The scene of the car accident reported by countless news is enough to reflect the power of the dump truck.

Hinata Shoji shook the steering wheel and restarted the ignition.

Next, wait for those guys from Snow Country to come out.

And at this moment.

Everyone ignored Hinata Xiao who was about to hit someone with his car.

Instead, focus on shooting.

"Start shooting!"

The director sitting in the director's chair is holding a red loudspeaker in his hand.

"Act 36...Paragraph 22...Begin!"


With the laying of the clapperboard.

The intense filming work started.

Kakashi watched the scene with interest.

Uchiha Izumi put one hand on the short blade handle at his waist because of Hinata Xiao's reminder.

Always be ready to fight.

"Hahaha!! You are finally here...Princess Fengyun!"

The actor who played the devil, in costume, holding a staff, let out a villainous laugh.

"You are...the Demon King?!"

Princess Fengyun pulled out the blade.

Several supporting actors also acted defensively.

Their movements and demeanor are impeccable.

It was as if the real Princess Fengyun had met the evil Demon King.

in other words.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was a bereaved daughter just a moment ago, immediately transformed into a professional.

"His Royal Highness... Please step back first, let us deal with him!"


The Demon King actor snorted coldly.

"No matter how many fish, insects and ants come, they are not my opponent..."

Then, he pointed.

Pointing to Fenghua Xiaoxue.


At the same time, a powerful shout came out of his mouth.

The various techniques that follow require post-processing and special effects.


This scene looks a little funny.

It seems to be fighting wits with the air.

But the next moment, the iceberg behind the Demon King actor exploded.

"what's the situation?!"

Everyone looked at the icy mist that filled the mountain in bewilderment.

In a puff of smoke...

A man appeared.

"Welcome to the Land of Snow..."

Tall and well-proportioned.

The center of the brow without the brows... with two points.

People can't help but think of the Kaguya clan in Wuyin Village...

Or... the Silver Saint.

A gray and white self-cultivating ninja suit, showing the characteristics of Xueyin Village.

A hat covering the ears and forehead, sewn with the ninja forehead of Snow Hidden Village - which looks like a pattern of four star points.

And even more impressive...

It is the armor worn by the opponent.

"That is... the "Chakra Armor" of Snow Country..."

Hinata Xiao, who was sitting in the car with the steering wheel in his hand, recognized the suit of armor.

next moment.

Shoto Hinata started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and without anyone noticing...

Along the edge of Iceland, climb the mountains.

"You are......"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Spike Fang Avalanche!"

Back then, Yukikage Murakami Shinobu, who betrayed the famous name of the Snow Country, Fuka Zayuki, helped the Fenghua Raging Wave.

It is also a powerful elite enemy who easily defeated Kakashi, so that the young Kakashi could only escape!

"Congratulations here... Little Snow Princess..."

same moment.

Two figures also appeared on the other two sharp mountain ranges.

They are the same as Wolf Fang Avalanche, there are two points between the eyebrows without eyebrows.

"Hexagonal crystal... I wonder if you brought it?"

One left and one right.

The female ninja named Fubuki Tsuruba has pink hair and a sexy and enchanting figure.

She was dressed in a ninja costume from Xueyin Village, which further set off her tight figure.

Out of proportion to that petite body is... a pair of huge front armor.

The man's name is Winter Bear Freezing Rain.

The body is stronger, just like a bear.

At the same time, it is also the ninja with the largest and heaviest armor coverage.

"Hahaha... As expected of Hatake Kakashi, we seem to have to stop here."

Whether it's an avalanche of fangs, blowing snow with crane wings, or freezing rain with a winter bear.

The three of them were actually joking.

The seemingly serious words are also full of sarcasm.


Under the pursuit of the ninjas in Hidden Snow Village, Kakashi pissed off.

The other party praised Kakashi, obviously sarcastic.

It can be said......

Old hermaphrodite.

"Everyone... step back!"

Kakashi waved his hand.

"Uchiha Izumi, you are in charge of protecting Yukihime... Hey!"

Kakashi didn't finish his sentence.

Uchiha Izumi rushed straight up.

Who are you... You are the one who was attacked by my master in seconds, and you still come to command me?

649. Hinata Xiao, He Drove Down in a Dump Truck

"Blowing Snow, Freezing Rain... I will leave this little girl and Little Snow Princess to you..."

After Spike Avalanche finished speaking, he jumped off the sharp icicle and faced his former defeated opponent - Hatake Kakashi.

"The dentition dentition..."

Tsuruba Fubuki smiled indifferently, then turned his gaze to Izumi Uchiha.

"Long time no see, Kakashi."


Spike Avalanche came in front of Kakashi.

"Aren't you running away this time? Just like last time."

The enemy looked at Kakashi with a half-smile, full of yin and yang.


Kakashi, who was exposed, lowered his face.

next moment.

The two moved at the same time.

Straight punches, kicks, the two kept fighting at various places, and they didn't miss every attack when they jumped.

Finally, they rushed all the way to the top of the glacier.

The actors retreated quickly and leaned towards the boat on the shore.

Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't move at all, it seemed that it was difficult to move because of the psychological shadow of the past.

Looking at Uchiha Izumi who rushed over.

Dongxiong Dongyu put down the skateboard on his back and stepped on it with both feet.

The whole person slid out countless snow.

Carrying that huge body on its back, it charged at an astonishing speed!

Chi Chi Chi! !

Izumi Uchiha shook out three Kunnai in the shape of a character.

clang! clang! clang! !

When Kunai was near the freezing rain of the winter bear.

There was a lavender gleam all over him.

Inspired by the Chakra armor, the invisible Chakra shield blocks Kunai.

next second.

Izumi Uchiha jumped into the air, and touched the ninja bag with his hand.

The folded shuriken unfolded, forming a four-bladed "Fuma Shuriken".

With the accumulation of power, the projectile with a diameter of more than half a meter attacked the opponent again.

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