Itachi Uchiha sat in the corridor of his house, staring ahead.

After opening the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

His body was being fed back by his pupil power, and he was rapidly becoming stronger.

One night time.

Itachi has a feeling.

Now he can even "easily" surpass Shisui without using Susanoo and other gods.

But the growing strength not only did not bring joy to Itachi.

Instead, it made him feel even more depressed.

this world.

As long as there are human beings, there will be countless disputes.

It's a world of ugly scrambles.

No one can escape this cage.

The death of a friend.

The opening of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

It's just like waking up from a dream, but entering another cycle of dreams.


Sasuke, who called his brother in a low voice, hid at the corner of the corridor, looking at his brother worriedly.


He saw his elder brother suddenly turn his head and found himself hiding in the corner.

"Sasuke, you and I are unique brothers in this world. I will exist as an obstacle you must overcome and continue to live in this world."

Uchiha Shisui's death changed some things.

Itachi expressed his determination to his younger brother.

"If you want to hate...then start by hating your brother, me. This is the so-called duty of a brother."


Sasuke blinked, a little timidly.

He didn't understand what his brother was talking about.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then, there was a man's roar.

"Is Itachi here?! Come out! We have something to talk to you!"

The roar of Uchiha Yatsushiro resounded in the courtyard.


Itachi stood up silently and went to meet him.

Eight generations of Uchiha.

Uchiha rice fire.

There is also Uchiha Tiehuo leaning on the door frame with his body crooked.

The father's henchmen, and the leading trio of... Radicals.

"Everyone came in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

Itachi asked in a calm voice under the oppressive gaze of the three men.

The long-haired Inahura spoke first.

"Yesterday...two people didn't come to the rally!"

Itachi saw him with a hostile gaze.

"Why didn't you go to the rally?"

There were two people who did not go to the rally.

Only myself and Shisui...

These three people may have known about Zhishui's death.

Well now.

They just want to hear the reason why they didn't go to the rally.

In fact, their oblique approach is a waste of time.

Inahura stared at Itachi who said nothing and continued.

"Since you entered Anbu, you have become very strange, and the captain has been using various excuses to excuse you!"

Speaking of which.

Eight generations took the words.

"But from our point of view, we don't think it's necessary to give you special treatment!"

Yashiro's arrogant tone showed his position, above Itachi.

The previous series of words are just to emphasize such existence...


Itachi stared at the three of them, and had such thoughts in his heart.

Narrow trio.

A narrow family.

"I see... Then I will pay attention to it in the future, and it's about time for you guys to go back..."

After listening to Itachi's indifferent words.

The anger of the three reached its peak in an instant.

"Last night! Uchiha Shisui committed suicide in Nangachuan!"

"Is that so... I don't seem to have seen him much recently, what a pity."

Itachi held back his emotions and still spoke in a calm tone.

"Then... our police department will search with all our strength until we find out the truth of the matter!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro took out a piece of paper.

Handed it to Itachi.

"This is Uchiha Shisui's suicide note. The handwriting has been identified, and it is his own handwriting. But..."

Uchiha Yatsushiro changed the subject and stared at Itachi viciously.

"If you are the owner of Sharingan, you can easily copy handwriting..."

634. Hinata Xiao: Take Care of Your Son

same moment.

Konoha's underground base.

Hinata Akira and Uchiha Fugaku met.

Uchiha Saotome is still searching for his son's body, and it is unknown what the outcome will be.

"I didn't expect... Shimura Danzo actually made a move against Uchiha Shisui..."

Just as Hinata Xiao had warned Uchiha Fugaku before.

Everything happened as it happened.

It's a crime to conceive Bi.

Uchiha Fugaku, who is older and more psychologically mature, can understand this better.

All these years, he has been hiding his Sharingan.

The purpose is to prevent being feared by the village's senior management.

To Uchiha Fugaku's embarrassment is...

Uchiha Shisui hides the kaleidoscope in front of the clan.

But he showed those eyes to the high-level Konoha.

The fact that Uchiha Shisui betrayed the Uchiha clan is already a firm fact.

But even so.

A Uchiha died at the hands of Konoha's senior management.

In short, Uchiha Fugaku was disappointed.

The idea of ​​a coup has become more solid.

"Uchiha Shisui's eyes..."

"Here I am."

Everything was just like the secret meeting that night.

Hinata Xiao recovered Uchiha Shisui's eyes and prepared to use them as a spare.

Of course, not for your own use.

"Your son, after hearing about Uchiha Shisui's death, opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Hinata Xiao said to Uchiha Fugaku.


Hearing this news, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes widened a little.

"Is it......"

Is this good news?

Probably...not counting.

"Your son has a high probability of having the same heart as Uchiha Shisui."

After saying this, Hinata Xiao saw off the guests.

The warning is fairly obvious.

If Uchiha Fuyue can't be optimistic about his son.

By the time......

Uchiha Itachi died or something, don't say he didn't say hello in advance.

Hinata Xiao's killing intent.

Perceived by Uchiha Fugaku.


10 minutes later...

Uchiha Fuyue's family.

"You'd better not play tricks."

Before the three Uchiha Yatsushiro left, they turned around and said viciously to Uchiha Itachi.

"If there is any suspicion of destroying evidence, we will know immediately!"


Itachi gripped the forged suicide note tightly.

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