Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 784

It was Hinata Xiao who taught her.

Akira Hinata himself does not know the shadow clone, but it does not prevent him from knowing the seal and principle of the shadow clone.

An identical Terumi Mei appeared beside the main body.

"For the next three days, I want you to maintain this shadow clone."

Because the civil war in the blood mist is over, there is no need to fight.

Therefore, the mana consumption of the shadow clone will be reduced to the minimum.

In the next three days, the shadow clone will handle various official duties.

And Terumi Mei's body...

Hinata Shoto stepped forward fiercely, and within a second, she flashed in front of Terumi Mei.

next moment.

Hinata Aya pushed Terumi Mei again.

There was a snap.

Terumi Mei put her hands on the table.

Before she could say anything.

Hinata Xiao's five fingers had already ignited the blue chakra flames.

"Caged bird......"

boom! ! !


Terumi Mei curled up and opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

Hinata Xiao's five fingers had already firmly imprinted on her lower abdomen.

"In the next three days, I will imprint this spell on your then..."

Hinata Shoto leaned down, approached Terumi Mei's ear, and said next to that sexy profile.

"...You are my ninja weapon..."

"Hinata must die!"

Terumi Mei, aware of her situation, endured the pain of the curse mark.

The body couldn't help trembling.

The branding of the caged bird takes three days to complete.

This is because Terumi Mei is too strong.

And the stronger the strength, the longer it takes to imprint.

Terumi Mei felt the burning heat coming from her abdomen.

A sorrow rose in my heart.

She couldn't think of it at all.

Hinata Xiao was so mad that he used the curse seal to control her.

And something like the curse seal is the most difficult to break.

Don't you see, the Hyuga clan has been controlled by the seal of the caged bird for 1,000 years?

Could it be...

Will I be this man's ninja weapon for the rest of my life?


Terumi Mei shook his head inwardly.

I am 20 years old now.

How many years can this man enslave himself at most?

5 years? 10 years?

What Terumi Mei could think of, of course Hinata Sho could also think of it.

"This curse seal..."

Hinata Sho held down Terumi Mei.

"Not only will it make you unable to resist me, but it will also keep you young...until you die, you will maintain this appearance."

Hinata Xiao's words were like a demon's announcement.

Let Terumi Mei's beautiful face turn pale.

"In other words, you can only exist as my ninja weapon in this life!"

next moment.

In Terumi Mei's desperate eyes.

Hinata Sho, who stole Kirigakure's confidential information, began research on Kirigakure strawberry and Kirigakure peach and other fruits recorded in the information.

606. Management Master · Hinata Xiao

three days.

Hinata Xiao's research has achieved many results.

Hinata Xiao even discovered the specialty of Wuyin Village.

snow rabbit.

This kind of pure white rabbit has unique characteristics, and can even be used as a material for casting spells.

What Hinata Xiao didn't know was.

Momochi's ninja weapon, Minazukishiro, kept a snow rabbit.

While keeping it as a pet, use it as a substitute technique practice.

But Hinata Xiao just played with Snow Rabbit and ignored it.

The long and short three days passed in a blink of an eye.

When Hinata Xiao completed the depiction of the seal of the bird in the cage.

Kirigakure Village also ushered in a new Mizukage... Godaime Mizukage... Terumi Mei's inauguration ceremony.

The shadow clone faithfully fulfilled Terumi Mei's duties.

During these three days, he attended various meetings and discussed various matters for her.

Perfectly concealed from others.

As for Terumi Mei's body.

Hinata Akira adjusted his collar casually, prepared a good disguise, and was ready to go to Kirigakure's Anbe base to have a look.

With a click, the door to Terumimei's office was locked.

Hinata Xiao went straight away without the slightest nostalgia.

long time... long time...

In the office, there was the rustling sound of fiber friction...


The Mizukage weapon is in hand.

Wuyin Village is already in his pocket.

Hyuga Sho will not carry out a reign of terror like Uchiha Obito controlled Yakura.

Because that is against human nature.

Hinata Xiao will grasp the big direction.

Terumi Mei will handle the rest of the details.

As for things in the general direction, we don't come across them a few times a year.

It can be said... a job.


At critical moments, the entire Wuyin Village will use its own sharp blade to act to achieve its own goals.


This kind of behind-the-scenes mastermind is not achieved in one step.

When Terumi Mei becomes Mizukage, she still needs to complete it step by step.

Hinata Akira disguised himself as Gonbei.

Swaggeringly entered Kirigakure's Anbu old base.

old days.

The Anbu ninjas loyal to Yakura either died or were liquidated.


The new Anbu appointment list was on the agenda.

Hinata Xiaoxiao eliminated the role of the master messenger behind the scenes.

He also planned for himself the position of "Genbei Anbu personnel".

Using this false identity, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

"Congratulations, Kwonhei."

Qing, who was busy, saw her colleague approaching and congratulated repeatedly.

Ao and Gonbei are the same ninja class.

Both were noble native nobles.

Look at this blue hair, shark teeth.

You can see your own orthodoxy from your blood.

"Congratulations to you too, Qing."

Hinata Xiao said with a cold face.

Ao's new position is Assistant Mizukage.

Similar to Nara Shikahisa's ninja squad leader + Sand Hidden Village Chiyo, a mixed position of the two.

It can be said......

Qing went straight to the top.

in addition.

Chojuro hasn't changed much though.

But they were trained as the new Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Maybe...the next Mizukage position is possible.

After all, everyone is a native of Wuyin, with noble blood, and they are all of their own.

As the dried persimmon ghost shark said.

At least some things haven't changed since Terumi Mei came to power.

Qing is instructing to sort out Anbu's files.

Some ninjas are busy here.

Hinata Xiao walked to a row of bookshelves and flipped through the scrolls.

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