The father and daughter saw the stiff faces of the three Shiranui Genma.

"Ramen...what's the problem?"

A common civilian born hand, Acorus calamus.

I don't know the relationship between Shiranui Genjian and Uzumaki Naruto.

"No, no problem...Ah~~! I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent at home..."

Shiranui Genma got up first, and stopped eating the ramen.

The same goes for the other two.

Get up, pay, and get out of here.

"Guest... do you need to pack your ramen?"

Asked in a puzzled tone.

"No... no..."

They waved.

"Give it to this little brother, yes...that's right..."

They pushed the three untouched bowls of ramen to Uzumaki Naruto.


The three of them left Yile Ramen shop as if fleeing...

Hinata Xiao picked up the ramen, but her eyes followed the three of them: "These three still know how to be ashamed. If this is the case, we can carry out the next plan..."

After facing the old man.

The three of Shiranui Genma will make the choice Hinata Xiao wants.

560. Defei Thunder God Art, Hinata Sho's Namikaze Minato Trick

"Naruto, you can go back by yourself later."

After the three left, Hinata Xiao paid the money and got up.

"Big, big pot~!"

Uzumaki Naruto with ramen in his mouth was a little puzzled.

"You eat too much, you can't sleep at night, you have indigestion, and you can walk back to exercise."

Hinata Xiao said so.

In fact, it is to arrange the second step of the plan to get Flying Thor.

"Whoa whoa......"

Uzumaki Naruto looked grateful.

He thinks that Hinata Sosa is smarter.

After leaving the stunned hand and iris... Hinata Sho turned and left here.

In the night...

People come and go.

Izumi Uchiha appeared around the corner.


Izumi Uchiha was still a little uncertain about attacking the three Shiranui Genma.

"Quan, there are some things that you need to fight for yourself."

Hinata Xiao murmured.

The meaning of these words is not only referring to the persecution of the three Shiranui Genma...

It also clearly refers to the relationship between Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

Fight for peace...and live in peace.

"Yes, I understand, Master!"

It seems that he has made up his mind.

Izumi Uchiha nodded, and quickly rushed in the direction of the three Shiranui Genma.


The three of Shiranuo Xuanjian, Juxiutong, and Diyiwaxi were walking on the road, sighing infinitely.

"I didn't expect...the son of the fourth generation to become like that..."

"It seems that the thing about Nine-Tails Jinchuriki being kidnapped before is true..."

"That's horrible......"

The three were Namikaze Minato's former subordinates.

No less favored by Namikaze Minato.


Namikaze Minato is enthusiastic about the three subordinates.

It doesn't mean they have to take care of Namikaze Minato's son.

It is our duty not to help Naruto Uzumaki.

Help is love.


Seeing the Fourth Hokage...the child of the former boss, turned into such a miserable state.

As long as the conscience is not eaten by dogs.

There will always be discomfort inside.

What the three of them didn't know was that...

Hinata Xiao successfully exploited the psychology of their ordinary people.

A normal person with a still conscience will have the same feeling as the three Shiranui Xuanma.

Hinata Xiao personally brought Naruto Uzumaki out.

Just to confirm whether the three of them are the same as before.


Hinata Xiao confirmed that the three Shiranui Genma also had an existence called Conscience.

In this situation.

You can execute the second step of the plan.

Let Uchiha Izumi take action against the three of them, and force him to ask the specific method of practicing the Flying Thunder God Art.

It can be said.

Hinata Xiao is a moral kidnapping.

It can also be said that it is to take advantage of the weakness of people's hearts.

But no matter what, Hyuga Sho is bound to win the Thunder God technique.

This is related to the strength of the disciple's ninja weapon.

Suppose Izumi Uchiha can learn to fly Thor.

She is the second golden glitter.

If you can open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

That Uchiha Izumi will surpass Namikaze Minato in an all-round way.

After all...Namikaze Minato and Ai have fought against each other many times, but they have never been able to win each other.

And the "Skeleton Susan" in the second stage can crush the fourth generation of Raikage.

There is also the muscle Susan of the third stage, and the armor Susan of the fourth stage.

"Hinata Sho appeared in front of us with Uzumaki Naruto, why..."

The one with the fewest words is the same, frowning, thinking.

"Who knows... When that guy was in the ninja school, his behavior was unpredictable..."

The three shook their heads.

I thought Hinata Xiao was an idiot.

But in the end they found out that the clown was actually me.

Hinata Yoshi is the winner takes all, the strongest black hand.

Today's Hinata Xiao is already like a cloud, an existence that the three of them look up to.

after all......

The Fourth Hokage Nami Feng Shuimen said it before his death.

Hyuga Sho is a man who completely surpasses Hatake Kakashi and has the appearance of Hokage.

Judging from the current situation... Could it be that the next Hokage will really be Hinata Sho?

"Nah, nah..."

Deivashi suddenly turned his head and looked at his two companions.

"It's not our fault that Uzumaki Naruto became like that."


Both feet were stunned for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his gaze was directed aside.

"Probably... not."

"No, that's right."

Qianben dangling from Shiranui Genma's mouth began to tremble.

"It's not our fault...we have no absolute obligation to help that brat..."

Although the three said so.

But in the end I felt guilty.

Conscience is tormented and condemned.


Three people said.

If he could have helped Uzumaki Naruto more at the beginning, would the outcome of the matter have been completely different?

But unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

It's late at night, and cicadas are still calling.

But the wind is getting colder.

The three of them couldn't help but tremble.

next second.

A pair of blood-red Sangouyu Sharingans met the eyes of the three of them.



Vision blurred.

The cognition of the three was manipulated by illusion.

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