Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage from the White Eye Chapter 273

"Although I am a stubborn person, my responsibilities are quite broad..."

Ibiki Mori also felt brooding about being despised by Hyuga.

At this moment, he said proudly.

I can't wait to let Ri Xiangxiao understand that his strategy of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is to facilitate the collection of information or something.

Along the way, various people greeted Sennei Bixi.

He didn't despise him in the slightest just because he was stubborn.

"You don't understand, the lower end is the most powerful, and the upper end is scum."

Ibiki Mori forcibly mumbled.

At least in front of Ri Xiangxiao, he is very respectful.

Sun Xiangxiao: "..."

Turn left and right all the way.

Pass through various rooms and cells.

There is no shortage of seeing people whipping whips, prisoners screaming and so on.

Finally, Hyuga Io and Morinai Ibiki entered an office.

It is said to be an office, but there is an extra desk in the interrogation room.


Senai Ibixi pointed at him and sat down first.

The room has light, but the windows are small and high.

It made Hi Xiangxiao think of stories and feelings such as "ten years behind bars".

"The interrogation department is what I say for now."

Ibiki Mori put one hand on the back of the chair, very proud.

Ri Xiangxiao's application documents were placed on the desktop.

But that's not the point...

The point is, the file has been applied for a month.

This thing is so special that I approved it for myself.

"What do you mean?"

Ri Xiangxiao didn't believe it at all.

A 13-year-old child... Anyway, is Konoha crazy, or who is crazy?


Ibiki Mori got up and slammed the table with both hands.

"Ri Xiangxiao... Face your attitude, no matter if you are Shangnin or Shadow, come here, I am your boss!"

Ibiki Mori leaned forward and stared at Sun Xiangxiao.

"The Interrogation Department is a special place. It's not just about strength, understand?!"

Ibeki Mori's expression was particularly vicious.

The reactions of those Konoha ninjas along the way did not seem fake.

Unless their respective acting skills are outstanding, they will unite to deceive themselves.

next moment.

Senai Ibixi's eyes turned red, as if she was about to cry.

"My dad is gone..."

Ri Xiangxiao: "?"

The big man got up and started pacing.

It tells of his son's great ambition to inherit his father's business.

It turned out, a month ago.

Senai Ibixi just gave his father a hand.

His old bean is the real boss of the interrogation department.

One day, his father suddenly disappeared while on a mission.

And once the ninja sends this signal.

Basically tantamount to... martyrdom.

Of course, Ibiki Mori can't be left alone.

He sent his subordinates to frantically search for his father's whereabouts.

In the really made him find something.

This is also the reason why Ri Xiangxiao's application documents were not approved for a month.

Because the real boss...has disappeared.

Senai Ibishi is now forcibly taking over.

With a month of personal performance and activity, he has won everyone's affirmation as "Ninja".

"I was going to take the Chunin exam a month ago and become a Chunin..."

As a result, it was delayed because of his father's accident.

Although I did not pass the Chunin exam.

However, he successfully took over the interrogation department and fulfilled his dream.


The realization of this dream is too heavy.

The price is father sacrifice to heaven.

"I absolutely don't believe Dad is going to die! He must be alive!"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Sennei Bixi.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses! I will never give up!"

Ibiki Mori took out the red seal and slammed a mark on the document of Sun Xiangxiao.

"Sunshine and Night!"

He pushed the document forward.

"From now on, you are welcome to join the "Konoha Interrogation and Torture Department" and become a glorious member of the organization! Next, I announce that you will directly become my deputy for my dispatch! "

Senai Yi pointed with a big hand and was very heroic.

Ah~, life is here without regrets.

Ibiki Mori's dream when he was a child was to make Hyuga night his deputy.

Now, the dream has finally come true.


Ri Xiangxiao responded calmly.

Since ancient times, second-in-command was not necessarily a bad thing.

Sometimes, the benefits and power of the sub-functions may be greater than that of the first-in-command.

"Okay, now go with me to interrogate the prisoner!"

Senai Ibis put his hands in his pockets, turned and walked towards the other cell.

Ri Xiangxiao got up and moved his muscles.

About to touch the dark side of Konoha in another sense.


This dark.

Compared to Shimura Danzo, it is much purer.

174. Expedition to Sand Hidden, Sarutobi's Last Battle

54 years old.

Shinobu Hiruzen Sarutobi was fighting back then, and he was the strongest Hokage outright.

In another two years, Sarutobi Hiizan's body function will be completely weakened, and thus it will begin to decay.

This result...

It is the first medical expert in the ninja world, Princess Tsunade, who issued a medical examination report for middle-aged and elderly people for her teacher.

That is to say.

In the past two years, if Sarutobi Hijen didn't make a move.

In the future, he will never have the opportunity to show his peak strength in front of the world.

How powerful is the current Sarutobi Hibiki?

If the ability of the ninja can be made into a table, it can be described by various values.

So... Sarutobi Hizen is a heptagonal monster warrior with no dead ends.

Throughout the history of Konoha, no Hokage is as strong as Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Even if it is the first-generation eyes that move mountains and seas, the strange and unpredictable second-generation eyes.

In terms of the comprehensive quality of all numerical values, it must be crushed by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The strength, body, speed, illusion, forbearance of Sarutobi Hidden...

These ninja functions that can be said have been achieved by him, the Hokage, to the extreme of human beings.

To describe the power of the three generations of Hokage in one sentence...

That is... He is the man appointed by the two predecessors of Hokage, Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama. He is also a direct disciple of the two predecessors. He is proficient in all the secrets and ninjutsu of Konoha except the blood and the limit. .

Either Jiraiya or Tsunade.

Or Orochimaru.

The legendary Sannin thought that if their teacher Sarutobi Hizen did it himself, he would be instantly killed.

This is the strength of a man named Hizan Sarutobi who stands at the top of the 100,000 ninjas in the ninja world.


Sarutobi Hiizhan sorted out his outfit and prepared to go out in person for the last time.

The victory of the Kiriyin Village front represented a reduction in pressure.

His Hokage can also be willful, no longer just guarding the office and facing countless documents.

Sarutobi Hiizaki's expedition to the battlefield this time is the "Anti-Sand Hidden Front".

Why not elsewhere?

First of all, on Yunyin's side, there are Uchiha Fuyake and Namikaze Minato.

On the battlefield of Yanyin Village, there was no major movement from the enemy.

At present... the battlefield that needs to be shot is only the sand hidden village of Erwuzai who has betrayed Konoha several times.

after the war.

Sandyin Village is bound to surrender again and become Konoha's ally.

This is something that can be judged from the results of the previous ninja wars.

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