Shennong looked at the scene in front of him dully, he couldn't figure it out...


In other words, he already figured it out, but he dared not admit it.

The zero-tail technique he invented...

Even the chakra that absorbs one millionth of a real tailed beast can't bear it...

"Okay, let's try to make the fortress fly."

Hinata Xiao looked calm.

It seems that the ending has already been guessed.

The limit of the dark chakra technique is 1000 calories.

Experiments in this area.

Hinata Xiao is even clearer than Shennong.

And Jinzhuli leaked chakra, there are four state stages.

1. The color of the eyes changes, the slight dehumanization of the posture occurs, and the chakra oozes out, showing the "leaked state" of orange-red light.

2. The orange chakra turns into a bubble-mixed "tail beast suit".

3. Scarlet, the "half-tailed animalization" covering the body surface of Jinchuriki.

4. The 18-meter body of the tailed beast appears, "completely transformed into a tailed beast".

At the first stage.

The three-tailed chakra leaked by Yakura exceeded 1,000 calories, which is the upper limit that zero-tailed chakra can bear.

Not to mention stages 2, 3, 4.

"The road is made step by step. Next, just improve slowly."

Hinata Xiao took a look at Shennong's younger brother.

It's just such a trivial matter, and I feel frustrated.

No wonder he was so sad.


Shennong lowered his head, his expression darkened a lot.

Presumably, it took him a lot of time to get out of the shock.


Shennong took Yakura back.

He was injected with the medicine on time.


Start ordering his subordinates, turn on various mechanisms, and let Ankbandian fly.

I just gave Yagura a sharp twitch.

1000 cal chakras are indispensable.

And such a huge chakra is enough to make the air fortress fly.

in other words......

Hinata Yoko can also drive Sky Fortress.

With one person... supporting the entire Ankbandian.


Hinata Xiao would never do such a boring thing.

There is a tool person like Yakura who can never turn to him.

With the order issued.

The activation of various organs.

The entire air fortress shook.

"Are you going to fly?"

Shen Nong looked a little worried.

He hadn't seen the air fortress take off again for decades, so the tension and apprehension in his heart can be imagined.

Zero tail replenishes Chakra very slowly.


The time to support this flight is limited.

Basically, it is equivalent to "test flight".


With the rumbling sound.

An aerial fortress that relies on chakra and artificial ninja technology as its flight principle.

It was pulled out of the ground.

Abandoned countless soil and weeds.

Started little by little, away from the situation on the ground.

"It's flying! It's really flying!!!"

Most of the ninjas in Kongyin Village are young and young, and they have never seen a flying fortress soaring in the sky.

And even Kuronin who has experienced the "Second" Ninja World War.

The youngest is over 40 years old.

The old people burst into tears.

The newcomers were very excited.

Alternation of an era.

The touch of memories, and the eternal yearning of human beings for the sky and the universe.

In plain sight...

In the jungle next to this remote coastline...

The flying fortress of the hidden village, Ankbandian...announced to take off again! ! !

10 m......

20 meters...

30 meters...

In the end, the fortress of Kongyin Village reached a height of 100 meters above the ground.

It can also continue to climb up to 500 meters, even 1000 meters, 2000 meters!

But the first test flight.

The height of 100 meters is enough to make people very excited.

And as the oldest old man in Kongyin Village.

An old man who is older than Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara.

The 87-year-old Shennong has tears in his eyes!

613. Star Shadow? ! funny, funny

Ankbandian's bridge.

Hyuga Isamu stood on the deck, overlooking the earth from the air.

I have to say that the feeling of standing on the flying fortress is quite good.

With this fort.

Then the laboratory in the underground base can be completely moved to the flying fortress.

And before doing this kind of thing.

There are still a few issues to resolve.

1. Solve the problem of controllable and recyclable energy utilization in Yakura.

2. How to completely restrict so that Yagura will not have the problem of excessive leakage of Tailed Beast Chakra.

The first problem is a technical difficulty.

current situation.

The zero-tailed chakra is continuously drawn.

Sooner or later it will dry out.

It is inevitable to draw Yakura a second time.

And this kind of pumping and pumping may lead to the second... which is the security problem.

If Yakura goes berserk, it will be troublesome.

Wait until those two puzzles are solved.


Hinata Akira intends to place the Flying Fortress above Konoha, like a satellite orbiting the earth, to facilitate handling of things.

"Activate Ankbandian and fly to the land of fire!"

Hyuga Xiao arranged orders for Shennong.

Stay away from some Konohas until the Three Tails security is resolved.

As for Shennong, temporarily let him stay on the flying fortress for research.


Shen Nong stepped forward.

"Aren't you going to test the power of the flying fortress?"

The dejected Shennong finally showed an even more dejected smile.

"What's more... It's not appropriate for my subordinates to go with me..."

Shennong said.

The ninjas in the hidden village are not suitable for entering the land of fire.

But they have to find a place to settle down.

Or... draw a pie.

After all, the subordinates have worked hard for decades.

It took generations.

After finally repairing the air fortress, it is not appropriate to expel people now...


Hinata Xiao nodded and asked Shennong what proposal he had.

Judging by his appearance, one can tell that Shennong has already planned.

"The land we are currently in is the intersection of the Bear Country and the Bird Country...and in the Bear Country, there is a ninja village called "Star Hidden Village"..."

Shennong grinned the corner of his mouth, with a malicious expression on his face.

"There are many canyons around the country of bears, and there are many swamps in the canyons...These swamps produce poisonous gas, which fills the territory of the country of bears, forming a natural barrier..."

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