Uchiha Shisui said to Itachi with a smile.

"I already have the momentum you're talking about."

Shisui Uchiha looked up at the night sky above his head, and the moonlight emerged from the dark night.

"You have a firm belief that no matter what happens, you will not change your mind. In order to achieve your goals, no matter how powerful obstacles you encounter in front of you, you will not shrink back and face them bravely. Because of this, I can trust you so much, Itachi..."

Shisui Uchiha, who lowered his head, saw the front of Itachi behind Yue Que.

"I've decided to reveal my decision to you."

"What's your decision, Shisui."

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?"

Itachi nodded silently.

Tomorrow is the gathering day of the Uchiha clan.

last rally.

Father mentioned that this opportunity will determine important content such as the itinerary of the coup d'etat.

And I plan to confirm the opinions of the Uchiha clan at tomorrow's rally.

Consolidate the will of the uprising and the position among the people of the clan.

"If tomorrow's rally goes through the original plan...then we can't stop it anymore..."

"What are you going to do?"

"I plan to ambush in Nanhe Shrine tomorrow, and then attack your father."

Itachi's heart beat violently when he heard it.

"Don't worry, I won't kill Uncle Fuyue, I just let him fall into my illusion..."

"Did you use the Sharingan at that time?"


Shisui's eyes glowed red in the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the three Gouyu that appeared in the pupils slowly synthesized into a giant Gouyu.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan..."

This is the pupil technique that Itachi has been investigating.

In the literature of the Uchiha clan.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan only exists in legends.

In the description, it is mentioned that the ability of the kaleidoscope Sharingan is far superior to that of ordinary Sharingan.

And more than that, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan will produce different abilities according to the different qualities of the eye openers of the Uchiha clan.

"If you use this kaleidoscope Sharingan's pupil technique...to intimidate Uncle Fu Yue, then he won't have any chance to resist."

"What illusion are you going to use against my father?"

"When I opened these eyes, I got a pupil technique called "Bie Tian Shen"..."

"Don't God..."

Itachi muttered the word repeatedly to himself.

I felt an indescribably strange atmosphere.

"This ninjutsu can completely dominate the opponent's perception, attitude, and even thoughts. The dominated person doesn't feel it."

Uchiha Shisui explained the abilities of other gods to Itachi.

Whether or not the target of ninjutsu is conscious is determined by the intention of the performer.

When the opponent hits another god, he will fall into a suspicious spirit.

And then into a state of unconsciousness.

Or the second option.

Options manipulated by water stops.

The subject can feel it himself, but is in a state of being manipulated by Shisui bit by bit.

It was a hopeless sense of powerlessness.

It was as if someone had taken his place, and he himself had become the inner marionette.

This is called Bie Tianshen's pupil technique, which can make anyone who is seen by the caster turn into his puppets.

It is the most powerful illusion technique that cannot be compared with ordinary pupil techniques.

"The biggest advantage of this technique is that as the ability of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan grows, it can strengthen the ninjutsu's activation effect and prolong the activation time."

Uchiha Shisui added.

In the usual writing sharing eye pupil technique, it is necessary to have a certain degree of line-of-sight interlacing with the other party, which is a direct action before the flow of chakra can be performed.


Other gods can omit this process.

Just look the other person in the eye.

Even without looking at each other.

The flow of chakra can also be performed.

But if you do this, it will consume much more Chakra than ordinary Sharingan.

There is also when the opponent just fell into the pupil technique.

What will happen is also unknown.

"That is to say... When you look at the target, can you make the other party fall into this illusion?"


"You want to use other gods on my father?"

Uchiha Shisui nodded vigorously.

"As long as you use other gods on Uncle Fuyue, he will say the words to end the coup. And Uncle Fuyue himself can see what's in his heart."

"Don't you change the inner thoughts of the mastermind?"

"For this, I have some scruples because the other party is your father."

"Don't worry about that..."

If it is to prevent the coup d'état of the Uchiha clan, it is considered to be an act of changing his father's inner thoughts.

Weasel will agree.

Now the only way is to follow Shishui's method.

"Tomorrow's rally, Itachi, you don't want to be there."


"You are suspected by the radicals of the clan. If Uncle Fu Yue's attitude changes, you will be the first to be suspected. If you happen to appear at the rally, I don't know what they will do."

"Will they sneak up on me?"

It would be nice if that was the case.

Itachi thought so.

In order to avoid the outbreak of large-scale battles, small-scale battles cannot be avoided, and it is still necessary to make sacrifices in consideration of the overall situation.

"If you are really attacked, you can only fight."

"Eight generations and the others probably can't stand you anymore, but this kind of petty dispute won't stop such an important meeting."

"If father's attitude remains the same, maybe they will plan to use tough measures to make the rally go down."


Uchiha Shisui patted Itachi on the shoulder.

"If it goes well, we will be able to prevent the coup d'état and weaken the clan's coup d'état sentiment. And if Uncle Fu Yue is controlled, it will be the beginning of slowly increasing the Uchiha clan's anti-war companions."


"It will definitely be successful."

Itachi smiled confidently when he saw Shisui.

"I will come here to report the results of the rally to you. So you have to wait here until then. The next time we meet, it will be the time when the Uchiha clan is on the road to peace, and your strength will be needed after that... ....You, as an existence that surpasses everyone in the clan, will definitely be reused after that. So before that time comes, don't have any accidents and die, then... the clan's tomorrow will be I'll leave it to you, please, Itachi..."

"I'm sorry that I can't help you at such an important moment."

Itachi said, bowing his head deeply to Shisui.

I felt a strong force from the hands of a good friend on my shoulders.

"Itachi... from tomorrow, our battle will begin."

"I've already made up my mind."

Before Itachi left, he stopped, turned his head, and asked one last question.

"This technique...Don't be a god, did you use it to control Hinata Xiao?"

624. Uchiha Fugaku's Kaleidoscope Sharingan with pictures


After a moment of hesitation, Uchiha Shisui nodded.

Not that he didn't trust Itachi.

Rather, it involved other things.

"I used my own eyes to control that man...he is already my subordinate."

Speaking of which.

Uchiha Shisui's tone became a little heavy.

"Can you be sure?"

Itachi asked again.

He couldn't imagine that a man like Hinata Sho would be captured by Shisui's pupil technique.


Zhishui nodded.

Hinata Xiao did not know what means to investigate the matter of Danzo.

Through his father Uchiha Saotome, he conveyed the news that Danzo wanted to seize the other gods.

That is.

The control of other gods was very successful.

Even in places that he doesn't know, Hinata Xiao, a loyal subordinate, is working hard for himself.


At the same moment in the middle of the night.

Uchiha Fugaku received a message.

It was passed on by Hinata Xiao's subordinate, the female ninja wearing the silver mask.

"Uchiha Shisui is going to use a kaleidoscope to write sharing eyes, called the pupil technique of other gods, to prevent you from launching a coup, but before that, he may..."

Put down the scroll in your hand.

Uchiha Fugaku's face became ugly.

all the time.

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