When Kakashi is able to freely open and close Sharingan with the help of Mutun cells...

Hinata Xiao will transplant the second one for him.

Now...not yet.

"Lion Ball~~~!"

On the other side, Fenghua Xiaoxue has already started filming.

"Shishimaru! You have to cheer up!"

She knelt on the ground, in front of the supporting actor who was pretending to be dying.

The crew built a simple scene on the boat, facing the sunset, and filmed the scene of the character Shishimaru Bento.

"His Royal Highness...I am so ashamed for not being able to wish you a helping hand...."

The seriously injured tone and demeanor are lifelike.

Worthy of being a professional actor.

When Obito Uchiha died, it wasn't so real.

"What are you talking about? It is because of you that we can muster great courage!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue said sadly.

"your Highness......"

Shishimaru raised his head tremblingly, with a reluctant expression on his face.

"I really want to go to the end of the world with you...Ah!"

Shishimaru snorted softly, and his head hit the deck again, and there was no more sound.

"Lion Ball!!!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue's painful call spread throughout the sea...

"Excellent acting skills..."

Uchiha Izumi stared at this scene and praised.

Everyone also nodded.

"It's completely different from reality~"

After finishing the one-handed push-ups, Kakashi scratched his silver hair and sighed.

"That's Her Royal Highness."

The third wife said.

"Once in front of the camera, no one can act like it."

"Woo~ woo..."

Fenghua Xiaoxue sobbed and sobbed, her sad expression infected everyone, and then——

"Hi hi! Wait a minute."

She waved to everyone in the crew.


Everyone fell to the ground.

"What happened again~ Hey!!!"

The supervisor showed a bitter expression, this was not the first time.

Even the dead Shishimaru actor reopened his eyes and smiled wryly.

"The third wife."

Fenghua Xiaoxue waved to the manager.

"Bring me my eye drops~eye drops~~."


The third husband immediately took out the eye drops from his bag and ran over quickly, then squeezed the eye drops into Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes.

"Is it okay?"

"It's going to flow! It's going to flow! Come on...! Come on...! Ah...!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue greeted with her head up and her face up.

"It's really impossible!"

The grizzled director complained.

"Everyone on your marks, get ready."


"Act 5, Paragraph 6, Shot 3, ACTION!!!"


A black and white slate was laid in front of the camera, and a new shoot began.


Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart-piercing cries resounded again.

Then, poor Shishimaru died again.

Izumi Uchiha: "..."

648. Snow Hidden Ninja: Spike Avalanche, Crane Wing Blowing Snow, Winter Bear Freezing Rain

Snow Country in a week.

early in the morning.

When everyone got up together, they found that the sky had completely changed.

The sky, which was originally thousands of miles clear, was now stained with a layer of blue and black.

The sun is completely gone.

Even the climate... has gone below freezing.

Frozen seas, floating ice, and...

"this is......"

Everyone stared at the huge Iceland that suddenly appeared.

The iceberg in the center stood upright, directly blocking the way of the ship.

"When I woke up in the morning, I found that the road ahead was blocked..."

the supervisor complained.

"What should I do, director?"


The director stared for a moment.

"That's it! Change the script, this is a great location! Don't let it slip from our camera!"

The director clenched his fists.

"This is given to us by the God of Movies... Everyone is ready to land!!"


Surrounded by the crowd.

Fenghua Xiaoxue set foot on the iceberg island that suddenly appeared.


Uchiha Izumi glanced at Hinata Sho.

All night, Hyuga Sho stood at the bow of the ship without resting.

Even if it was by boat, Hinata Sho did not slack off in her cultivation for a moment.

"There are enemies ambushing ahead, Quan, prepare for battle."


Without the slightest hesitation, Izumi Uchiha responded immediately.

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan can see through any disguise.

On this iceberg island at the foot, there are three hidden figures.


It must be the ninja of Snow Hidden Village in the Snow Country.

Wait until the time to log in.

Hinata Akari got out of a car.

The specific principle is very similar to that of the previous life.

Hinata Xiao took control of it a few times and was completely familiar with it.

I saw Akira Hinata skillfully driving the car to land.

Everyone's eyes were dumbfounded.

"Ninja's learning ability is extremely strong, and the mastery and use of various tools are better than ordinary people."

Hinata Shoto explained with a blank expression.

It's easy to fool these ordinary people.


Wait until Hyuga Xiao turns off the fire and stops.

Full of admiration.

This world...is really strange.

It is too similar to too many things in the previous life.

"Sure enough...is this the world of manga..."

Hinata Xiao had a premonition.

If one's own Dao can reach 70%.

It will definitely unlock more memories.

Because it is the world of manga.

So everything is created based on the will of human beings, so it is so similar to the things on the earth.

Including the car I was driving.

This was purchased a day ago on a small island on the border of the Snow Country.

There are several other ships on board, which are used instead of walking in the Snow Country.

This dump truck has the peripheral style of the personnel carrier during World War II.

Square and square.

There is a shed in the back.

Only the wheels look like sled tracks.

As long as you turn on the horsepower, you can move forward quickly.

Coupled with the objects being carried, it has a great impact and is very suitable for hitting people.

previous life.

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