Seeing Kisame running away so neatly.

Terumi Mei stepped forward quickly.

Under the cliff, dried persimmon ghost shark is falling.

His sneering face seemed to be laughing at himself.

After a while.

Kisame Kisame, who fell to the bottom of the mountain, was conscious.

On the cliff in front of him, the figures of Terumi Mei and others can still be seen.

Kisame Kisame tried to move his body, but there was no response from his body.

All the bones in his whole body may have been broken, the spine should have been severely injured, and all internal organs have also been displaced.

If it wasn't for the huge chakra energy subconsciously gathered to act as a buffer for the body, I'm afraid he would have been smashed to pieces the moment he fell to the ground.

But even after regaining consciousness, his current situation is still very dangerous.

Lying down and doing nothing, the body will still die slowly.

Kisame could clearly feel that his vision gradually became blurred, and even his breathing became extremely heavy.

Even if he survived by luck, Terumi Mei would not let him go.

"If you die here like this, everything before will be in vain..."

If die here.

Regardless of the hardships that Kirigakure has endured.

Or the countless companions he killed in the past, will not be able to get repaid.

The will of the dried persimmon ghost began to condense again, and the idea of ​​survival also rose in his heart.

"The sea of ​​stars...Starting from the earth under my feet, I set off towards the universe...I also see such a world!!!"

It seems to have read the owner's mood.

The big sword shark muscle that should be just a dead thing opened its mouth, and started to beat like a living thing.


should say.

The great sword shark muscle itself is a living body.

It's just that it looks like a knife, and it's really a knife.

The next moment, the big sword shark muscles scattered on the ground crawled into the palm of the ghost shark.

The moment it came into contact with the dried persimmon Kisame, the Dasao Shamusi began to pour chakra into Kisame's body without reservation.

The wounds on Kisame's body began to heal to a degree visible to the naked eye.

And when Terumi Mei's subordinates came here, Kisame Kisame and Shamanus Yasaki had disappeared without a trace.

that's it.

Kisame Kisame, the strange man of Kisame, became the wanted order of Kisame S-rank rebellious ninja.

Soon after, it spread throughout the ninja world.

The Blood Mist also came to an end without the outside world knowing.

605. Mizukage Terumi Mei

that night.

On a hillside on the outskirts of Wuyin Village.

Wearing the Kirigakure Murakami Ninja Vest and Kirigakure's forehead protector, Momochi no Zan appeared here.

He was

Beside him, there is a child.

Like a girl, like a boy.

Mizunazuki, the half-breed orphan of the Mizunazuki clan.

In these few years.

Just like Hinata Xiao practiced Uchiha Izumi.

Taodi will use Bai as his tool man no matter how hard he is.

"Bai, it's a pity... starting tonight, I will abandon this country."

Tao Di's unshakable gaze moved away from Bai's delicate face, and looked into the blood mist wrapped in thick fog.

Even when it's dark.

The lights in the blood mist still shone like fireflies in summer.

A ninja in the blood mist on the go.

Post-war cleanup work is underway.

"But... I will definitely return to this country again! Take this country into my hands!"

Taodi failed again.

In the end, it was the Kirigakure indigenous forces headed by Terumi Mei who benefited the fisherman.

"So what I need is not comfort and encouragement, what I really need is..."

"I know."

Bai replied softly.

"Please don't worry, I am Mr. Zabuzhan's weapon... I will be obedient, please use me as a tool, let me follow you..."

Bai showed a shy and sweet smile.

Because of the relationship with Zabuzhan, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Hmph... good boy."

No more chopping, I was taken aback for a moment.

Even his hard heart was healed by Bai's smile.

"Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Taodi turned around without cutting her head, her eyes became sharp again.

next time......

Never lose again!


Misty Village.

Terumi Mei, who was busy until night, breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked at the time.

It's 12 o'clock in the evening.

"Staying up late is the enemy of women..."

Terumi Mei murmured and walked towards the bathroom.

The destroyed Water Shadow Building is being rebuilt.


Terumi Mei still lives in the original office.

The joy of having the entire Hidden Fog Village in your hands.

Terumi Mei couldn't help feeling a sense of excitement in her heart.

Godaime Mizukage...

And she is also the shadow of the first female ninja in the ninja world.

Just thinking about it.

Terumi Mei's originally tired consciousness became active again.


When Terumi Mei put his right hand on the bathroom doorknob, he couldn't pull it open no matter what.


Terumi Mei was puzzled.

next moment.

A figure quietly appeared in front of her eyes.

Terumi Mei was startled by this way of transforming a living person.

Although in the past two weeks or so.

Hinata Xiao is also always elusive.

But never like today...

Terumi Mei couldn't help but think of the scene where Hinata Yoshihira was showing off his might in the barrier during the day.

"Terumi Mei, I have successfully helped you ascend to the position of Mizukage..."

Hinata Xiao said coldly.


Next, it is time to implement the next step of the plan.

"Sakura Hinata...what do you want to do?"

Terumi Mei took a few steps back.

A look of wariness.

"What do you say?"

Hinata Xiao, leaning against the bathroom door, responded calmly.

Those white eyes were full of aggression.

As if it could swallow Terumi Mei alive.

"Create a shadow clone."

Hinata Xiao ordered casually.


Just as Terumi Mei wanted to refute, she was pushed away by Hinata Sho.

Fell on the desk.


Terumi Mei's chest heaved violently because of Hinata Isamu's rough movements.

"What a man without style..."

Terumi Mei got up and turned her head with a gloomy expression.

"Speak this to those who have been melted by you."

Hinata Akira stared at Terumi Mei's charming cheek, and asked her to do it immediately.

"The technique of shadow clone..."

Unwillingly, Terumi Mei created a shadow clone.

this technique.

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