Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 788

Hinata Shoto took Terumi Mei's body and left the village soon.


Naturally, other locations in the Land of Water.

Now that we have arrived in the country of water.

What if you don't take a hot spring?

What if you can't play on the beach?

Even Mizukage should have the same entertainment as normal people.

first day.

Terumi Mei lives in a hot spring.

the next day.

Terumi is haunted by mountains and forests shrouded in thick fog.

third day.

Terumi Mei at the beach.

fourth day.

Terumi Mei, who came to a peaceful small mountain village, met two unexpected guests.

If the peach field is not cut, there will still be white.

Terumi Mei knew the former, but not the latter.

But judging from the relationship between Momochi Zabuzhan and Shiro.


The bond between the two is extraordinary.

She looks less than 10 years old and has a girly slender figure. When she came out in the morning, she was wearing a cute pink kimono.

But... it's a man.

A beautiful girl who looks like a woman in voice and manner, no, more like a woman than a woman.

But... it's a man.

Although taller than Naruko, she has a slender figure.

But... it's a man.

Great for kimonos.

But... it's a man.

It's already evening, it's really hot, and cicadas are still screaming.

But... it's a man.


The corner of Terumi Mei's mouth twitched.

I didn't expect to see the descendants of the Minazuki clan here.

What is the purpose of showing up here with the orphan of the Minazuki clan?

Terumi Mei didn't know.


She is now difficult to take care of.

inside the room.

Terumi Mei leaned on the window and looked out.

Hyuga Sho was studying the fruit in Kirigakure Village at the back of the room.

"It's rebellion...the peach land will never be cut..."

Terumi Mei's voice was intermittent.

"Oh? What does it have to do with you and me?"

Hinata Isamu's indifferent words resounded in the shadows of the room.


Terumi pursed her lips.

He cursed Hinata Xiao in his heart.

But there is no way.

You can't beat and beat, and scolding doesn't work.

There is also a bird in a cage.

Terumi Mei can be said to be extremely aggrieved.

She is the fifth generation Mizukage of Wuyin Village, who is dignified, to be teased like this.

After a while.

Terumi Mei's figure suddenly disappeared at the window.

At the same time, with a snap, the window was closed.

far away.

Tao Di Zabu Zhan and Bai looked back.

It seems to hear some voices, but it seems not to hear.

On such a hot day, do you want to turn on the air conditioner with the windows closed?

no, I can not.

Because this kind of barren mountain village still maintains its natural appearance, even without electric lights.


The reason why the windows were closed must be because this passenger family had important matters to discuss and did not want others to know.

Momochi, who was staring at the setting sun, turned his head again without Zhan Hebai.

Another moment passed.

The windows reopen.

Hinata Xiao finished the morning and afternoon research and investigation, and walked out of the room.

This time.

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan and Bai were alarmed again.

When Buzhan saw Hinata Xiao's figure clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Bai stared at such a peachy land, looking at him as if he was facing a big enemy.

Some don't quite understand.


Momochi Zabuzhan held the handle of the beheading knife stuck in the ground with one hand.

One hand protected Mizuna Moonbai.

" far as you can..."

The ghost who was not afraid of the three-tailed Jinchuriki Kutachi Yakura was scared at this moment.

And the reason for his despair.

It was because of seeing the legendary white devil.

Momochi Zabuza, who had a similar experience with Kakisame, has met Hinata Sho several times in the past.

Every time I saw him, he was showing off his power.

It's not that he's killing things.

It is on the way of running.

The peach land will not be cut again... It feels very bitter.

Facing such an opponent who was absolutely impossible to defeat, Momochi's heart sank.

He has no idea.

Why did Konoha's white demon appear in this land of water, or such a barren mountain village.

If the mission is to be carried out, wouldn't it be good to go to Wuyin Village?

If it’s a side trip, wouldn’t it be good to go to the beach or go to the hot spring?

why so...

"Ghostman Taodi will not be cut again..."

Hinata Xiao stood at the door with her hands behind her back, looking at the two of them.

Shiro's gaze moved over Hinata Shoto and Zabuza.

Soon, he remembered who the man in front of him was.

Although he has never seen Hinata Sho, he also heard it through the assassination manual Momochi Zabuza carried with him.

Know the identity of the man in front of you.

"Konoha's...white demon..."

Bai whispered the name with a gentle and indistinguishable voice.

Taodi's behavior of letting him leave has already proved the desperation that the two of them will fall into.

"Don't be nervous, the peach land will never be cut..."

Hinata Xiao said casually.

"I just came out to play."


No more silence.

He didn't believe what Hinata Xiao said.

The white devil played and played in this small mountain village?

Is he joking?

"That kid behind funny."

Although Hinata Xiao's methods are cruel.

But it doesn't mean bloodthirsty.

Whether it is the peach land that will never be cut, or the water without moon and white, it will not provide me with any experience points.

In Hinata Xiao's eyes.

Momochi no Zhan is at the same level as Kakashi.

There is no difference with the little sheep.

Even if you stand still and let him hack for a long time, you may not be able to break through the defense.

Do humans care about ants?

As long as the ants don't take the initiative to die.

Hinata Xiao will not do it.

"What do you want...white devil!"

If Taodi didn't slash hard, he was ready to draw his sword.

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