Mitomonyan became his internal response.

Help collect information about Danzo Shimura and Koharu.

He who has completely confessed all the information is tantamount to putting his trust in himself.

Saotome, who was tinkering with research, now has a lot of leisure.

With the cloning technology of Orochimaru.

He can do a lot of things by himself.

Looking at the doctor in a white coat, tossing back and forth.

Hinata Xiao said, "Your son is going to die soon."

The matter of Uchiha Shisui was told by Hinata Xiao and told Saotome.

As soon as Saotome stopped moving, the figure from her back froze on the spot.

After Uchiha Shisui opened the kaleidoscope, his strength is indeed very strong.

But under normal circumstances, he only has the strength of an elite jonin.

A ninja who cannot maintain Kage-level strength for 24 hours.

The way to kill him, not too much.

not to mention.

Uchiha Shisui is arrogant and conceited.

Compared with Shimura Danzo, who is extremely deep in the city, and has ruthless methods, he is simply a child.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings..."

Uchiha Saotome muttered like this.

Many people in the Uchiha clan have the characteristic that their mouths don't match their hearts.

The same goes for Uchiha Saotome.

Don't look at the indifference in his mouth.

In fact, I love his son very much in my heart.


A loving father loses many sons.

The love of Uchiha Saotome resulted in the cultivation of such a son.

"Assuming Uchiha Shisui is taken away from Sharingan...there are several possibilities..."

With his hands behind his back, Hinata Xiao began to analyze the situation with a calm face.

"Uchiha Shisui has no eyes, and no one."

"Uchiha Shisui has no eyes, but he is here. He chose to tear his face and expose Shimura Danzo's conspiracy. Doing so will inevitably arouse the great indignation of the Uchiha clan. It is possible to start a civil war within the village immediately. So this possibility... ...insignificantly..."

"If you choose to hide the truth, then someone between him and Danzo will have to die. Without eyes, Uchiha Shisui is nothing, and he will be the only one who dies."


Shisui Uchiha has less than a one-third chance of surviving.

"The eyes are gone, they can be cloned again..."

Uchiha Saotome gripped the beaker in her hand.

"People are gone..."

Just nothing.

After a while.

Uchiha Saotome put down the experiment in her hand, walked away quickly, and went back to find his son.

As for whether Uchiha Shisui listened to persuasion.

It is not within the scope of Hinata Xiao's consideration.

Hinata Satoshi's plan is...

If Shimura Danzo successfully captured Uchiha Shisui's other gods.

Then stop yourself halfway.

Capture the pair of sharing eyes.

God is nothing.

But it's a fun little toy.

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can use it for experimentation.

No matter how bad it can be used as a replacement eye for Izumi Uchiha.

623. The Truth About Sharingan Kaleidoscope

That night.

late at night.

Uchiha Shisui came to the cliff.

This cliff is a place that only he and Itachi know.

Because it was already late at night, everyone in the village and the Uchiha clan had fallen asleep.

The only one awake is Anbe who monitors every move of the village.

And... the video equipment in the black building.

In the perspective of surveillance equipment and surveillance perspectives, there are still dead spots.

Shisui Uchiha knows all about these surveillance blind spots.


Uchiha Shisui was passing through these blind spots, and secretly had a late-night meeting with Itachi.

Itachi, who belongs to Anbu, also disappeared from the eyes of the surveillance equipment through these blind spots.

The moon hangs high.

The ferret runs fast.

Through the forest, arrived at the destination.

On the jagged rocks, Shisui Uchiha turned his back to Itachi.

He was lowering his head, staring at the endless river below the cliff.

South Hechuan.

The birthplace of the Uchiha clan.

Itachi walked behind him and stopped.


"I just arrived too."

Turning his head along with the voice, was Shisui's slightly tired face.

Obviously, Zhishui is very tired now because of his family's affairs.

"It seems that you worked a lot before."

"Various things..."

Uchiha Shisui lowered his eyes, with the same expression on his face as usual.

Then, Itachi said in a calm tone that seemed to sympathize with a friend.

"Because it was always agreed to act together, but in the end it was always you who took care of everything."

"Isn't it because you are carelessly delaying the time during the mission. I am also from Anbu, and I have the permission of Hokage-sama to move freely, so those who can do more work, right?"

Hearing what his friend said about him, Itachi felt that he was very useless, and his mission was obviously to prevent a coup d'etat by the Uchiha clan.

But it looks like this.

What exactly are you doing?

In order to find out the conspiracy of the Uchiha clan, Shisui obtained the right to act alone from the third Naruto-sama.

No matter day or night, they are monitoring the Uchiha clan.

This is different from myself who is busy with the affairs of the Uchiha clan every day.

But it is precisely because Shisui regards Itachi as a companion with the same standpoint as himself, that he can now avoid Anbu's surveillance and come to meet outside the village.

"Before I get to the point, I want to tell you something."

Uchiha Shisui cast a sharp look at Itachi.

"You are beginning to be suspected by a family."

"I know it even if you don't tell me."

"A certain ninja from the clan received an order to monitor you."

"What did you say......?!"

Someone in the clan is watching Itachi.

And the person who accepts this task is a ninja from the same clan as Itachi.

This is what Zhishui means.

Who exactly?

Standing on the same ground, issue such an order to your compatriots...

Is it father?

"Could it be possible to do this..."

"That's right, Itachi, the witness is myself."

"What does it mean?"

"The person who accepts the task of monitoring you is me."

After hearing Uchiha Shisui's words, Itachi felt thunderous.

Was it the order from his father to let Zhishui monitor him?

"Using your relationship with my relatives and friends, it is the upper three members of the Uchiha Police Department who issued the surveillance order."

Uchiha Shisui replied as if he knew Itachi's heart.

Three people from the upper section.

"Uchiha Yatsushiro, Uchiha Inohide, Uchiha Handhuo, these three suspect you. In fact, it's because of the quarrel between you and Yatsushiro in the assembly."

Zhishui's words mean that the mastermind behind the scenes is not the father.

But the position of those three people is the same as that of the father.

And I don't know when and where Yatsushiro and the others gave Shisui such an order.

Black suspense surged in Itachi's heart, contrary to the full paternal love he felt before.

Which side is the father on?

"Actually, there is no need to say that... I will report your situation to them with a little bit of deception. Don't worry."

Zhishui must also be suspected.

"But you must have been targeted by the radicals of the clan."

"I've made up my mind."

"It seems that such a strong momentum is still a little bit worse."

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