If you want to, you can go somewhere.

That Uchiha Obito has already rushed out of the solar system.

Ankbandian flies in the sky.

Obito Uchiha cannot reach it without knowing its coordinates.

The black and white are hidden in the land and water, and even Sharingan and Baiyan can't find them.

But they stare at the sky, and they must also sigh.

Looking at the busy subordinates.

Shennong also started the final power source issue.

How to turn citrus yakura into a battery?

power room.

Shennong and Hyuga Xiao walked into it.

This is an extremely wide hall.

The dome is extremely high.


Hinata Xiao looked around.

On the walls from all around to the dome, densely packed, countless hand-engraved spells were found.

These spells.

It is the conversion technique.

Chakra can be converted into the energy needed for Ankbandian activities in the fortress of the hidden village.

Yakura of the citrus orange was carried by Shennong.

He came to an end.

Put Yagura down.

Because of the large amount of drugs used.

Yagura is still in a coma.

In order to prevent him from resisting.

Shennong simply cut off part of Yakura's nerves.

"Do you want to use Yakura directly as a power source?"

Hinata Xiao asked.

If Yagura is to be used as a power source.

You have to use a magic formula to extract Yakura... no, it is the chakra of the three tails in Yakura.

But the problem is...

Does Shennong have a technique for directly extracting tailed beast chakra?


Shennong smiled dejectedly.

He snapped his fingers.

Some yellow tentacles hang down from the surroundings.

These tentacles are the intermediate stage before the zero tail operation is completed.

It looks like some sticky spider silk or something.

It can also be thought of as the wrapper that makes up the cocoon.

The viscous yellow filament with life quickly wrapped around Yakura.

Pulled Yagura into the air.


Like a heartbeat.

The goop came to life.

Yakura is like a worm.

The goo on the outside was like a cocoon, enveloping him.

Because of the production of cocoons.

Hinata Aya keenly sensed a slight change.

"The technique described here is the product of Zero Tail..."

Shennong said.

"In this huge room, any act of releasing Chakra will be absorbed by this spell...At the same time, the spell can also absorb Yakura's Chakra..."

Shennong smiled.

"When the Chakra of Yagura's main body is almost absorbed, the Chakra of Sanwei will come out naturally..."

Jinjuriki is unlikely to completely use up his chakra.

Because doing so has certain risks.

Especially when the seal of the tailed beast is loose.

And each individual column force, over time.

The effectiveness of the seal on the body must be weakened year by year.

612. The sky and the universe, the dream of mankind!



The beating of the heart continued to resound.

Yakura wrapped in it, Chakra provided to the air fortress as a power source.


"Not enough! Not enough!"

Shen Nong shouted frantically.

How can a mere human chakra be able to drive the sky fortress?


Yagura's chakra was drained by the zero-tail technique.

A hint of orange red...spread from Yakura's body.

In turn, this orange-red color becomes a source of radiation like ocean waves.

A large number of tailed beast chakras illuminated the entire power room.

Because of the dark chakra technique.

The inexhaustible orange red was stripped and used as food for hatching zero tails.

visible to the naked eye.

A purple chrysalis monster, being spawned.

"As expected of the Chakra of Three Tails... Even Zero Tail was catalyzed..."

Shen Nong looked around, with a trace of scientist's fanaticism.

From scratch.

Zero tail grows and becomes larger.


Roaring in front of Hinata Xiao and Shennong.

Like a waking fetus.

It's just that this baby is not a human being, but seems to have walked into the set of a horror movie.

"Is this zero tail?"

Hyuga Sho who skillfully uses dark chakra.

Stare at the purple chrysalis.

On the face of the monster.

There is a white mask.

The facial features are outlined on it.

On the = forehead, there is a big "zero" character.


Shennong watched the orange-red chakra flow towards zero tail, and couldn't help but shouted.

As he wishes.

Although Yagura is in a coma.

The chakra in his body is still being drawn continuously.


Zero Tail let out a louder roar.

This roar was accompanied by Zero Tail's violent struggle and pain!


Shen Nong's face froze.

Looking at Zero Tail who was neighing in pain.

I haven't figured out what's going on yet.


There is an orange-red light projected from Zero Tail's body.

One way, two ways, three ways...ten ways, thousands of ways!

Zero Tail impregnated with Tailed Beast Chakra.

It even emitted a more intense light than Yakura.

"Ba, Bakana!!"

Shennong widened his eyes, thinking clearly, and looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief.

"Three-tailed Chakra...can't even absorb Zero Tail?!"

Compared with Shen Nong, who can only call Bakana and Nani, there are others.

The indifferent Hinata Xiao's actions speak louder than words.

"Flame Finger!"

Seeing that the zero tail is about to be exploded by the three tails' chakra.

Hinata Xiao casually pointed.

The high-energy and high-heat beam, like a sharp sword, cut the connection between the Yakura and the "cocoon".

Yakura fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a thud.

And Lingwei, who was screaming in pain, also regained his stability.

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