if it's just a forbearance.

But the strength is really strong metamorphosis.

However, Sennei Bixi's unique and bizarre suppression of hierarchical thinking makes people incomprehensible.

He's been weird since he was a kid anyway.

I just don't know if the jujube trees in his backyard are still lush.

"I joined the Interrogation Department a few years ago. "

Ichi Mori waved his hand, still wearing thick black gloves.

He was wearing a black coat and a black silk scarf, covering himself in this punk look.

Not afraid of heat in summer.

"follow me......"

Follow Senai Ibis from the surface to an entrance.

It is the legendary torture and interrogation department.

The interrogation department is located near the mountain behind Konoha, somewhere behind the village.

Somewhere away from the crowds.

The reason is simple.

When interrogating prisoners, they would make screams or something, and naturally they had to stay away from residential areas.

Before he could go in, Ri Xiangxiao heard a vague human howl.

The two guard ninjas at the entrance nodded towards Sennei Ibiki.

Ibiki Mori led Hyuga into it.

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