"It's better to point it out directly."

Itachi raised his head.

The three people who walked to the door also stopped.

When you turn your head.

There was a dim red light in the eyes of the three of them.

Murderous aura... permeated among the four.

"You're just doubting me."

Itachi's eyes were stained scarlet.

"Ah... yes, you brat!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro gritted his teeth and said.

"Listen up, Itachi! If you really dare to betray the clan, then... you are finished!"


Itachi's body moved one step ahead of words and thoughts.

First, it kicked toward Yatsushiro's throat.

Then he hit Daohuo's face with both hands.

At the same time, he elbowed Tiehuo's chest.

Back and forth a few times, the Uchiha clan, the elite of the three elites, was knocked to the ground in an instant.

Indisputably powerful.

Completely surpassed Uchiha Shisui, surpassed him in Taijutsu.

Among the three lying twisted and twisted.

Itachi stood quietly.

"I seem to have said it just now...Just judge others with your own subjective imagination...It's not good..."

The three people who were hit in the vital part couldn't move at all except trembling.

"Because of my constant tolerance, you mistakenly think that I am a weak man who wants to push forward...I said it just now. It's better not to judge a person just by appearance and impression. It's all your fault that you think I'm He is calm and makes judgments. He thinks that I don’t admit it and do it easily, and the whole family keeps shouting because you have misjudged my strength... I don’t know how deep my strength is, and now you but lying here..."

Uchiha Inahina shook slightly, and barely raised his head to stare at Itachi.

"One family... One family... I really missed the talents of you guys...Because I didn't know my size, this scene happened now."

Uchiha Yatsushiro struggled to get up from the ground, looked at Itachi over his shoulder and said.

"Zhishui...has been watching you lately...your strange words and deeds have become more and more unbearable recently, you guy...what are you planning?! "

"The attachment to the organization, the attachment to the clan, the attachment to the reputation...these are constantly restricting myself, making myself constantly hate and blame the talents I have...and then continue to fear To hate...to turn a blind eye to the strange...how stupid it is!"

Father Uchiha Fugaku became the target of public criticism.

He ordered Shisui to do these dirty things.

How stupid of them to run it all behind the scenes.

These guys don't deserve to live in this world at all.

If these three people representing the vanguard of the radicals die.

Then the momentum of the stupid conspiracy will be weakened a lot.

go to hell......

"Stop it, Itachi!"

Itachi's actions were interrupted by a cry from behind.

After stopping, itachi saw his father standing there in surprise.

"Stop it...! Look what you did?!"

Father ignored the three who fell to the ground.

Instead, he walked straight towards Itachi.

"Itachi! You've...been weird lately!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his son with a sad face.


Just like that man Hinata Xiao said.

His own son inherited Uchiha Shisui's legacy.

Could it be.

Is he going down the road of self-destruction too?

"Nothing surprising..."

Itachi, who couldn't see his father's Sharingan, lowered his head and said.

"I just did what I was supposed to do...that's all..."

"Why didn't you come to the rally last night?!"

said the father.

"In order to reach a higher level..."

"What do you mean by that?"

Of course, it is to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Such words cannot be uttered.

Although you can't say that.

But the current situation makes Itachi feel angry.

He held Kunai tightly in his hand.

Without moving his eyes, he cast the Kunai in his hand on the wall on the right.



Kunai was precisely inserted on the fence depicting the Uchiha clan's family emblem.


Uchiha Fugaku suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"I... am completely disappointed in this extremely stupid family."

Itachi lowered his head and said.

For such a group of stupid guys, Zhishui chose death after making a mortal effort.


Is this group of people really necessary to be saved?

Itachi doesn't understand.

"Because I am only obsessed with such a small aspect as a family, but lost the really important aspect."

Such as the village and peace.

Is this something more important than the grief and indignation of the people of a clan?

"What really changes cannot be restricted by rules...nor can it rely on hunches and imaginations."

I gave up communicating with the people in the village.

Give up to see a bigger world.

Just blindly living in a family cage constructed by oneself.

Protect this small world.

But the father and the others didn't see this.

"It's extremely arrogant!!"

The father lamented his son's extremely arrogant attitude in front of his eyes.


Itachi was surprised to see that his father had a completely different point of view from his own.

Sure enough... I and they couldn't understand each other in this life.

if it is like this......

An ominous premonition of the future gradually emerged in Itachi's mind.

"Enough! If you talk nonsense here again, I will arrest you!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro struggled to stand up, looked at Itachi and said.


A long memory flashed in Itachi's mind.

It was the first day of class at the ninja school.

Speak in front of everyone and read out your dreams.

"I want to make this world free from war and become a better ninja than everyone else."

At that point, no one in the classroom thought it was bullshit.

Now Itachi is working hard towards that dream.

Let there be no more wars in this world.

It doesn't matter whether it's ridiculed or considered nonsense.

Itachi will work hard for this dream alone.

The son's distress was not passed on to the father.

The three stood up supporting each other.

Standing in front of Itachi.

"So what should we do next?"

Uchiha Inahide said.

"This situation is absolutely unforgivable! Captain, issue an arrest order!"

It looks...he's about to be arrested here.

Now, in front of Itachi are the four masterminds of the coup d'état.

Things have come to this, Itachi had no choice but to make up his mind to resist.

Even if it's a father...

Just kill them all.

"Brother! Please stop!"

Sasuke's voice resounded through the door.

When no one notices...

Sasuke was already standing there with a worried expression on his face.


An eerie silence spread.


Because of my brother's voice.

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