Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 787

His own goddess has become a ninja weapon that Hinata Xiao can treat at will.

The hope, admiration, excitement... and other emotions in their eyes.

All were captured by Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei's expression that seemed to be a smile was not a smile, and because of this, there was a layer of haze in his eyes.

What changes has happened to Wuyin Village for my superior position?

Hidden Fog Village under the manipulation of white demons.

What's the difference between it and Blood Mist?

There was no time for Terumi Mei to think about it.

The elder teacher with a smile on his face quickly announced the start of the ceremony.

"Everyone...Let us welcome Mizukage Fifth... Terumi Mei-sama's appointment!"


The moment Master Yuan announced.

The audience cheered.

This heralds the complete end of the blood mist.

As Terumi, as Said by Godaime Mizukage-sama.

The ninjas in Wuyin Village no longer have to kill their companions.

All kinds of cruel systems in the past will also be abolished.

Wuyin Village will usher in a new dawn.

from now on......

The old era ends and a new era begins.

Staring at the more than 2,000 ninjas below, plus the cheers of tens of thousands of ordinary civilians.

The corner of Terumi Mei's mouth... couldn't help but outline a smile.

But in the next moment.

Her smile changed into another expression.


Sudden exception.

Let Yuan Shi, who was standing not far from the water shadow, discover it.


The high-level Kirigakure, who was 10 meters away, stepped aside on purpose, and didn't want to grab the limelight, looked at Terumi Mei with some doubts.

Terumi Mei shuddered a bit.

what happened?

Is Mizukage-sama uncomfortable?


They thought of Terumi Mei's hard work in these years and days.

Can't help but understand...

Mizukage-sama worked too hard.

Even a kage-level ninja sometimes gets tired...

Not as good.

After Mizukage-sama's inauguration ceremony is over.

Let's celebrate seven days in the whole village.

In the cheers of the crowd.

Kirigakure's senior management discussed whether to give Terumi Mei a seven-day holiday.

Let their Mizukage-sama have a good rest.

"I agree."

The cold-faced Quanbei, that is, Hinata Xiao, spoke first.

Hinata Aya, who silently activates the seal of the bird in the cage, always reminds Terumi Mei. the real owner of Wuyin Village.

"Speaking of... I haven't seen a white demon these days..."

Master Yuan said suddenly.

"That guy, after signing a truce with Mizukage-sama, he returned to Konoha."

Qing said.

A few days ago, Hinata Akira pretended to return.

In fact, never went back at all.

"A truce with Konoha? Very good... very good..."

Master Yuan couldn't help sighing.

"If the next step... I can reach a covenant with Konoha, then I can completely abandon the hatred of the past and move towards a new future..."

The era of blood mist.

Wuyin Village has done a lot of excessive things to Konoha.

It's change the stereotype of myself in the hearts of other ninja villages.

When Master Yuan and others were talking.

Hinata Xiao randomly activates the bird in the cage.

Terumi Mei standing on the Mizukage Building.

I could barely squeeze out a smile.

Squint your eyes into crescents.

Then keep waving in greeting, and cooperate with these movements to resolve the discomfort and unnatural senses caused by the imprint of the bird in the cage.


Wait until the inauguration ceremony is over.

Terumi Mei hurried back to the office of Mizukage Building.

Master Yuan and the others were already waiting there.

They gave Terumi Mei a surprise.

"Master Mizukage, next, we are going to raise the village to celebrate for seven days, these seven days... I will also give you a holiday..."

Master Yuan opened his mouth.

Terumi Mei's face changed color.

She didn't even let Teacher Yuan finish speaking, she immediately opened her mouth to speak.

"No...Elder Master Yuan, I can continue working..."


The old man waved his hand boldly.

It's over in the blood mist, and he's healed.


Terumi Mei is not good.


Don't wait for Terumi Mei to continue to push.

Ao, Chojuro and the others took turns persuading Terumi Mei to let her take a rest.

After all, the nerves that have been tense since childhood have never been able to rest.

This has to be said, very regrettable.


Waiting for good teammates again and again in Master Yuan! hold on.

Terumi Mei finally got a seven-day vacation...

"As for the guards..."

Master Yuan began to look around the scene.

Terumi Mei quickly received instructions from Hinata Xiao.

"Just let Quanhei be the guard..." Terumi Mei said to Genshi and the others.


Everyone's eyes turned to Hinata Xiao who had a cold face.

"Hmm... Kwon Hei of the martial arts faction, it is indeed possible."

Master Yuan nodded.

Kwon Hei has a simple mind and doesn't have so many hooks.

Very suitable as a guard.

in addition.

The reason why Teacher Yuan is relieved is...

Quan Bingwei looks plain.

A little has nothing to do with being handsome.

He wasn't worried about what would happen between Terumi Mei, who had always liked handsome guys and had a very high aesthetic, and him.

Wait until Master Yuan and others leave.

The door of the office was shut with a bang by Iori Hinata, and then... locked.

"Seven days..."

Hinata Xiao turned around.

With just one glance, Terumi Mei took a few steps back.

"It's a rare day off, Mizukage-sama, you should arrange it well..."

With Gonbei's face and cold tone, Hinata Sho spoke these words to Terumi Mei who was pale.

609. Ladies' Clothes Boss, Kirigakure's Last Puzzle

Five Daime Mizukage Terumi Mei's seven-day holiday was scheduled.

Terumi Mei entered the underground palace.

Everyone thought that their Mizukage-sama must have retreated.

Do not forget to practice on rest days.

Really respectable.


The actual situation is...

Only Terumi Mei's shadow clone entered the underground palace.

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