They blinked, but what they saw was not Sharingan.

Rather... Namikaze Minato.

Or rather, the phantom vision of Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato, who was dead, had a big hole in his chest, looking extremely miserable.


As soon as Namikaze Minato opened his mouth, the three of Shiranui Genma pissed in fright.

"Fourth, fourth generation!"

"No, it must be a prank!"

As he said so, he threw out a small stone.

Then... the small stone passed through the figure of Minato Namikaze.

"You... did that to my son?"

Namikaze Minato's words pierced into the chests of the three of them like a sharp thorn.

"'s not like that, Fourth Hokage-sama!"

The first to collapse was Dieivashi. His strength is only Chunin.

"calm down!"

Shiranui Genma shouted to calm down, but he himself was trembling.

"This must be an illusion!"

Talking side by side, they activated the fire escape ninjutsu.

The huge flaming technique overwhelmed Minato Namikaze.

But when the Great Flame Art disappeared, Namikaze Minato's figure appeared intact.

"No~! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Hand in hand pull out the ancestral black blade.

This black blade is smeared with poison, and it will kill you if you touch it.


The black blade also passed through the ghost figure of Namikaze Minato.

" son has become like that, and he can only survive as a disabled person..."

Namikaze Minato began to shed blood and tears.

"As a father, the only thing you can count on is the Flying Thunder God technique that I taught you during my lifetime..."

Namikaze Minato showed an expression that seemed to be crying, but also seemed to be laughing.

"The Flying Raijin Jutsu is a Muji ninjutsu, and it is a jutsu that my son can also use...I am here tonight, not to criticize you...I just hope that you will see it in the past For the sake of being nice to you three, I can write down this technique and give it to that okay?"

Namikaze Minato's voice became weird and weeping.

Like a ghost crying.

Facing director Ao Hinata and Izumi Uchiha as an assistant, it is a horror film that transcends the times.

The three of Shiranui Xuanma were already scared to pee.

The three collapsed on the ground, and soon knelt down towards Namikaze Minato, expressing that they would definitely hand over the flying thunder god technique to Uzumaki Naruto.

"I'll be watching you from below... I hope you can keep your promises..."

After Namikaze Minato finished speaking, it dissipated like a bubble...

When Izumi Uchiha released the illusion, he disappeared.

The backs of the three kneeling on the ground were drenched in cold sweat.


that night.

The three Shiranui Xuanjian copied the Flying Thunder God Art and sent it to Uzumaki Naruto's residence.

After finishing this matter secretly.

The three of them went to Konoha Cemetery again, worshiped Namikaze Minato, offered incense, and talked a lot.

That's when he left suspiciously...

at last.

Izumi Uchiha got the Flying Thunder God scroll and returned to the underground base.

It is true that the illusion was performed by Izumi Uchiha.

But the image of Namikaze Minato was pretended by Hinata Xiao.

In the previous life, Hinata Sho, who had watched countless horror movies, made a ghost appearance by imitating Namikaze Minato's demeanor.

Let Uchiha Izumi remember.

Izumi Uchiha reappeared with the illusion of sharing eyes.

It can be said... this is the psychological warfare directed by Sho Hinata.

561. Flying Thunder God \u0026 Shadow Clone

Hinata Shogun, who had watched countless movies and anime in her previous life, came up with a horror movie routine that people in this world couldn't even imagine.

In addition, the three of them already had a conscience.

And the power of Uchiha Izumi's Sangouyu Sharingan.

It is very simple to achieve this.

Just opened Sharingan.

Izumi Uchiha is beginning to shine.

Sharingan has things that Baiyan can't do.

in the spiritual category.


It took a lot of energy to create an illusion that others sealed.

For Uchiha.

It's just a matter of staring.

Hinata Xiao is very satisfied with the performance of her ninja weapon disciple.

And when Izumi Uchiha returned to the underground base.

Contribute the scroll to the time of Yoshihira...

Hinata Xiao resolutely rejected Uchiha Izumi's submission, and directly asked Uchiha Izumi to learn the Flying Thunder God on the scroll.

the reason is simple.

It's the same as the shadow clone technique.

Flying Thunder God is also in the "banned card list" of Shenhunming.

The number one killer, Soul Life, did not support Hinata Xiao's learning of this technique.

If it is soul-controlling life, it can be practiced without hindrance.

Just like Guan Yuan Daozhen, you can directly learn the shadow clone.

Each evolutionary map has its own characteristics.

When Hinata Xiao chose Shensoul Life, it was equivalent to opening some doors and closing others.

On this point, Hyuga Isaura has no regrets.

Because there are always trade-offs in life.

It is true that the speed of Yuhunming is the first, but it is inevitable to fall into the dilemma of scraping like Namikaze Minato.

On the other hand, Shenhunming can easily break through the fourth generation of Raikage and beat him to the blood.

This is something that Yuhunming is difficult to do at the same stage.

Watching the master hand over the decision to practice such a powerful technique to himself.

Uchiha Izumi was very moved.

Generally speaking.

Ordinary people have heard the secret of the Golden Glitter Namikaze Minato, and learned the secret of its speed.

I will definitely try my best to take it for myself.

No matter how bad it is, it will beat around the bush, but I still want to learn it.

But Hinata Sho was unmoved, without the slightest hesitation.


Uchiha Izumi took a step forward.

In fact... she really hopes that her master can learn to fly Thunder God.

"Quan, I've made up my mind...Although you are my disciple, but as a master, you will only be happy with the results obtained by your disciples, and you will never plunder your disciples' spoils... ..."

"Yes...I see, Master..."

Izumi Uchiha gripped the scroll tightly, and slowly retreated.

There is infinite admiration and admiration for Hinata Xiao in my heart.

Looking at Izumi Uchiha leaving, Hinata Xiao's eyes flashed.

Raising favorability was successful again.

In this way... the road to the opening of Izumi Uchiha's kaleidoscope is one step closer.


In the following days.

Uchiha Izumi received Hinata Xiao's hell-style training, and was repeatedly drilled until he fainted.

While studying the technique of Flying Thunder God.


Obtaining the Flying Thunder God Art is a secret.

Only Hinata Xiao and Uchiha Izumi know.

As for Uzumaki Naruto...


He doesn't seem to have the talent to learn the art of flying thunder god.

Not just Flying Thor.

Uzumaki Naruto's attribute is "wind".

This point, Hinata Xiao learned through teaching.

But it's the wind.

Uzumaki Naruto was unable to learn a wind escape ninjutsu...

It seems.

Uzumaki Naruto may have inherited his mother's talent...

Uzumaki Kushina was Shinobi Konoha during his lifetime.

Some information is still available.

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